
190 lines
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"""Tests for the AVM Fritz!Box integration."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any
from unittest.mock import Mock
from homeassistant.components.climate import PRESET_COMFORT, PRESET_ECO
from homeassistant.components.fritzbox.const import DOMAIN
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
from .const import (
from tests.common import MockConfigEntry
async def setup_config_entry(
hass: HomeAssistant,
data: dict[str, Any],
unique_id: str = "any",
device: Mock | None = None,
fritz: Mock | None = None,
template: Mock | None = None,
) -> bool:
"""Do setup of a MockConfigEntry."""
entry = MockConfigEntry(
if device is not None and fritz is not None:
fritz().get_devices.return_value = [device]
if template is not None and fritz is not None:
fritz().get_templates.return_value = [template]
result = await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id)
if device is not None:
await hass.async_block_till_done()
return result
def set_devices(
fritz: Mock, devices: list[Mock] | None = None, templates: list[Mock] | None = None
) -> None:
"""Set list of devices or templates."""
if devices is not None:
fritz().get_devices.return_value = devices
if templates is not None:
fritz().get_templates.return_value = templates
class FritzEntityBaseMock(Mock):
"""base mock of a AVM Fritz!Box binary sensor device."""
rel_humidity = None
battery_level = None
class FritzDeviceBinarySensorMock(FritzEntityBaseMock):
"""Mock of a AVM Fritz!Box binary sensor device."""
alert_state = "fake_state"
battery_level = 23
fw_version = "1.2.3"
has_alarm = True
has_powermeter = False
has_switch = False
has_lightbulb = False
has_temperature_sensor = False
has_thermostat = False
has_blind = False
present = True
class FritzDeviceClimateMock(FritzEntityBaseMock):
"""Mock of a AVM Fritz!Box climate device."""
actual_temperature = 18.0
temperature = 18.0
alert_state = "fake_state"
battery_level = 23
battery_low = True
comfort_temperature = 22.0
device_lock = "fake_locked_device"
eco_temperature = 16.0
fw_version = "1.2.3"
has_alarm = False
has_powermeter = False
has_lightbulb = False
has_switch = False
has_temperature_sensor = True
has_thermostat = True
has_blind = False
holiday_active = False
lock = "fake_locked"
present = True
summer_active = False
target_temperature = 19.5
window_open = "fake_window"
nextchange_temperature = 22.0
nextchange_endperiod = 0
nextchange_preset = PRESET_COMFORT
scheduled_preset = PRESET_ECO
class FritzDeviceSensorMock(FritzEntityBaseMock):
"""Mock of a AVM Fritz!Box sensor device."""
battery_level = 23
device_lock = "fake_locked_device"
fw_version = "1.2.3"
has_alarm = False
has_powermeter = False
has_lightbulb = False
has_switch = False
has_temperature_sensor = True
has_thermostat = False
has_blind = False
lock = "fake_locked"
present = True
temperature = 1.23
rel_humidity = 42
class FritzDeviceSwitchMock(FritzEntityBaseMock):
"""Mock of a AVM Fritz!Box switch device."""
battery_level = None
device_lock = "fake_locked_device"
energy = 1234
voltage = 230000
current = 25
fw_version = "1.2.3"
has_alarm = False
has_powermeter = True
has_lightbulb = False
has_switch = True
has_temperature_sensor = True
has_thermostat = False
has_blind = False
switch_state = "fake_state"
lock = False
power = 5678
present = True
temperature = 1.23
class FritzDeviceLightMock(FritzEntityBaseMock):
"""Mock of a AVM Fritz!Box light device."""
fw_version = "1.2.3"
has_alarm = False
has_powermeter = False
has_lightbulb = True
has_color = True
has_level = True
has_switch = False
has_temperature_sensor = False
has_thermostat = False
has_blind = False
level = 100
present = True
state = True
class FritzDeviceCoverMock(FritzEntityBaseMock):
"""Mock of a AVM Fritz!Box cover device."""
fw_version = "1.2.3"
has_alarm = False
has_powermeter = False
has_lightbulb = False
has_switch = False
has_temperature_sensor = False
has_thermostat = False
has_blind = True
levelpercentage = 0