{ "title": "Scene", "services": { "turn_on": { "name": "Activate", "description": "Activates a scene.", "fields": { "transition": { "name": "Transition", "description": "Time it takes the devices to transition into the states defined in the scene." } } }, "reload": { "name": "[%key:common::action::reload%]", "description": "Reloads the scenes from the YAML-configuration." }, "apply": { "name": "Apply", "description": "Activates a scene with configuration.", "fields": { "entities": { "name": "Entities state", "description": "List of entities and their target state." }, "transition": { "name": "Transition", "description": "Time it takes the devices to transition into the states defined in the scene." } } }, "create": { "name": "Create", "description": "Creates a new scene.", "fields": { "scene_id": { "name": "Scene entity ID", "description": "The entity ID of the new scene." }, "entities": { "name": "Entities state", "description": "List of entities and their target state. If your entities are already in the target state right now, use `snapshot_entities` instead." }, "snapshot_entities": { "name": "Snapshot entities", "description": "List of entities to be included in the snapshot. By taking a snapshot, you record the current state of those entities. If you do not want to use the current state of all your entities for this scene, you can combine the `snapshot_entities` with `entities`." } } }, "delete": { "name": "Delete", "description": "Deletes a dynamically created scene." } }, "exceptions": { "entity_not_scene": { "message": "{entity_id} is not a valid scene entity_id." }, "entity_not_dynamically_created": { "message": "The scene {entity_id} is not created with action `scene.create`." } } }