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"""Provide functionality to stream video source.
Components use create_stream with a stream source (e.g. an rtsp url) to create
a new Stream object. Stream manages:
- Background work to fetch and decode a stream
- Desired output formats
- Home Assistant URLs for viewing a stream
- Access tokens for URLs for viewing a stream
A Stream consists of a background worker, and one or more output formats each
with their own idle timeout managed by the stream component. When an output
format is no longer in use, the stream component will expire it. When there
are no active output formats, the background worker is shut down and access
tokens are expired. Alternatively, a Stream can be configured with keepalive
to always keep workers active.
from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Mapping
import logging
import re
import secrets
import threading
import time
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import cast
from homeassistant.const import EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP
from homeassistant.core import Event, HomeAssistant, callback
from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError
from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType
from .const import (
from .core import PROVIDERS, IdleTimer, StreamOutput
from .hls import async_setup_hls
from .recorder import RecorderOutput
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
STREAM_SOURCE_RE = re.compile("//.*:.*@")
def redact_credentials(data: str) -> str:
"""Redact credentials from string data."""
return STREAM_SOURCE_RE.sub("//****:****@", data)
def create_stream(
hass: HomeAssistant, stream_source: str, options: dict[str, str]
) -> Stream:
"""Create a stream with the specified identfier based on the source url.
The stream_source is typically an rtsp url and options are passed into
pyav / ffmpeg as options.
if DOMAIN not in hass.config.components:
raise HomeAssistantError("Stream integration is not set up.")
# For RTSP streams, prefer TCP
if isinstance(stream_source, str) and stream_source[:7] == "rtsp://":
options = {
"rtsp_flags": "prefer_tcp",
"stimeout": "5000000",
stream = Stream(hass, stream_source, options=options)
return stream
async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool:
"""Set up stream."""
# Set log level to error for libav
# Keep import here so that we can import stream integration without installing reqs
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from .recorder import async_setup_recorder
hass.data[DOMAIN] = {}
hass.data[DOMAIN][ATTR_ENDPOINTS] = {}
hass.data[DOMAIN][ATTR_STREAMS] = []
# Setup HLS
hls_endpoint = async_setup_hls(hass)
hass.data[DOMAIN][ATTR_ENDPOINTS][HLS_PROVIDER] = hls_endpoint
# Setup Recorder
def shutdown(event: Event) -> None:
"""Stop all stream workers."""
for stream in hass.data[DOMAIN][ATTR_STREAMS]:
stream.keepalive = False
_LOGGER.info("Stopped stream workers")
hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, shutdown)
return True
class Stream:
"""Represents a single stream."""
def __init__(
self, hass: HomeAssistant, source: str, options: dict[str, str]
) -> None:
"""Initialize a stream."""
self.hass = hass
self.source = source
self.options = options
self.keepalive = False
self.access_token: str | None = None
self._thread: threading.Thread | None = None
self._thread_quit = threading.Event()
self._outputs: dict[str, StreamOutput] = {}
self._fast_restart_once = False
def endpoint_url(self, fmt: str) -> str:
"""Start the stream and returns a url for the output format."""
if fmt not in self._outputs:
raise ValueError(f"Stream is not configured for format '{fmt}'")
if not self.access_token:
self.access_token = secrets.token_hex()
endpoint_fmt: str = self.hass.data[DOMAIN][ATTR_ENDPOINTS][fmt]
return endpoint_fmt.format(self.access_token)
def outputs(self) -> Mapping[str, StreamOutput]:
"""Return a copy of the stream outputs."""
# A copy is returned so the caller can iterate through the outputs
# without concern about self._outputs being modified from another thread.
return MappingProxyType(self._outputs.copy())
def add_provider(
self, fmt: str, timeout: int = OUTPUT_IDLE_TIMEOUT
) -> StreamOutput:
"""Add provider output stream."""
if not self._outputs.get(fmt):
def idle_callback() -> None:
if (
not self.keepalive or fmt == RECORDER_PROVIDER
) and fmt in self._outputs:
provider = PROVIDERS[fmt](
self.hass, IdleTimer(self.hass, timeout, idle_callback)
self._outputs[fmt] = provider
return self._outputs[fmt]
def remove_provider(self, provider: StreamOutput) -> None:
"""Remove provider output stream."""
if provider.name in self._outputs:
del self._outputs[provider.name]
if not self._outputs:
def check_idle(self) -> None:
"""Reset access token if all providers are idle."""
if all(p.idle for p in self._outputs.values()):
self.access_token = None
def start(self) -> None:
"""Start a stream."""
if self._thread is None or not self._thread.is_alive():
if self._thread is not None:
# The thread must have crashed/exited. Join to clean up the
# previous thread.
self._thread = threading.Thread(
_LOGGER.info("Started stream: %s", redact_credentials(str(self.source)))
def update_source(self, new_source: str) -> None:
"""Restart the stream with a new stream source."""
_LOGGER.debug("Updating stream source %s", new_source)
self.source = new_source
self._fast_restart_once = True
def _run_worker(self) -> None:
"""Handle consuming streams and restart keepalive streams."""
# Keep import here so that we can import stream integration without installing reqs
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from .worker import SegmentBuffer, stream_worker
segment_buffer = SegmentBuffer(self.outputs)
wait_timeout = 0
while not self._thread_quit.wait(timeout=wait_timeout):
start_time = time.time()
stream_worker(self.source, self.options, segment_buffer, self._thread_quit)
if not self.keepalive or self._thread_quit.is_set():
if self._fast_restart_once:
# The stream source is updated, restart without any delay.
self._fast_restart_once = False
# To avoid excessive restarts, wait before restarting
# As the required recovery time may be different for different setups, start
# with trying a short wait_timeout and increase it on each reconnection attempt.
# Reset the wait_timeout after the worker has been up for several minutes
if time.time() - start_time > STREAM_RESTART_RESET_TIME:
wait_timeout = 0
"Restarting stream worker in %d seconds: %s",
def _worker_finished(self) -> None:
"""Schedule cleanup of all outputs."""
def remove_outputs() -> None:
for provider in self.outputs().values():
def stop(self) -> None:
"""Remove outputs and access token."""
self._outputs = {}
self.access_token = None
if not self.keepalive:
def _stop(self) -> None:
"""Stop worker thread."""
if self._thread is not None:
self._thread = None
_LOGGER.info("Stopped stream: %s", redact_credentials(str(self.source)))
async def async_record(
self, video_path: str, duration: int = 30, lookback: int = 5
) -> None:
"""Make a .mp4 recording from a provided stream."""
# Check for file access
if not self.hass.config.is_allowed_path(video_path):
raise HomeAssistantError(f"Can't write {video_path}, no access to path!")
# Add recorder
recorder = self.outputs().get(RECORDER_PROVIDER)
if recorder:
assert isinstance(recorder, RecorderOutput)
raise HomeAssistantError(
f"Stream already recording to {recorder.video_path}!"
recorder = cast(
RecorderOutput, self.add_provider(RECORDER_PROVIDER, timeout=duration)
recorder.video_path = video_path
_LOGGER.debug("Started a stream recording of %s seconds", duration)
# Take advantage of lookback
hls = self.outputs().get(HLS_PROVIDER)
if lookback > 0 and hls:
num_segments = min(int(lookback // hls.target_duration), MAX_SEGMENTS)
# Wait for latest segment, then add the lookback
await hls.recv()