178 lines
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178 lines
6.2 KiB
"config": {
"flow_title": "Gateway: {gateway_id}",
"step": {
"user": {
"description": "Select your server. The Overkiz platform is used by various vendors like Somfy (Connexoon / TaHoma), Hitachi (Hi Kumo) and Atlantic (Cozytouch).",
"data": {
"hub": "Server"
"data_description": {
"hub": "Select the mobile app that you use to control your devices."
"local_or_cloud": {
"description": "Choose how you want to connect to your gateway.",
"data": {
"api_type": "API type"
"data_description": {
"api_type": "Local API is only supported by TaHoma Connexoon, TaHoma v2, and TaHoma Switch. Climate devices and scenarios are **not** available via the local API."
"cloud": {
"description": "Enter your application credentials.",
"data": {
"username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]",
"password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]"
"data_description": {
"username": "The username of your cloud account (app).",
"password": "The password of your cloud account (app)."
"local": {
"description": "By activating the [Developer Mode of your TaHoma box](https://github.com/Somfy-Developer/Somfy-TaHoma-Developer-Mode#getting-started), you can authorize third-party software (like Home Assistant) to connect to it via your local network.\n\nAfter activation, enter your application credentials and change the host to include your Gateway PIN or enter the IP address of your gateway.",
"data": {
"host": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::host%]",
"username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]",
"password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]",
"verify_ssl": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::verify_ssl%]"
"data_description": {
"host": "The hostname or IP address of your Overkiz hub.",
"username": "The username of your cloud account (app).",
"password": "The password of your cloud account (app).",
"verify_ssl": "Verify the SSL certificate. Select this only if you are connecting via the hostname."
"error": {
"cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]",
"certificate_verify_failed": "Cannot connect to host, certificate verify failed.",
"developer_mode_disabled": "Developer Mode disabled. Activate the Developer Mode of your Somfy TaHoma box first.",
"invalid_auth": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::invalid_auth%]",
"no_such_token": "Cannot create a token for this gateway. Please confirm if the account is linked to this gateway.",
"server_in_maintenance": "Server is down for maintenance",
"too_many_attempts": "Too many attempts with an invalid token, temporarily banned",
"too_many_requests": "Too many requests, try again later",
"unknown": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::unknown%]",
"unsupported_hardware": "Your {unsupported_device} hardware is not supported by this integration."
"abort": {
"already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_account%]",
"reauth_successful": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::reauth_successful%]",
"reauth_wrong_account": "You can only reauthenticate this entry with the same Overkiz account and hub"
"entity": {
"climate": {
"overkiz": {
"state_attributes": {
"preset_mode": {
"state": {
"auto": "Auto",
"comfort-1": "Comfort 1",
"comfort-2": "Comfort 2",
"drying": "Drying",
"external": "External",
"freeze": "Freeze",
"frost_protection": "Frost protection",
"manual": "Manual",
"night": "Night",
"prog": "Prog"
"fan_mode": {
"state": {
"away": "[%key:common::state::not_home%]",
"bypass_boost": "Bypass boost",
"home_boost": "Home boost",
"kitchen_boost": "Kitchen boost"
"select": {
"open_closed_pedestrian": {
"state": {
"open": "[%key:common::state::open%]",
"pedestrian": "Pedestrian",
"closed": "[%key:common::state::closed%]"
"open_closed_partial": {
"state": {
"open": "[%key:common::state::open%]",
"partial": "Partial",
"closed": "[%key:common::state::closed%]"
"memorized_simple_volume": {
"state": {
"highest": "Highest",
"standard": "Standard"
"sensor": {
"battery": {
"state": {
"full": "Full",
"low": "Low",
"normal": "Normal",
"medium": "Medium",
"verylow": "Very low"
"discrete_rssi_level": {
"state": {
"good": "Good",
"low": "Low",
"normal": "Normal",
"verylow": "Very low"
"priority_lock_originator": {
"state": {
"lsc": "LSC",
"saac": "SAAC",
"sfc": "SFC",
"ups": "UPS",
"external_gateway": "External gateway",
"local_user": "Local user",
"myself": "Myself",
"rain": "Rain",
"security": "Security",
"temperature": "Temperature",
"timer": "Timer",
"user": "User",
"wind": "Wind"
"sensor_room": {
"state": {
"clean": "Clean",
"dirty": "Dirty"
"sensor_defect": {
"state": {
"dead": "Dead",
"low_battery": "Low battery",
"maintenance_required": "Maintenance required",
"no_defect": "No defect"
"three_way_handle_direction": {
"state": {
"closed": "[%key:common::state::closed%]",
"open": "[%key:common::state::open%]",
"tilt": "Tilt"