
83 lines
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Offer state listening automation rules.
For more details about this automation rule, please refer to the documentation
import asyncio
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.core import callback
from homeassistant.const import MATCH_ALL, CONF_PLATFORM, CONF_FOR
from homeassistant.helpers.event import (
async_track_state_change, async_track_same_state)
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
CONF_ENTITY_ID = 'entity_id'
CONF_FROM = 'from'
CONF_TO = 'to'
TRIGGER_SCHEMA = vol.All(vol.Schema({
vol.Required(CONF_PLATFORM): 'state',
vol.Required(CONF_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids,
# These are str on purpose. Want to catch YAML conversions
vol.Optional(CONF_FROM): str,
vol.Optional(CONF_TO): str,
vol.Optional(CONF_FOR): vol.All(cv.time_period, cv.positive_timedelta),
}), cv.key_dependency(CONF_FOR, CONF_TO))
def async_trigger(hass, config, action):
"""Listen for state changes based on configuration."""
entity_id = config.get(CONF_ENTITY_ID)
from_state = config.get(CONF_FROM, MATCH_ALL)
to_state = config.get(CONF_TO, MATCH_ALL)
time_delta = config.get(CONF_FOR)
match_all = (from_state == MATCH_ALL and to_state == MATCH_ALL)
async_remove_track_same = None
def state_automation_listener(entity, from_s, to_s):
"""Listen for state changes and calls action."""
nonlocal async_remove_track_same
def call_action():
"""Call action with right context."""
hass.async_run_job(action, {
'trigger': {
'platform': 'state',
'entity_id': entity,
'from_state': from_s,
'to_state': to_s,
'for': time_delta,
# Ignore changes to state attributes if from/to is in use
if (not match_all and from_s is not None and to_s is not None and
from_s.last_changed == to_s.last_changed):
if not time_delta:
async_remove_track_same = async_track_same_state(
hass, time_delta, call_action,
lambda _, _2, to_state: to_state.state == to_s.state,
unsub = async_track_state_change(
hass, entity_id, state_automation_listener, from_state, to_state)
def async_remove():
"""Remove state listeners async."""
if async_remove_track_same:
async_remove_track_same() # pylint: disable=not-callable
return async_remove