rules: # Bronze action-setup: status: exempt comment: No service actions currently available appropriate-polling: done brands: done common-modules: done config-flow-test-coverage: done config-flow: done dependency-transparency: done docs-actions: done docs-high-level-description: done docs-installation-instructions: done docs-removal-instructions: done entity-event-setup: status: exempt comment: | No explicit event subscriptions. entity-unique-id: done has-entity-name: done runtime-data: done test-before-configure: status: todo comment: | There are two servers that are used for this integration. If the authentication server is unreachable, the user will not pass the configuration step. If the backend is unreachable, an empty error message is displayed. test-before-setup: done unique-config-entry: done # Silver action-exceptions: status: exempt comment: No service actions currently available config-entry-unloading: done docs-configuration-parameters: status: exempt comment: | No configuration parameters available. docs-installation-parameters: done entity-unavailable: done integration-owner: done log-when-unavailable: done parallel-updates: done reauthentication-flow: done test-coverage: done # Gold devices: done diagnostics: todo discovery-update-info: status: exempt comment: | This integration is a cloud service and thus does not support discovery. discovery: status: exempt comment: | This integration is a cloud service and thus does not support discovery. docs-data-update: done docs-examples: todo docs-known-limitations: done docs-supported-devices: done docs-supported-functions: todo docs-troubleshooting: done docs-use-cases: todo dynamic-devices: status: todo comment: | While unlikely to happen. Check if it is easily integrated. entity-category: todo entity-device-class: done entity-disabled-by-default: todo entity-translations: done exception-translations: todo icon-translations: done reconfiguration-flow: status: exempt comment: | There is no reconfiguration, as the only configuration step is authentication. repair-issues: status: exempt comment: | This is a cloud service and apart form reauthentication there are not user repairable issues. stale-devices: status: todo comment: | While unlikely to happen. Check if it is easily integrated. # Platinum async-dependency: status: todo comment: | Dependency uses asyncio.to_thread, but this is not real async. inject-websession: todo strict-typing: todo