"""Methods and classes related to executing Z-Wave commands.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Generator, Sequence import logging import math from typing import Any, TypeVar import voluptuous as vol from zwave_js_server.client import Client as ZwaveClient from zwave_js_server.const import SET_VALUE_SUCCESS, CommandClass, CommandStatus from zwave_js_server.const.command_class.notification import NotificationType from zwave_js_server.exceptions import FailedZWaveCommand, SetValueFailed from zwave_js_server.model.endpoint import Endpoint from zwave_js_server.model.node import Node as ZwaveNode from zwave_js_server.model.value import ( ConfigurationValueFormat, ValueDataType, get_value_id_str, ) from zwave_js_server.util.multicast import async_multicast_set_value from zwave_js_server.util.node import ( async_bulk_set_partial_config_parameters, async_set_config_parameter, ) from homeassistant.const import ATTR_AREA_ID, ATTR_DEVICE_ID, ATTR_ENTITY_ID from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, ServiceCall, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr, entity_registry as er import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send from homeassistant.helpers.group import expand_entity_ids from . import const from .config_validation import BITMASK_SCHEMA, VALUE_SCHEMA from .helpers import ( async_get_node_from_device_id, async_get_node_from_entity_id, async_get_nodes_from_area_id, async_get_nodes_from_targets, get_value_id_from_unique_id, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) T = TypeVar("T", ZwaveNode, Endpoint) def parameter_name_does_not_need_bitmask( val: dict[str, int | str | list[str]], ) -> dict[str, int | str | list[str]]: """Validate that if a parameter name is provided, bitmask is not as well.""" if ( isinstance(val[const.ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER], str) and const.ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER_BITMASK in val ): raise vol.Invalid( "Don't include a bitmask when a parameter name is specified", path=[const.ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER, const.ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER_BITMASK], ) return val def check_base_2(val: int) -> int: """Check if value is a power of 2.""" if not math.log2(val).is_integer(): raise vol.Invalid("Value must be a power of 2.") return val def broadcast_command(val: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Validate that the service call is for a broadcast command.""" if val.get(const.ATTR_BROADCAST): return val raise vol.Invalid( "Either `broadcast` must be set to True or multiple devices/entities must be " "specified" ) def get_valid_responses_from_results( zwave_objects: Sequence[T], results: Sequence[Any] ) -> Generator[tuple[T, Any], None, None]: """Return valid responses from a list of results.""" for zwave_object, result in zip(zwave_objects, results, strict=False): if not isinstance(result, Exception): yield zwave_object, result def raise_exceptions_from_results( zwave_objects: Sequence[T], results: Sequence[Any] ) -> None: """Raise list of exceptions from a list of results.""" errors: Sequence[tuple[T, Any]] if errors := [ tup for tup in zip(zwave_objects, results, strict=True) if isinstance(tup[1], Exception) ]: lines = [ *( f"{zwave_object} - {error.__class__.__name__}: {error.args[0]}" for zwave_object, error in errors ) ] if len(lines) > 1: lines.insert(0, f"{len(errors)} error(s):") raise HomeAssistantError("\n".join(lines)) async def _async_invoke_cc_api( nodes_or_endpoints: set[T], command_class: CommandClass, method_name: str, *args: Any, ) -> None: """Invoke the CC API on a node endpoint.""" nodes_or_endpoints_list = list(nodes_or_endpoints) results = await asyncio.gather( *( node_or_endpoint.async_invoke_cc_api(command_class, method_name, *args) for node_or_endpoint in nodes_or_endpoints_list ), return_exceptions=True, ) for node_or_endpoint, result in get_valid_responses_from_results( nodes_or_endpoints_list, results ): if isinstance(node_or_endpoint, ZwaveNode): _LOGGER.info( ( "Invoked %s CC API method %s on node %s with the following result: " "%s" ), command_class.name, method_name, node_or_endpoint, result, ) else: _LOGGER.info( ( "Invoked %s