108 lines
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108 lines
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"""A helper module for customization."""
import collections
from typing import Any, Dict, List
import fnmatch
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.const import CONF_ENTITY_ID
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, split_entity_id
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
_OVERWRITE_KEY_FORMAT = '{}.overwrite'
_OVERWRITE_CACHE_KEY_FORMAT = '{}.overwrite_cache'
vol.Required(CONF_ENTITY_ID): vol.All(
cv.ensure_list_csv, vol.Length(min=1), [vol.Schema(str)], [vol.Lower])
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)
def _convert_old_config(inp: Any) -> List:
if not isinstance(inp, dict):
return cv.ensure_list(inp)
if CONF_ENTITY_ID in inp:
return [inp] # sigle entry
res = []
inp = vol.Schema({cv.match_all: dict})(inp)
for key, val in inp.items():
val = dict(val)
val[CONF_ENTITY_ID] = key
return res
CUSTOMIZE_SCHEMA = vol.All(_convert_old_config, [_CUSTOMIZE_SCHEMA_ENTRY])
def set_customize(
hass: HomeAssistant, domain: str, customize: List[Dict]) -> None:
"""Overwrite all current customize settings.
Async friendly.
hass.data[_OVERWRITE_KEY_FORMAT.format(domain)] = customize
hass.data[_OVERWRITE_CACHE_KEY_FORMAT.format(domain)] = {}
def get_overrides(hass: HomeAssistant, domain: str, entity_id: str) -> Dict:
"""Return a dictionary of overrides related to entity_id.
Whole-domain overrides are of lowest priorities,
then glob on entity ID, and finally exact entity_id
matches are of highest priority.
The lookups are cached.
cache_key = _OVERWRITE_CACHE_KEY_FORMAT.format(domain)
if cache_key in hass.data and entity_id in hass.data[cache_key]:
return hass.data[cache_key][entity_id]
overwrite_key = _OVERWRITE_KEY_FORMAT.format(domain)
if overwrite_key not in hass.data:
return {}
domain_result = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
glob_result = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
exact_result = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
domain = split_entity_id(entity_id)[0]
def clean_entry(entry: Dict) -> Dict:
"""Clean up entity-matching keys."""
entry.pop(CONF_ENTITY_ID, None)
return entry
def deep_update(target: Dict, source: Dict) -> None:
"""Deep update a dictionary."""
for key, value in source.items():
if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping):
updated_value = target.get(key, {})
# If the new value is map, but the old value is not -
# overwrite the old value.
if not isinstance(updated_value, collections.Mapping):
updated_value = {}
deep_update(updated_value, value)
target[key] = updated_value
target[key] = source[key]
for rule in hass.data[overwrite_key]:
if CONF_ENTITY_ID in rule:
entities = rule[CONF_ENTITY_ID]
if domain in entities:
deep_update(domain_result, rule)
if entity_id in entities:
deep_update(exact_result, rule)
for entity_id_glob in entities:
if entity_id_glob == entity_id:
if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(entity_id, entity_id_glob):
deep_update(glob_result, rule)
result = {}
deep_update(result, clean_entry(domain_result))
deep_update(result, clean_entry(glob_result))
deep_update(result, clean_entry(exact_result))
if cache_key not in hass.data:
hass.data[cache_key] = {}
hass.data[cache_key][entity_id] = result
return result