374 lines
9.5 KiB
374 lines
9.5 KiB
"config": {
"abort": {
"already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]",
"already_in_progress": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_in_progress%]",
"reauth_successful": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::reauth_successful%]",
"unsupported_device": "Unsupported device"
"error": {
"connection_timeout": "Connection timeout",
"incorrect_password": "Incorrect password",
"incorrect_username": "Incorrect username",
"invalid_auth": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::invalid_auth%]",
"invalid_url": "Invalid URL",
"login_attempts_exceeded": "Maximum login attempts exceeded, please try again later",
"response_error": "Unknown error from device",
"ssl_error_try_plain": "HTTPS error, please try a plain HTTP URL",
"ssl_error_try_unverified": "HTTPS error, please try disabling certificate verification or a plain HTTP URL",
"unknown": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::unknown%]"
"flow_title": "{name}",
"step": {
"reauth_confirm": {
"title": "[%key:common::config_flow::title::reauth%]",
"description": "Enter device access credentials.",
"data": {
"password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]",
"username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]"
"user": {
"data": {
"password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]",
"url": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::url%]",
"username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]",
"verify_ssl": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::verify_ssl%]"
"description": "Enter device access details.",
"title": "Configure Huawei LTE"
"options": {
"step": {
"init": {
"data": {
"name": "Notification service name (change requires restart)",
"recipient": "SMS notification recipients",
"track_wired_clients": "Track wired network clients",
"unauthenticated_mode": "Unauthenticated mode (change requires reload)"
"entity": {
"binary_sensor": {
"mobile_connection": {
"name": "Mobile connection"
"wifi_status": {
"name": "Wi-Fi status"
"24ghz_wifi_status": {
"name": "2.4GHz Wi-Fi status"
"5ghz_wifi_status": {
"name": "5GHz Wi-Fi status"
"sms_storage_full": {
"name": "SMS storage full"
"sensor": {
"uptime": {
"name": "Uptime"
"wan_ip_address": {
"name": "WAN IP address"
"wan_ipv6_address": {
"name": "WAN IPv6 address"
"arfcn": {
"name": "ARFCN"
"band": {
"name": "Band"
"base_station_identity_code": {
"name": "Base station identity code"
"cell_id": {
"name": "Cell ID"
"cqi0": {
"name": "CQI 0"
"cqi1": {
"name": "CQI 1"
"downlink_mcs": {
"name": "Downlink MCS"
"downlink_bandwidth": {
"name": "Downlink bandwidth"
"downlink_frequency": {
"name": "Downlink frequency"
"earfcn": {
"name": "EARFCN"
"ecio": {
"name": "EC/IO"
"enodeb_id": {
"name": "eNodeB ID"
"lac": {
"name": "LAC"
"lte_downlink_frequency": {
"name": "LTE downlink frequency"
"lte_uplink_frequency": {
"name": "LTE uplink frequency"
"nrbler": {
"name": "5G block error rate"
"nrcqi0": {
"name": "5G CQI 0"
"nrcqi1": {
"name": "5G CQI 1"
"nrdlbandwidth": {
"name": "5G downlink bandwidth"
"nrdlmcs": {
"name": "5G downlink MCS"
"nrearfcn": {
"name": "5G EARFCN"
"nrrank": {
"name": "5G rank"
"nrrsrp": {
"name": "5G RSRP"
"nrrsrq": {
"name": "5G RSRQ"
"nrsinr": {
"name": "5G SINR"
"nrtxpower": {
"name": "5G transmit power"
"nrulbandwidth": {
"name": "5G uplink bandwidth"
"nrulmcs": {
"name": "5G uplink MCS"
"pci": {
"name": "PCI"
"plmn": {
"name": "PLMN"
"rac": {
"name": "RAC"
"rrc_status": {
"name": "RRC status"
"rscp": {