CC API method %s on endpoint %s with the following " "result: %s" ), command_class.name, method_name, node_or_endpoint, result, ) raise_exceptions_from_results(nodes_or_endpoints_list, results) class ZWaveServices: """Class that holds our services (Zwave Commands). Services that should be published to hass. """ def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, ent_reg: er.EntityRegistry, dev_reg: dr.DeviceRegistry, ) -> None: """Initialize with hass object.""" self._hass = hass self._ent_reg = ent_reg self._dev_reg = dev_reg @callback def async_register(self) -> None: """Register all our services.""" @callback def get_nodes_from_service_data(val: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get nodes set from service data.""" val[const.ATTR_NODES] = async_get_nodes_from_targets( self._hass, val, self._ent_reg, self._dev_reg, _LOGGER ) return val @callback def has_at_least_one_node(val: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Validate that at least one node is specified.""" if not val.get(const.ATTR_NODES): raise vol.Invalid(f"No {const.DOMAIN} nodes found for given targets") return val @callback def validate_multicast_nodes(val: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Validate the input nodes for multicast.""" nodes: set[ZwaveNode] = val[const.ATTR_NODES] broadcast: bool = val[const.ATTR_BROADCAST] if not broadcast: has_at_least_one_node(val) # User must specify a node if they are attempting a broadcast and have more # than one zwave-js network. if ( broadcast and not nodes and len(self._hass.config_entries.async_entries(const.DOMAIN)) > 1 ): raise vol.Invalid( "You must include at least one entity or device in the service call" ) first_node = next((node for node in nodes), None) if first_node and not all(node.client.driver is not None for node in nodes): raise vol.Invalid(f"Driver not ready for all nodes: {nodes}") # If any nodes don't have matching home IDs, we can't run the command # because we can't multicast across multiple networks if ( first_node and first_node.client.driver # We checked the driver was ready above. and any( node.client.driver.controller.home_id != first_node.client.driver.controller.home_id for node in nodes if node.client.driver is not None ) ): raise vol.Invalid( "Multicast commands only work on devices in the same network" ) return val @callback def validate_entities(val: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Validate entities exist and are from the zwave_js platform.""" val[ATTR_ENTITY_ID] = expand_entity_ids(self._hass, val[ATTR_ENTITY_ID]) invalid_entities = [] for entity_id in val[ATTR_ENTITY_ID]: entry = self._ent_reg.async_get(entity_id) if entry is None or entry.platform != const.DOMAIN: _LOGGER.info( "Entity %s is not a valid %s entity", entity_id, const.DOMAIN ) invalid_entities.append(entity_id) # Remove invalid entities val[ATTR_ENTITY_ID] = list(set(val[ATTR_ENTITY_ID]) - set(invalid_entities)) if not val[ATTR_ENTITY_ID]: raise vol.Invalid(f"No {const.DOMAIN} entities found in service call") return val self._hass.services.async_register( const.DOMAIN, const.SERVICE_SET_CONFIG_PARAMETER, self.async_set_config_parameter, schema=vol.Schema( vol.All( { vol.Optional(ATTR_AREA_ID): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_DEVICE_ID): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, vol.Optional(const.ATTR_ENDPOINT, default=0): vol.Coerce(int), vol.Required(const.ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER): vol.Any( vol.Coerce(int), cv.string ), vol.Optional(const.ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER_BITMASK): vol.Any( vol.Coerce(int), BITMASK_SCHEMA ), vol.Required(const.ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE): vol.Any( vol.Coerce(int), BITMASK_SCHEMA, cv.string ), vol.Inclusive(const.ATTR_VALUE_SIZE, "raw"): vol.All( vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=1, max=4), check_base_2 ), vol.Inclusive(const.ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT, "raw"): vol.Coerce( ConfigurationValueFormat ), }, cv.has_at_least_one_key( ATTR_DEVICE_ID, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_AREA_ID ), cv.has_at_most_one_key( const.ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER_BITMASK, const.ATTR_VALUE_SIZE ), parameter_name_does_not_need_bitmask, get_nodes_from_service_data, has_at_least_one_node, ), ), ) self._hass.services.async_register( const.DOMAIN, const.SERVICE_BULK_SET_PARTIAL_CONFIG_PARAMETERS, self.async_bulk_set_partial_config_parameters, schema=vol.Schema( vol.All( { vol.Optional(ATTR_AREA_ID): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_DEVICE_ID): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, vol.Optional(const.ATTR_ENDPOINT, default=0): vol.Coerce(int), vol.Required(const.ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER): vol.Coerce(int), vol.Required(const.ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE): vol.Any( vol.Coerce(int), { vol.Any( vol.Coerce(int), BITMASK_SCHEMA, cv.string ): vol.Any(vol.Coerce(int), BITMASK_SCHEMA, cv.string) }, ), }, cv.has_at_least_one_key( ATTR_DEVICE_ID, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_AREA_ID ), get_nodes_from_service_data, has_at_least_one_node, ), ), ) self._hass.services.async_register( const.DOMAIN, const.SERVICE_REFRESH_VALUE, self.async_poll_value, schema=vol.Schema( vol.All( { vol.Required(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, vol.Optional( const.ATTR_REFRESH_ALL_VALUES, default=False ): cv.boolean, }, validate_entities, ) ), ) self._hass.services.async_register( const.DOMAIN, const.SERVICE_SET_VALUE, self.async_set_value, schema=vol.Schema( vol.All( { vol.Optional(ATTR_AREA_ID): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_DEVICE_ID): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, vol.Required(const.ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS): vol.Coerce(int), vol.Required(const.ATTR_PROPERTY): vol.Any( vol.Coerce(int), str ), vol.Optional(const.ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY): vol.Any( vol.Coerce(int), str ), vol.Optional(const.ATTR_ENDPOINT): vol.Coerce(int), vol.Required(const.ATTR_VALUE): VALUE_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(const.ATTR_WAIT_FOR_RESULT): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(const.ATTR_OPTIONS): {cv.string: VALUE_SCHEMA}, }, cv.has_at_least_one_key( ATTR_DEVICE_ID, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_AREA_ID ), get_nodes_from_service_data, has_at_least_one_node, ), ), ) self._hass.services.async_register( const.DOMAIN, const.SERVICE_MULTICAST_SET_VALUE, self.async_multicast_set_value, schema=vol.Schema( vol.All( { vol.Optional(ATTR_AREA_ID): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_DEVICE_ID): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, vol.Optional(const.ATTR_BROADCAST, default=False): cv.boolean, vol.Required(const.ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS): vol.Coerce(int), vol.Required(const.ATTR_PROPERTY): vol.Any( vol.Coerce(int), str ), vol.Optional(const.ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY): vol.Any( vol.Coerce(int), str ), vol.Optional(const.ATTR_ENDPOINT): vol.Coerce(int), vol.Required(const.ATTR_VALUE): VALUE_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(const.ATTR_OPTIONS): {cv.string: VALUE_SCHEMA}, }, vol.Any( cv.has_at_least_one_key( ATTR_DEVICE_ID, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_AREA_ID ), broadcast_command, ), get_nodes_from_service_data, validate_multicast_nodes, ), ), ) self._hass.services.async_register( const.DOMAIN, const.SERVICE_PING, self.async_ping, schema=vol.Schema( vol.All( { vol.Optional(ATTR_AREA_ID): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_DEVICE_ID): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, }, cv.has_at_least_one_key( ATTR_DEVICE_ID, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_AREA_ID ), get_nodes_from_service_data, has_at_least_one_node, ), ), ) self._hass.services.async_register( const.DOMAIN, const.SERVICE_INVOKE_CC_API, self.async_invoke_cc_api, schema=vol.Schema( vol.All( { vol.Optional(ATTR_AREA_ID): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_DEVICE_ID): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, vol.Required(const.ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS): vol.All( vol.Coerce(int), vol.Coerce(CommandClass) ), vol.Optional(const.ATTR_ENDPOINT): vol.Coerce(int), vol.Required(const.ATTR_METHOD_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(const.ATTR_PARAMETERS): list, }, cv.has_at_least_one_key( ATTR_DEVICE_ID, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_AREA_ID ), get_nodes_from_service_data, has_at_least_one_node, ), ), ) self._hass.services.async_register( const.DOMAIN, const.SERVICE_REFRESH_NOTIFICATIONS, self.async_refresh_notifications, schema=vol.Schema( vol.All( { vol.Optional(ATTR_AREA_ID): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_DEVICE_ID): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, vol.Required(const.ATTR_NOTIFICATION_TYPE): vol.All( vol.Coerce(int), vol.Coerce(NotificationType) ), vol.Optional(const.ATTR_NOTIFICATION_EVENT): vol.Coerce(int), }, cv.has_at_least_one_key( ATTR_DEVICE_ID, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_AREA_ID ), get_nodes_from_service_data, has_at_least_one_node, ), ), ) async def async_set_config_parameter(self, service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Set a config value on a node.""" nodes: set[ZwaveNode] = service.data[const.ATTR_NODES] endpoint = service.data[const.ATTR_ENDPOINT] property_or_property_name = service.data[const.ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER] property_key = service.data.get(const.ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER_BITMASK) new_value = service.data[const.ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE] value_size = service.data.get(const.ATTR_VALUE_SIZE) value_format = service.data.get(const.ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT) nodes_without_endpoints: set[ZwaveNode] = set() # Remove nodes that don't have the specified endpoint for node in nodes: if endpoint not in node.endpoints: nodes_without_endpoints.add(node) nodes = nodes.difference(nodes_without_endpoints) if not nodes: raise HomeAssistantError( "None of the specified nodes have the specified endpoint" ) if nodes_without_endpoints and _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.WARNING): _LOGGER.warning( ( "The following nodes do not have endpoint %x and will be " "skipped: %s" ), endpoint, nodes_without_endpoints, ) # If value_size isn't provided, we will use the utility function which includes # additional checks and protections. If it is provided, we will use the # node.async_set_raw_config_parameter_value method which calls the # Configuration CC set API. results = await asyncio.gather( *( async_set_config_parameter( node, new_value, property_or_property_name, property_key=property_key, endpoint=endpoint, ) if value_size is None else node.endpoints[endpoint].async_set_raw_config_parameter_value( new_value, property_or_property_name, property_key=property_key, value_size=value_size, value_format=value_format, ) for node in nodes ), return_exceptions=True, ) def process_results( nodes_or_endpoints_list: list[T], _results: list[Any] ) -> None: """Process results for given nodes or endpoints.""" for node_or_endpoint, result in get_valid_responses_from_results( nodes_or_endpoints_list, _results ): zwave_value = result[0] cmd_status = result[1] if cmd_status.status == CommandStatus.ACCEPTED: msg = "Set configuration parameter %s on Node %s with value %s" else: msg = ( "Added command to queue to set configuration parameter %s on %s " "with value %s. Parameter will be set when the device wakes up" ) _LOGGER.info(msg, zwave_value, node_or_endpoint, new_value) raise_exceptions_from_results(nodes_or_endpoints_list, _results) if value_size is None: process_results(list(nodes), results) else: process_results([node.endpoints[endpoint] for node in nodes], results) async def async_bulk_set_partial_config_parameters( self, service: ServiceCall ) -> None: """Bulk set multiple partial config values on a node.""" nodes: set[ZwaveNode] = service.data[const.ATTR_NODES] endpoint = service.data[const.ATTR_ENDPOINT] property_ = service.data[const.ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER] new_value = service.data[const.ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE] results = await asyncio.gather( *( async_bulk_set_partial_config_parameters( node, property_, new_value, endpoint=endpoint, ) for node in nodes ), return_exceptions=True, ) nodes_list = list(nodes) for node, cmd_status in get_valid_responses_from_results(nodes_list, results): if cmd_status == CommandStatus.ACCEPTED: msg = "Bulk set partials for configuration parameter %s on Node %s" else: msg = ( "Queued command to bulk set partials for configuration parameter " "%s on Node %s" ) _LOGGER.info(msg, property_, node) raise_exceptions_from_results(nodes_list, results) async def async_poll_value(self, service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Poll value on a node.""" for entity_id in service.data[ATTR_ENTITY_ID]: entry = self._ent_reg.async_get(entity_id) assert entry # Schema validation would have failed if we can't do this async_dispatcher_send( self._hass, f"{const.DOMAIN}_{entry.unique_id}_poll_value", service.data[const.ATTR_REFRESH_ALL_VALUES], ) async def async_set_value(self, service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Set a value on a node.""" nodes: set[ZwaveNode] = service.data[const.ATTR_NODES] command_class: CommandClass = service.data[const.ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS] property_: int | str = service.data[const.ATTR_PROPERTY] property_key: int | str | None = service.data.get(const.ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY) endpoint: int | None = service.data.get(const.ATTR_ENDPOINT) new_value = service.data[const.ATTR_VALUE] wait_for_result = service.data.get(const.ATTR_WAIT_FOR_RESULT) options = service.data.get(const.ATTR_OPTIONS) coros = [] for node in nodes: value_id = get_value_id_str( node, command_class, property_, endpoint=endpoint, property_key=property_key, ) # If value has a string type but the new value is not a string, we need to # convert it to one. We use new variable `new_value_` to convert the data # so we can preserve the original `new_value` for every node. if ( value_id in node.values and node.values[value_id].metadata.type == "string" and not isinstance(new_value, str) ): new_value_ = str(new_value) else: new_value_ = new_value coros.append( node.async_set_value( value_id, new_value_, options=options, wait_for_result=wait_for_result, ) ) results = await asyncio.gather(*coros, return_exceptions=True) nodes_list = list(nodes) # multiple set_values my fail so we will track the entire list set_value_failed_nodes_list: list[ZwaveNode] = [] set_value_failed_error_list: list[SetValueFailed] = [] for node_, result in get_valid_responses_from_results(nodes_list, results): if result and result.status not in SET_VALUE_SUCCESS: # If we failed to set a value, add node to exception list set_value_failed_nodes_list.append(node_) set_value_failed_error_list.append( SetValueFailed(f"{result.status} {result.message}") ) # Add the exception to the results and the nodes to the node list. No-op if # no set value commands failed raise_exceptions_from_results( (*nodes_list, *set_value_failed_nodes_list), (*results, *set_value_failed_error_list), ) async def async_multicast_set_value(self, service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Set a value via multicast to multiple nodes.""" nodes: set[ZwaveNode] = service.data[const.ATTR_NODES] broadcast: bool = service.data[const.ATTR_BROADCAST] options = service.data.get(const.ATTR_OPTIONS) if not broadcast and len(nodes) == 1: _LOGGER.info( "Passing the zwave_js.multicast_set_value service call to the " "zwave_js.set_value service since only one node was targeted" ) await self.async_set_value(service) return command_class: CommandClass = service.data[const.ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS] property_: int | str = service.data[const.ATTR_PROPERTY] property_key: int | str | None = service.data.get(const.ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY) endpoint: int | None = service.data.get(const.ATTR_ENDPOINT) value = ValueDataType(commandClass=command_class, property=property_) if property_key is not None: value["propertyKey"] = property_key if endpoint is not None: value["endpoint"] = endpoint new_value = service.data[const.ATTR_VALUE] # If there are no nodes, we can assume there is only one config entry due to # schema validation and can use that to get the client, otherwise we can just # get the client from the node. client: ZwaveClient first_node: ZwaveNode try: first_node = next(node for node in nodes) client = first_node.client except