"""Event parser and human readable log generator.""" from contextlib import suppress from datetime import timedelta from http import HTTPStatus from itertools import groupby import json import re import sqlalchemy from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import literal import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.automation import EVENT_AUTOMATION_TRIGGERED from homeassistant.components.history import sqlalchemy_filter_from_include_exclude_conf from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.components.recorder.models import ( Events, States, process_timestamp_to_utc_isoformat, ) from homeassistant.components.recorder.util import session_scope from homeassistant.components.script import EVENT_SCRIPT_STARTED from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_DOMAIN, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME, ATTR_ICON, ATTR_NAME, ATTR_SERVICE, EVENT_CALL_SERVICE, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, EVENT_LOGBOOK_ENTRY, EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, ) from homeassistant.core import DOMAIN as HA_DOMAIN, callback, split_entity_id from homeassistant.exceptions import InvalidEntityFormatError import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entityfilter import ( INCLUDE_EXCLUDE_BASE_FILTER_SCHEMA, convert_include_exclude_filter, generate_filter, ) from homeassistant.helpers.integration_platform import ( async_process_integration_platforms, ) from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util ENTITY_ID_JSON_TEMPLATE = '"entity_id":"{}"' ENTITY_ID_JSON_EXTRACT = re.compile('"entity_id": ?"([^"]+)"') DOMAIN_JSON_EXTRACT = re.compile('"domain": ?"([^"]+)"') ICON_JSON_EXTRACT = re.compile('"icon": ?"([^"]+)"') ATTR_MESSAGE = "message" CONTINUOUS_DOMAINS = ["proximity", "sensor"] DOMAIN = "logbook" GROUP_BY_MINUTES = 15 EMPTY_JSON_OBJECT = "{}" UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT_JSON = '"unit_of_measurement":' HA_DOMAIN_ENTITY_ID = f"{HA_DOMAIN}." CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {DOMAIN: INCLUDE_EXCLUDE_BASE_FILTER_SCHEMA}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA ) HOMEASSISTANT_EVENTS = [ EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, ] ALL_EVENT_TYPES_EXCEPT_STATE_CHANGED = [ EVENT_LOGBOOK_ENTRY, EVENT_CALL_SERVICE, *HOMEASSISTANT_EVENTS, ] ALL_EVENT_TYPES = [ EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, *ALL_EVENT_TYPES_EXCEPT_STATE_CHANGED, ] EVENT_COLUMNS = [ Events.event_type, Events.event_data, Events.time_fired, Events.context_id, Events.context_user_id, Events.context_parent_id, ] SCRIPT_AUTOMATION_EVENTS = [EVENT_AUTOMATION_TRIGGERED, EVENT_SCRIPT_STARTED] LOG_MESSAGE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(ATTR_MESSAGE): cv.template, vol.Optional(ATTR_DOMAIN): cv.slug, vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_id, } ) @bind_hass def log_entry(hass, name, message, domain=None, entity_id=None, context=None): """Add an entry to the logbook.""" hass.add_job(async_log_entry, hass, name, message, domain, entity_id, context) @bind_hass def async_log_entry(hass, name, message, domain=None, entity_id=None, context=None): """Add an entry to the logbook.""" data = {ATTR_NAME: name, ATTR_MESSAGE: message} if domain is not None: data[ATTR_DOMAIN] = domain if entity_id is not None: data[ATTR_ENTITY_ID] = entity_id hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_LOGBOOK_ENTRY, data, context=context) async def async_setup(hass, config): """Logbook setup.""" hass.data[DOMAIN] = {} @callback def log_message(service): """Handle sending notification message service calls.""" message = service.data[ATTR_MESSAGE] name = service.data[ATTR_NAME] domain = service.data.get(ATTR_DOMAIN) entity_id = service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) if entity_id is None and domain is None: # If there is no entity_id or # domain, the event will get filtered # away so we use the "logbook" domain domain = DOMAIN message.hass = hass message = message.async_render(parse_result=False) async_log_entry(hass, name, message, domain, entity_id) hass.components.frontend.async_register_built_in_panel( "logbook", "logbook", "hass:format-list-bulleted-type" ) if