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"""PG LAB Electronics integration."""
from __future__ import annotations
from pypglab.mqtt import (
Client as PyPGLabMqttClient,
Sub_State as PyPGLabSubState,
Subcribe_CallBack as PyPGLabSubscribeCallBack,
from homeassistant.components import mqtt
from homeassistant.components.mqtt import (
from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback
from homeassistant.exceptions import ConfigEntryNotReady
from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv
from .const import DOMAIN, LOGGER
from .discovery import PGLabDiscovery
type PGLABConfigEntry = ConfigEntry[PGLabDiscovery]
CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.config_entry_only_config_schema(DOMAIN)
async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: PGLABConfigEntry) -> bool:
"""Set up PG LAB Electronics integration from a config entry."""
async def mqtt_publish(topic: str, payload: str, qos: int, retain: bool) -> None:
"""Publish an MQTT message using the Home Assistant MQTT client."""
await mqtt.async_publish(hass, topic, payload, qos, retain)
async def mqtt_subscribe(
sub_state: PyPGLabSubState, topic: str, callback_func: PyPGLabSubscribeCallBack
) -> PyPGLabSubState:
"""Subscribe to MQTT topics using the Home Assistant MQTT client."""
def mqtt_message_received(msg: ReceiveMessage) -> None:
"""Handle PGLab mqtt messages."""
callback_func(msg.topic, msg.payload)
topics = {
"pglab_subscribe_topic": {
"topic": topic,
"msg_callback": mqtt_message_received,
sub_state = async_prepare_subscribe_topics(hass, sub_state, topics)
await async_subscribe_topics(hass, sub_state)
return sub_state
async def mqtt_unsubscribe(sub_state: PyPGLabSubState) -> None:
async_unsubscribe_topics(hass, sub_state)
if not await mqtt.async_wait_for_mqtt_client(hass):
LOGGER.error("MQTT integration not available")
raise ConfigEntryNotReady("MQTT integration not available")
# Create an MQTT client for PGLab used for PGLab python module.
pglab_mqtt = PyPGLabMqttClient(mqtt_publish, mqtt_subscribe, mqtt_unsubscribe)
# Setup PGLab device discovery.
entry.runtime_data = PGLabDiscovery()
# Start to discovery PG Lab devices.
await entry.runtime_data.start(hass, pglab_mqtt, entry)
return True
async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: PGLABConfigEntry) -> bool:
"""Unload a config entry."""
# Stop PGLab device discovery.
pglab_discovery = entry.runtime_data
await pglab_discovery.stop(hass, entry)
return True