StopIteration: entry_id = self._hass.config_entries.async_entries(const.DOMAIN)[0].entry_id client = self._hass.data[const.DOMAIN][entry_id][const.DATA_CLIENT] assert client.driver first_node = next( node for node in client.driver.controller.nodes.values() if get_value_id_str( node, command_class, property_, endpoint, property_key ) in node.values ) # If value has a string type but the new value is not a string, we need to # convert it to one value_id = get_value_id_str( first_node, command_class, property_, endpoint, property_key ) if ( value_id in first_node.values and first_node.values[value_id].metadata.type == "string" and not isinstance(new_value, str) ): new_value = str(new_value) try: result = await async_multicast_set_value( client=client, new_value=new_value, value_data=value, nodes=None if broadcast else list(nodes), options=options, ) except FailedZWaveCommand as err: raise HomeAssistantError("Unable to set value via multicast") from err if result.status not in SET_VALUE_SUCCESS: raise HomeAssistantError( "Unable to set value via multicast" ) from SetValueFailed(f"{result.status} {result.message}") async def async_ping(self, service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Ping node(s).""" _LOGGER.warning( "This service is deprecated in favor of the ping button entity. Service " "calls will still work for now but the service will be removed in a " "future release" ) nodes: list[ZwaveNode] = list(service.data[const.ATTR_NODES]) results = await asyncio.gather( *(node.async_ping() for node in nodes), return_exceptions=True ) raise_exceptions_from_results(nodes, results) async def async_invoke_cc_api(self, service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Invoke a command class API.""" command_class: CommandClass = service.data[const.ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS] method_name: str = service.data[const.ATTR_METHOD_NAME] parameters: list[Any] = service.data[const.ATTR_PARAMETERS] # If an endpoint is provided, we assume the user wants to call the CC API on # that endpoint for all target nodes if (endpoint := service.data.get(const.ATTR_ENDPOINT)) is not None: await _async_invoke_cc_api( {node.endpoints[endpoint] for node in service.data[const.ATTR_NODES]}, command_class, method_name, *parameters, ) return # If no endpoint is provided, we target endpoint 0 for all device and area # nodes and we target the endpoint of the primary value for all entities # specified. endpoints: set[Endpoint] = set() for area_id in service.data.get(ATTR_AREA_ID, []): for node in async_get_nodes_from_area_id( self._hass, area_id, self._ent_reg, self._dev_reg ): endpoints.add(node.endpoints[0]) for device_id in service.data.get(ATTR_DEVICE_ID, []): try: node = async_get_node_from_device_id( self._hass, device_id, self._dev_reg ) except ValueError as err: _LOGGER.warning(err.args[0]) continue endpoints.add(node.endpoints[0]) for entity_id in service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID, []): if ( not (entity_entry := self._ent_reg.async_get(entity_id)) or entity_entry.platform != const.DOMAIN ): _LOGGER.warning( "Skipping entity %s as it is not a valid %s entity", entity_id, const.DOMAIN, ) continue node = async_get_node_from_entity_id( self._hass, entity_id, self._ent_reg, self._dev_reg ) if ( value_id := get_value_id_from_unique_id(entity_entry.unique_id) ) is None: _LOGGER.warning("Skipping entity %s as it has no value ID", entity_id) continue endpoint_idx = node.values[value_id].endpoint endpoints.add( node.endpoints[endpoint_idx if endpoint_idx is not None else 0] ) await _async_invoke_cc_api(endpoints, command_class, method_name, *parameters) async def async_refresh_notifications(self, service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Refresh notifications on a node.""" nodes: set[ZwaveNode] = service.data[const.ATTR_NODES] notification_type: NotificationType = service.data[const.ATTR_NOTIFICATION_TYPE] notification_event: int | None = service.data.get(const.ATTR_NOTIFICATION_EVENT) param: dict[str, int] = {"notificationType": notification_type.value} if notification_event is not None: param["notificationEvent"] = notification_event await _async_invoke_cc_api(nodes, CommandClass.NOTIFICATION, "get", param)