conf := config.get(DOMAIN, {}): filters = sqlalchemy_filter_from_include_exclude_conf(conf) entities_filter = convert_include_exclude_filter(conf) else: filters = None entities_filter = None hass.http.register_view(LogbookView(conf, filters, entities_filter)) hass.services.async_register(DOMAIN, "log", log_message, schema=LOG_MESSAGE_SCHEMA) await async_process_integration_platforms(hass, DOMAIN, _process_logbook_platform) return True async def _process_logbook_platform(hass, domain, platform): """Process a logbook platform.""" @callback def _async_describe_event(domain, event_name, describe_callback): """Teach logbook how to describe a new event.""" hass.data[DOMAIN][event_name] = (domain, describe_callback) platform.async_describe_events(hass, _async_describe_event) class LogbookView(HomeAssistantView): """Handle logbook view requests.""" url = "/api/logbook" name = "api:logbook" extra_urls = ["/api/logbook/{datetime}"] def __init__(self, config, filters, entities_filter): """Initialize the logbook view.""" self.config = config self.filters = filters self.entities_filter = entities_filter async def get(self, request, datetime=None): """Retrieve logbook entries.""" if datetime: if (datetime := dt_util.parse_datetime(datetime)) is None: return self.json_message("Invalid datetime", HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) else: datetime = dt_util.start_of_local_day() if (period := request.query.get("period")) is None: period = 1 else: period = int(period) if entity_ids := request.query.get("entity"): try: entity_ids = cv.entity_ids(entity_ids) except vol.Invalid: raise InvalidEntityFormatError( f"Invalid entity id(s) encountered: {entity_ids}. " "Format should be ." ) from vol.Invalid if (end_time := request.query.get("end_time")) is None: start_day = dt_util.as_utc(datetime) - timedelta(days=period - 1) end_day = start_day + timedelta(days=period) else: start_day = datetime if (end_day := dt_util.parse_datetime(end_time)) is None: return self.json_message("Invalid end_time", HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) hass = request.app["hass"] entity_matches_only = "entity_matches_only" in request.query context_id = request.query.get("context_id") if entity_ids and context_id: return self.json_message( "Can't combine entity with context_id", HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST ) def json_events(): """Fetch events and generate JSON.""" return self.json( _get_events( hass, start_day, end_day, entity_ids, self.filters, self.entities_filter, entity_matches_only, context_id, ) ) return await hass.async_add_executor_job(json_events) def humanify(hass, events, entity_attr_cache, context_lookup): """Generate a converted list of events into Entry objects. Will try to group events if possible: - if 2+ sensor updates in GROUP_BY_MINUTES, show last - if Home Assistant stop and start happen in same minute call it restarted """ external_events = hass.data.get(DOMAIN, {}) # Group events in batches of GROUP_BY_MINUTES for _, g_events in groupby( events, lambda event: event.time_fired_minute // GROUP_BY_MINUTES ): events_batch = list(g_events) # Keep track of last sensor states last_sensor_event = {} # Group HA start/stop events # Maps minute of event to 1: stop, 2: stop + start start_stop_events = {} # Process events for event in events_batch: if event.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED: if event.domain in CONTINUOUS_DOMAINS: last_sensor_event[event.entity_id] = event elif event.event_type == EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP: if event.time_fired_minute in start_stop_events: continue start_stop_events[event.time_fired_minute] = 1 elif event.event_type == EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START: if event.time_fired_minute not in start_stop_events: continue start_stop_events[event.time_fired_minute] = 2 # Yield entries for event in events_batch: if event.