{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "title": "Connect to the Smile", "description": "Please enter", "data": { "password": "Smile ID", "host": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::ip%]", "port": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::port%]", "username": "Smile Username" }, "data_description": { "host": "Leave empty if using Auto Discovery" } } }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]", "invalid_auth": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::invalid_auth%]", "invalid_setup": "Add your Adam instead of your Anna, see the documentation", "response_error": "Invalid XML data, or error indication received", "unknown": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::unknown%]", "unsupported": "Device with unsupported firmware" }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_service%]", "anna_with_adam": "Both Anna and Adam detected. Add your Adam instead of your Anna" } }, "entity": { "binary_sensor": { "low_battery": { "name": "Battery state" }, "compressor_state": { "name": "Compressor state" }, "cooling_enabled": { "name": "Cooling enabled" }, "dhw_state": { "name": "DHW state" }, "flame_state": { "name": "Flame state" }, "heating_state": { "name": "[%key:component::climate::entity_component::_::state_attributes::hvac_action::state::heating%]" }, "cooling_state": { "name": "[%key:component::climate::entity_component::_::state_attributes::hvac_action::state::cooling%]" }, "secondary_boiler_state": { "name": "Secondary boiler state" }, "plugwise_notification": { "name": "Plugwise notification" } }, "button": { "reboot": { "name": "Reboot" } }, "climate": { "plugwise": { "state_attributes": { "available_schemas": { "name": "Available schemas" }, "preset_mode": { "state": { "asleep": "Night", "away": "[%key:component::climate::entity_component::_::state_attributes::preset_mode::state::away%]", "home": "[%key:common::state::home%]", "no_frost": "Anti-frost", "vacation": "Vacation" } }, "selected_schema": { "name": "Selected schema" } } } }, "number": { "maximum_boiler_temperature": { "name": "Maximum boiler temperature setpoint" }, "max_dhw_temperature": { "name": "Domestic hot water setpoint" }, "temperature_offset": { "name": "Temperature offset" } }, "select": { "dhw_mode": { "name": "DHW mode", "state": { "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "auto": "Auto", "boost": "[%key:component::climate::entity_component::_::state_attributes::preset_mode::state::boost%]", "comfort": "[%key:component::climate::entity_component::_::state_attributes::preset_mode::state::comfort%]" } }, "gateway_mode": { "name": "Gateway mode", "state": { "away": "Pause", "full": "Normal", "vacation": "Vacation" } }, "regulation_mode": { "name": "Regulation mode", "state": { "bleeding_cold": "Bleeding cold", "bleeding_hot": "Bleeding hot", "cooling": "[%key:component::climate::entity_component::_::state_attributes::hvac_action::state::cooling%]", "heating": "[%key:component::climate::entity_component::_::state_attributes::hvac_action::state::heating%]", "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]" } }, "select_schedule": { "name": "Thermostat schedule", "state": { "off": "Off" } } }, "sensor": { "setpoint": { "name": "Setpoint" }, "cooling_setpoint": { "name": "Cooling setpoint" }, "heating_setpoint": { "name": "Heating setpoint" }, "intended_boiler_temperature": { "name": "Intended boiler temperature" }, "temperature_difference": { "name": "Temperature difference" }, "outdoor_temperature": { "name": "Outdoor temperature" }, "outdoor_air_temperature": { "name": "Outdoor air temperature" }, "water_temperature": { "name": "Water temperature" }, "return_temperature": { "name": "Return temperature" }, "electricity_consumed": { "name": "Electricity consumed" }, "electricity_produced": { "name": "Electricity produced" }, "electricity_consumed_interval": { "name": "Electricity consumed interval" }, "electricity_consumed_peak_interval": { "name": "Electricity consumed peak interval" }, "electricity_consumed_off_peak_interval": { "name": "Electricity consumed off peak interval" }, "electricity_produced_interval": { "name": "Electricity produced interval" }, "electricity_produced_peak_interval": { "name": "Electricity produced peak interval" }, "electricity_produced_off_peak_interval": { "name": "Electricity produced off peak interval" }, "electricity_consumed_point": { "name": "Electricity consumed point" }, "electricity_consumed_off_peak_point": { "name": "Electricity consumed off peak point" }, "electricity_consumed_peak_point": { "name": "Electricity consumed peak point" }, "electricity_consumed_off_peak_cumulative": { "name": "Electricity consumed off peak cumulative" }, "electricity_consumed_peak_cumulative": { "name": "Electricity consumed peak cumulative" }, "electricity_produced_point": { "name": "Electricity produced point" }, "electricity_produced_off_peak_point": { "name": "Electricity produced off peak point" }, "electricity_produced_peak_point": { "name": "Electricity produced peak point" }, "electricity_produced_off_peak_cumulative": { "name": "Electricity produced off peak cumulative" }, "electricity_produced_peak_cumulative": { "name": "Electricity produced peak cumulative" }, "electricity_phase_one_consumed": { "name": "Electricity phase one consumed" }, "electricity_phase_two_consumed": { "name": "Electricity phase two consumed" }, "electricity_phase_three_consumed": { "name": "Electricity phase three consumed" }, "electricity_phase_one_produced": { "name": "Electricity phase one produced" }, "electricity_phase_two_produced": { "name": "Electricity phase two produced" }, "electricity_phase_three_produced": { "name": "Electricity phase three produced" }, "voltage_phase_one": { "name": "Voltage phase one" }, "voltage_phase_two": { "name": "Voltage phase two" }, "voltage_phase_three": { "name": "Voltage phase three" }, "gas_consumed_interval": { "name": "Gas consumed interval" }, "gas_consumed_cumulative": { "name": "Gas consumed cumulative" }, "net_electricity_point": { "name": "Net electricity point" }, "net_electricity_cumulative": { "name": "Net electricity cumulative" }, "modulation_level": { "name": "Modulation level" }, "valve_position": { "name": "Valve position" }, "water_pressure": { "name": "Water pressure" }, "dhw_temperature": { "name": "DHW temperature" }, "domestic_hot_water_setpoint": { "name": "DHW setpoint" }, "maximum_boiler_temperature": { "name": "Maximum boiler temperature" } }, "switch": { "cooling_ena_switch": { "name": "[%key:component::climate::entity_component::_::state_attributes::hvac_action::state::cooling%]" }, "dhw_cm_switch": { "name": "DHW comfort mode" }, "lock": { "name": "[%key:component::lock::title%]" }, "relay": { "name": "Relay" } } } }