88 lines
2.8 KiB
88 lines
2.8 KiB
"""Test that we can upload images."""
import pathlib
import tempfile
from unittest.mock import patch
from aiohttp import ClientSession, ClientWebSocketResponse
from freezegun.api import FrozenDateTimeFactory
from homeassistant.components.websocket_api import const as ws_const
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component
from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util
from . import TEST_IMAGE
from tests.typing import ClientSessionGenerator, WebSocketGenerator
async def test_upload_image(
hass: HomeAssistant,
freezer: FrozenDateTimeFactory,
hass_client: ClientSessionGenerator,
hass_ws_client: WebSocketGenerator,
) -> None:
"""Test we can upload an image."""
now = dt_util.utcnow()
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir, patch.object(
hass.config, "path", return_value=tempdir
assert await async_setup_component(hass, "image_upload", {})
ws_client: ClientWebSocketResponse = await hass_ws_client()
client: ClientSession = await hass_client()
with TEST_IMAGE.open("rb") as fp:
res = await client.post("/api/image/upload", data={"file": fp})
assert res.status == 200
item = await res.json()
assert item["content_type"] == "image/png"
assert item["filesize"] == 38847
assert item["name"] == "logo.png"
assert item["uploaded_at"] == now.isoformat()
tempdir = pathlib.Path(tempdir)
item_folder: pathlib.Path = tempdir / item["id"]
assert (item_folder / "original").read_bytes() == TEST_IMAGE.read_bytes()
# fetch non-existing image
res = await client.get("/api/image/serve/non-existing/256x256")
assert res.status == 404
# fetch invalid sizes
for inv_size in ("256", "256x25A", "100x100", "25Ax256"):
res = await client.get(f"/api/image/serve/{item['id']}/{inv_size}")
assert res.status == 400
# fetch resized version
res = await client.get(f"/api/image/serve/{item['id']}/256x256")
assert res.status == 200
assert (item_folder / "256x256").is_file()
# List item
await ws_client.send_json({"id": 6, "type": "image/list"})
msg = await ws_client.receive_json()
assert msg["id"] == 6
assert msg["type"] == ws_const.TYPE_RESULT
assert msg["success"]
assert msg["result"] == [item]
# Delete item
await ws_client.send_json(
{"id": 7, "type": "image/delete", "image_id": item["id"]}
msg = await ws_client.receive_json()
assert msg["id"] == 7
assert msg["type"] == ws_const.TYPE_RESULT
assert msg["success"]
# Ensure removed from disk
assert not item_folder.is_dir()