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED: entity_id = event.entity_id domain = event.domain if ( domain in CONTINUOUS_DOMAINS and event != last_sensor_event[entity_id] ): # Skip all but the last sensor state continue data = { "when": event.time_fired_isoformat, "name": _entity_name_from_event( entity_id, event, entity_attr_cache ), "state": event.state, "entity_id": entity_id, } if icon := event.attributes_icon: data["icon"] = icon if event.context_user_id: data["context_user_id"] = event.context_user_id _augment_data_with_context( data, entity_id, event, context_lookup, entity_attr_cache, external_events, ) yield data elif event.event_type in external_events: domain, describe_event = external_events[event.event_type] data = describe_event(event) data["when"] = event.time_fired_isoformat data["domain"] = domain if event.context_user_id: data["context_user_id"] = event.context_user_id _augment_data_with_context( data, data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID), event, context_lookup, entity_attr_cache, external_events, ) yield data elif event.event_type == EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START: if start_stop_events.get(event.time_fired_minute) == 2: continue yield { "when": event.time_fired_isoformat, "name": "Home Assistant", "message": "started", "domain": HA_DOMAIN, } elif event.event_type == EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP: if start_stop_events.get(event.time_fired_minute) == 2: action = "restarted" else: action = "stopped" yield { "when": event.time_fired_isoformat, "name": "Home Assistant", "message": action, "domain": HA_DOMAIN, } elif event.event_type == EVENT_LOGBOOK_ENTRY: event_data = event.data domain = event_data.get(ATTR_DOMAIN) entity_id = event_data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) if domain is None and entity_id is not None: with suppress(IndexError): domain = split_entity_id(str(entity_id))[0] data = { "when": event.time_fired_isoformat, "name": event_data.get(ATTR_NAME), "message": event_data.get(ATTR_MESSAGE), "domain": domain, "entity_id": entity_id, } if event.context_user_id: data["context_user_id"] = event.context_user_id _augment_data_with_context( data, entity_id, event, context_lookup, entity_attr_cache, external_events, ) yield data def _get_events( hass, start_day, end_day, entity_ids=None, filters=None, entities_filter=None, entity_matches_only=False, context_id=None, ): """Get events for a period of time.""" assert not ( entity_ids and context_id ), "can't pass in both entity_ids and context_id" entity_attr_cache = EntityAttributeCache(hass) context_lookup = {None: None} def yield_events(query): """Yield Events that are not filtered away.""" for row in query.yield_per(1000): event = LazyEventPartialState(row) context_lookup.setdefault(event.context_id, event) if event.event_type == EVENT_CALL_SERVICE: continue if event.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED or _keep_event( hass, event, entities_filter ): yield event if entity_ids is not None: entities_filter = generate_filter([], entity_ids, [], []) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: old_state = aliased(States, name="old_state") if entity_ids is not None: query = _generate_events_query_without_states(session) query = _apply_event_time_filter(query, start_day, end_day) query = _apply_event_types_filter( hass, query, ALL_EVENT_TYPES_EXCEPT_STATE_CHANGED ) if entity_matches_only: # When entity_matches_only is provided, contexts and events that do not # contain the entity_ids are not included in the logbook response. query = _apply_event_entity_id_matchers(query, entity_ids) query = query.union_all( _generate_states_query( session, start_day, end_day, old_state, entity_ids ) ) else: query = _generate_events_query(session) query = _apply_event_time_filter(query, start_day, end_day) query = _apply_events_types_and_states_filter( hass, query, old_state ).filter( (States.last_updated == States.last_changed) | (Events.event_type != EVENT_STATE_CHANGED) ) if filters: query = query.filter( filters.entity_filter() | (Events.event_type != EVENT_STATE_CHANGED) ) if context_id is not None: query = query.filter(Events.context_id == context_id) query = query.order_by(Events.time_fired) return list( humanify(hass, yield_events(query), entity_attr_cache, context_lookup) ) def _generate_events_query(session): return