
130 lines
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# Bronze
action-setup: done
appropriate-polling: done
brands: done
common-modules: done
config-flow-test-coverage: done
config-flow: done
dependency-transparency: done
docs-actions: done
docs-high-level-description: done
docs-installation-instructions: done
docs-removal-instructions: done
status: done
comment: >
Entities are updated through dispatchers, and these are
cleaned up when the integration unloads.
status: exempt
comment: >
This is user configurable, but not required.
It is required though when a user wants to use device based discovery.
has-entity-name: done
status: exempt
comment: >
Runtime data is not used, as the mqtt entry data is only used to set up the
MQTT broker, this happens during integration setup,
and only one config entry is allowed.
test-before-configure: done
status: exempt
comment: >
We choose to early exit the entry as it can take some time for the client
to connect. Waiting for the client would increase the overall setup time.
unique-config-entry: done
# Silver
config-entry-unloading: done
log-when-unavailable: done
status: done
comment: |
Only supported for entities the user has assigned a unique_id.
action-exceptions: done
reauthentication-flow: done
parallel-updates: done
test-coverage: done
integration-owner: done
docs-installation-parameters: done
docs-configuration-parameters: done
# Gold
status: exempt
comment: >
This is not possible because the integrations generates entities
based on a user supplied config or discovery.
status: done
comment: An entity device class can be configured by the user for each entity.
status: done
comment: >
A device context can be configured by the user for each entity.
It is not required though, except when using device based discovery.
status: done
comment: An entity category can be configured by the user for each entity.
status: done
comment: >
The user can configure this through YAML or discover
entities that are disabled by default.
status: done
comment: >
When the Mosquitto MQTT broker add on is installed,
a MQTT config flow allows an automatic setup from its discovered settings.
status: exempt
comment: >
This is is only supported for entities that are configured through MQTT discovery.
Users must manually cleanup stale entities that were set up though YAML.
diagnostics: done
exception-translations: done
status: exempt
comment: >
This is not possible because the integrations generates entities
based on a user supplied config or discovery.
reconfiguration-flow: done
status: done
comment: |
MQTT allow to dynamically create and remove devices through MQTT discovery.
status: done
comment: >
If the Mosquitto broker add-on is used to set up MQTT from discovery,
and the broker add-on is re-installed,
MQTT will automatically update from the new brokers credentials.
status: done
comment: >
This integration uses repair-issues when entities are set up through YAML.
To avoid user panic, discovery deprecation issues are logged only.
It is the responsibility of the maintainer or the service or device to
correct the discovery messages. Extra options are allowed
in MQTT messages to avoid breaking issues.
docs-use-cases: done
docs-supported-devices: done
docs-supported-functions: done
docs-data-update: done
docs-known-limitations: done
docs-troubleshooting: done
docs-examples: done
# Platinum
async-dependency: done
status: exempt
comment: |
This integration does not use web sessions.
status: done
comment: >
Typing for 'paho-mqtt==1.6.1' supported via 'types-paho-mqtt=='