"name": "RSCP"
"rsrp": {
"name": "RSRP"
"rsrq": {
"name": "RSRQ"
"rssi": {
"name": "RSSI"
"sinr": {
"name": "SINR"
"tac": {
"name": "TAC"
"tdd": {
"name": "TDD"
"transmission_mode": {
"name": "Transmission mode"
"transmit_power": {
"name": "Transmit power"
"uplink_mcs": {
"name": "Uplink MCS"
"uplink_bandwidth": {
"name": "Uplink bandwidth"
"uplink_frequency": {
"name": "Uplink frequency"
"sms_unread": {
"name": "SMS unread"
"current_day_transfer": {
"name": "Current day transfer"
"current_month_download": {
"name": "Current month download"
"current_month_upload": {
"name": "Current month upload"
"wifi_clients_connected": {
"name": "Wi-Fi clients connected"
"primary_dns_server": {
"name": "Primary DNS server"
"primary_ipv6_dns_server": {
"name": "Primary IPv6 DNS server"
"secondary_dns_server": {
"name": "Secondary DNS server"
"secondary_ipv6_dns_server": {
"name": "Secondary IPv6 DNS server"
"current_connection_duration": {
"name": "Current connection duration"
"current_connection_download": {
"name": "Current connection download"
"current_download_rate": {
"name": "Current download rate"
"current_connection_upload": {
"name": "Current connection upload"
"current_upload_rate": {
"name": "Current upload rate"
"total_connected_duration": {
"name": "Total connected duration"
"total_download": {
"name": "Total download"
"total_upload": {
"name": "Total upload"
"operator_name": {
"name": "Operator name"
"operator_code": {
"name": "Operator code"
"operator_search_mode": {
"name": "Operator search mode",
"state": {
"0": "Auto",
"1": "Manual"
"preferred_network_mode": {
"name": "Preferred network mode",
"state": {
"00": "4G/3G/2G auto",
"0302": "4G/3G auto",
"0301": "4G/2G auto",
"03": "4G only",
"0201": "3G/2G auto",
"02": "3G only",
"01": "2G only"
"sms_deleted_device": {
"name": "SMS deleted (device)"
"sms_drafts_device": {
"name": "SMS drafts (device)"
"sms_inbox_device": {
"name": "SMS inbox (device)"
"sms_capacity_device": {
"name": "SMS capacity (device)"
"sms_outbox_device": {
"name": "SMS outbox (device)"
"sms_unread_device": {
"name": "SMS unread (device)"
"sms_drafts_sim": {
"name": "SMS drafts (SIM)"
"sms_inbox_sim": {
"name": "SMS inbox (SIM)"
"sms_capacity_sim": {
"name": "SMS capacity (SIM)"
"sms_outbox_sim": {
"name": "SMS outbox (SIM)"
"sms_unread_sim": {
"name": "SMS unread (SIM)"
"sms_messages_sim": {
"name": "SMS messages (SIM)"
"select": {
"preferred_network_mode": {
"name": "Preferred network mode",
"state": {
"00": "4G/3G/2G auto",
"0302": "4G/3G auto",
"0301": "4G/2G auto",
"03": "4G only",
"0201": "3G/2G auto",
"02": "3G only",
"01": "2G only"
"switch": {
"mobile_data": {
"name": "Mobile data"
"wifi_guest_network": {
"name": "Wi-Fi guest network"
"services": {
"resume_integration": {
"name": "Resume integration",
"description": "Resumes suspended integration.",
"fields": {
"url": {
"name": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::url%]",
"description": "URL of router to resume integration for; optional when only one is configured."
"suspend_integration": {
"name": "Suspend integration",
"description": "Suspends integration. Suspending logs the integration out from the router, and stops accessing it. Useful e.g. if accessing the router web interface from another source such as a web browser is temporarily required. Invoke the resume_integration service to resume.\n.",
"fields": {
"url": {
"name": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::url%]",
"description": "URL of router to suspend integration for; optional when only one is configured."