session.query( *EVENT_COLUMNS, States.state, States.entity_id, States.domain, States.attributes, ) def _generate_events_query_without_states(session): return session.query( *EVENT_COLUMNS, literal(value=None, type_=sqlalchemy.String).label("state"), literal(value=None, type_=sqlalchemy.String).label("entity_id"), literal(value=None, type_=sqlalchemy.String).label("domain"), literal(value=None, type_=sqlalchemy.Text).label("attributes"), ) def _generate_states_query(session, start_day, end_day, old_state, entity_ids): return ( _generate_events_query(session) .outerjoin(Events, (States.event_id == Events.event_id)) .outerjoin(old_state, (States.old_state_id == old_state.state_id)) .filter(_missing_state_matcher(old_state)) .filter(_continuous_entity_matcher()) .filter((States.last_updated > start_day) & (States.last_updated < end_day)) .filter( (States.last_updated == States.last_changed) & States.entity_id.in_(entity_ids) ) ) def _apply_events_types_and_states_filter(hass, query, old_state): events_query = ( query.outerjoin(States, (Events.event_id == States.event_id)) .outerjoin(old_state, (States.old_state_id == old_state.state_id)) .filter( (Events.event_type != EVENT_STATE_CHANGED) | _missing_state_matcher(old_state) ) .filter( (Events.event_type != EVENT_STATE_CHANGED) | _continuous_entity_matcher() ) ) return _apply_event_types_filter(hass, events_query, ALL_EVENT_TYPES) def _missing_state_matcher(old_state): # The below removes state change events that do not have # and old_state or the old_state is missing (newly added entities) # or the new_state is missing (removed entities) return sqlalchemy.and_( old_state.state_id.isnot(None), (States.state != old_state.state), States.state.isnot(None), ) def _continuous_entity_matcher(): # # Prefilter out continuous domains that have # ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT as its much faster in sql. # return sqlalchemy.or_( sqlalchemy.not_(States.domain.in_(CONTINUOUS_DOMAINS)), sqlalchemy.not_(States.attributes.contains(UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT_JSON)), ) def _apply_event_time_filter(events_query, start_day, end_day): return events_query.filter( (Events.time_fired > start_day) & (Events.time_fired < end_day) ) def _apply_event_types_filter(hass, query, event_types): return query.filter( Events.event_type.in_(event_types + list(hass.data.get(DOMAIN, {}))) ) def _apply_event_entity_id_matchers(events_query, entity_ids): return events_query.filter( sqlalchemy.or_( *( Events.event_data.contains(ENTITY_ID_JSON_TEMPLATE.format(entity_id)) for entity_id in entity_ids ) ) ) def _keep_event(hass, event, entities_filter): if event.event_type in HOMEASSISTANT_EVENTS: return entities_filter is None or entities_filter(HA_DOMAIN_ENTITY_ID) if entity_id := event.data_entity_id: return entities_filter is None or entities_filter(entity_id) if event.event_type in hass.data[DOMAIN]: # If the entity_id isn't described, use the domain that describes # the event for filtering. domain = hass.data[DOMAIN][event.event_type][0] else: domain = event.data_domain if domain is None: return False return entities_filter is None or entities_filter(f"{domain}.") def _augment_data_with_context( data, entity_id, event, context_lookup, entity_attr_cache, external_events ): if not (context_event := context_lookup.get(event.context_id)): return if event == context_event: # This is the first event with the given ID. Was it directly caused by # a parent event? if event.context_parent_id: context_event = context_lookup.get(event.context_parent_id) # Ensure the (parent) context_event exists and is not the root cause of # this log entry. if not context_event or event == context_event: return event_type = context_event.event_type # State change if context_entity_id := context_event.entity_id: data["context_entity_id"] = context_entity_id data["context_entity_id_name"] = _entity_name_from_event( context_entity_id, context_event, entity_attr_cache ) data["context_event_type"] = event_type return event_data = context_event.data # Call service if event_type == EVENT_CALL_SERVICE: event_data = context_event.data data["context_domain"] = event_data.get(ATTR_DOMAIN) data["context_service"] = event_data.get(ATTR_SERVICE) data["context_event_type"] = event_type