"""The Netio switch component.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections import namedtuple from datetime import timedelta import logging from pynetio import Netio import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import util from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.components.switch import PLATFORM_SCHEMA, SwitchEntity from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_USERNAME, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, STATE_ON, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType, DiscoveryInfoType _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_START_DATE = "start_date" ATTR_TOTAL_CONSUMPTION_KWH = "total_energy_kwh" CONF_OUTLETS = "outlets" DEFAULT_PORT = 1234 DEFAULT_USERNAME = "admin" Device = namedtuple("Device", ["netio", "entities"]) DEVICES: dict[str, Device] = {} MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_SCANS = timedelta(seconds=10) REQ_CONF = [CONF_HOST, CONF_OUTLETS] URL_API_NETIO_EP = "/api/netio/{host}" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): cv.port, vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME, default=DEFAULT_USERNAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_OUTLETS): {cv.string: cv.string}, } ) def setup_platform( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType, add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, discovery_info: DiscoveryInfoType | None = None, ) -> None: """Set up the Netio platform.""" host = config[CONF_HOST] username = config[CONF_USERNAME] password = config[CONF_PASSWORD] port = config[CONF_PORT] if not DEVICES: hass.http.register_view(NetioApiView) dev = Netio(host, port, username, password) DEVICES[host] = Device(dev, []) # Throttle the update for all Netio switches of one Netio dev.update = util.Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_SCANS)(dev.update) for key in config[CONF_OUTLETS]: switch = NetioSwitch(DEVICES[host].netio, key, config[CONF_OUTLETS][key]) DEVICES[host].entities.append(switch) add_entities(DEVICES[host].entities) hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, dispose) def dispose(event): """Close connections to Netio Devices.""" for value in DEVICES.values(): value.netio.stop() class NetioApiView(HomeAssistantView): """WSGI handler class.""" url = URL_API_NETIO_EP name = "api:netio" @callback def get(self, request, host): """Request handler.""" data = request.query states, consumptions, cumulated_consumptions, start_dates = [], [], [], [] for i in range(1, 5): out = "output%d" % i states.append(data.get(f"{out}_state") == STATE_ON) consumptions.append(float(data.get(f"{out}_consumption", 0))) cumulated_consumptions.append( float(data.get(f"{out}_cumulatedConsumption", 0)) / 1000 ) start_dates.append(data.get(f"{out}_consumptionStart", "")) _LOGGER.debug( "%s: %s, %s, %s since %s", host, states, consumptions, cumulated_consumptions, start_dates, ) ndev = DEVICES[host].netio ndev.consumptions = consumptions ndev.cumulated_consumptions = cumulated_consumptions ndev.states = states ndev.start_dates = start_dates for dev in DEVICES[host].entities: dev.async_write_ha_state() return self.json(True) class NetioSwitch(SwitchEntity): """Provide a Netio linked switch.""" def __init__(self, netio, outlet, name): """Initialize the Netio switch.""" self._name = name self.outlet = outlet self.netio = netio @property def name(self): """Return the device's name.""" return self._name @property def available(self): """Return true if entity is available.""" return not hasattr(self, "telnet") def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn switch on.""" self._set(True) def turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn switch off.""" self._set(False) def _set(self, value): val = list("uuuu") val[int(self.outlet) - 1] = "1" if value else "0" self.netio.get("port list %s" % "".join(val)) self.netio.states[int(self.outlet) - 1] = value self.schedule_update_ha_state() @property def is_on(self): """Return the switch's status.""" return self.netio.states[int(self.outlet) - 1] def update(self): """Update the state.""" self.netio.update()