return if not entity_id: return attr_entity_id = event_data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) if not isinstance(attr_entity_id, str) or ( event_type in SCRIPT_AUTOMATION_EVENTS and attr_entity_id == entity_id ): return if context_event == event: return data["context_entity_id"] = attr_entity_id data["context_entity_id_name"] = _entity_name_from_event( attr_entity_id, context_event, entity_attr_cache ) data["context_event_type"] = event_type if event_type in external_events: domain, describe_event = external_events[event_type] data["context_domain"] = domain if name := describe_event(context_event).get(ATTR_NAME): data["context_name"] = name def _entity_name_from_event(entity_id, event, entity_attr_cache): """Extract the entity name from the event using the cache if possible.""" return entity_attr_cache.get( entity_id, ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME, event ) or split_entity_id(entity_id)[1].replace("_", " ") class LazyEventPartialState: """A lazy version of core Event with limited State joined in.""" __slots__ = [ "_row", "_event_data", "_time_fired_isoformat", "_attributes", "event_type", "entity_id", "state", "domain", "context_id", "context_user_id", "context_parent_id", "time_fired_minute", ] def __init__(self, row): """Init the lazy event.""" self._row = row self._event_data = None self._time_fired_isoformat = None self._attributes = None self.event_type = self._row.event_type self.entity_id = self._row.entity_id self.state = self._row.state self.domain = self._row.domain self.context_id = self._row.context_id self.context_user_id = self._row.context_user_id self.context_parent_id = self._row.context_parent_id self.time_fired_minute = self._row.time_fired.minute @property def attributes_icon(self): """Extract the icon from the decoded attributes or json.""" if self._attributes: return self._attributes.get(ATTR_ICON) result = ICON_JSON_EXTRACT.search(self._row.attributes) return result and result.group(1) @property def data_entity_id(self): """Extract the entity id from the decoded data or json.""" if self._event_data: return self._event_data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) result = ENTITY_ID_JSON_EXTRACT.search(self._row.event_data) return result and result.group(1) @property def data_domain(self): """Extract the domain from the decoded data or json.""" if self._event_data: return self._event_data.get(ATTR_DOMAIN) result = DOMAIN_JSON_EXTRACT.search(self._row.event_data) return result and result.group(1) @property def attributes(self): """State attributes.""" if not self._attributes: if ( self._row.attributes is None or self._row.attributes == EMPTY_JSON_OBJECT ): self._attributes = {} else: self._attributes = json.loads(self._row.attributes) return self._attributes @property def data(self): """Event data.""" if not self._event_data: if self._row.event_data == EMPTY_JSON_OBJECT: self._event_data = {} else: self._event_data = json.loads(self._row.event_data) return self._event_data @property def time_fired_isoformat(self): """Time event was fired in utc isoformat.""" if not self._time_fired_isoformat: self._time_fired_isoformat = process_timestamp_to_utc_isoformat( self._row.time_fired or dt_util.utcnow() ) return self._time_fired_isoformat class EntityAttributeCache: """A cache to lookup static entity_id attribute. This class should not be used to lookup attributes that are expected to change state. """ def __init__(self, hass): """Init the cache.""" self._hass = hass self._cache = {} def get(self, entity_id, attribute, event): """Lookup an attribute for an entity or get it from the cache.""" if entity_id in self._cache: if attribute in self._cache[entity_id]: return self._cache[entity_id][attribute] else: self._cache[entity_id] = {} if current_state := self._hass.states.get(entity_id): # Try the current state as its faster than decoding the # attributes self._cache[entity_id][attribute] = current_state.attributes.get(attribute) else: # If the entity has been removed, decode the attributes # instead self._cache[entity_id][attribute] = event.attributes.get(attribute) return self._cache[entity_id][attribute]