"""Support for Climate devices of (EMEA/EU-based) Honeywell TCC systems.""" from __future__ import annotations from datetime import datetime, timedelta import logging from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any import evohomeasync2 as evo from evohomeasync2.schema.const import ( SZ_ACTIVE_FAULTS, SZ_ALLOWED_SYSTEM_MODES, SZ_SETPOINT_STATUS, SZ_SYSTEM_ID, SZ_SYSTEM_MODE, SZ_SYSTEM_MODE_STATUS, SZ_TEMPERATURE_STATUS, SZ_UNTIL, SZ_ZONE_ID, ZoneModelType, ZoneType, ) from homeassistant.components.climate import ( PRESET_AWAY, PRESET_ECO, PRESET_HOME, PRESET_NONE, ClimateEntity, ClimateEntityFeature, HVACMode, ) from homeassistant.const import PRECISION_TENTHS, UnitOfTemperature from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType, DiscoveryInfoType import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from . import ( ATTR_DURATION_DAYS, ATTR_DURATION_HOURS, ATTR_DURATION_UNTIL, ATTR_SYSTEM_MODE, ATTR_ZONE_TEMP, CONF_LOCATION_IDX, SVC_RESET_ZONE_OVERRIDE, SVC_SET_SYSTEM_MODE, EvoChild, EvoDevice, ) from .const import ( DOMAIN, EVO_AUTO, EVO_AUTOECO, EVO_AWAY, EVO_CUSTOM, EVO_DAYOFF, EVO_FOLLOW, EVO_HEATOFF, EVO_PERMOVER, EVO_RESET, EVO_TEMPOVER, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from . import EvoBroker _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PRESET_RESET = "Reset" # reset all child zones to EVO_FOLLOW PRESET_CUSTOM = "Custom" HA_HVAC_TO_TCS = {HVACMode.OFF: EVO_HEATOFF, HVACMode.HEAT: EVO_AUTO} TCS_PRESET_TO_HA = { EVO_AWAY: PRESET_AWAY, EVO_CUSTOM: PRESET_CUSTOM, EVO_AUTOECO: PRESET_ECO, EVO_DAYOFF: PRESET_HOME, EVO_RESET: PRESET_RESET, } # EVO_AUTO: None, HA_PRESET_TO_TCS = {v: k for k, v in TCS_PRESET_TO_HA.items()} EVO_PRESET_TO_HA = { EVO_FOLLOW: PRESET_NONE, EVO_TEMPOVER: "temporary", EVO_PERMOVER: "permanent", } HA_PRESET_TO_EVO = {v: k for k, v in EVO_PRESET_TO_HA.items()} STATE_ATTRS_TCS = [SZ_SYSTEM_ID, SZ_ACTIVE_FAULTS, SZ_SYSTEM_MODE_STATUS] STATE_ATTRS_ZONES = [ SZ_ZONE_ID, SZ_ACTIVE_FAULTS, SZ_SETPOINT_STATUS, SZ_TEMPERATURE_STATUS, ] async def async_setup_platform( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, discovery_info: DiscoveryInfoType | None = None, ) -> None: """Create the evohome Controller, and its Zones, if any.""" if discovery_info is None: return broker: EvoBroker = hass.data[DOMAIN]["broker"] _LOGGER.debug( "Found the Location/Controller (%s), id=%s, name=%s (location_idx=%s)", broker.tcs.modelType, broker.tcs.systemId, broker.tcs.location.name, broker.params[CONF_LOCATION_IDX], ) entities: list[EvoClimateEntity] = [EvoController(broker, broker.tcs)] for zone in broker.tcs.zones.values(): if ( zone.modelType == ZoneModelType.HEATING_ZONE or zone.zoneType == ZoneType.THERMOSTAT ): _LOGGER.debug( "Adding: %s (%s), id=%s, name=%s", zone.zoneType, zone.modelType, zone.zoneId, zone.name, ) new_entity = EvoZone(broker, zone) entities.append(new_entity) else: _LOGGER.warning( ( "Ignoring: %s (%s), id=%s, name=%s: unknown/invalid zone type, " "report as an issue if you feel this zone type should be supported" ), zone.zoneType, zone.modelType, zone.zoneId, zone.name, ) async_add_entities(entities, update_before_add=True) class EvoClimateEntity(EvoDevice, ClimateEntity): """Base for an evohome Climate device.""" _attr_temperature_unit = UnitOfTemperature.CELSIUS @property def hvac_modes(self) -> list[HVACMode]: """Return a list of available hvac operation modes.""" return list(HA_HVAC_TO_TCS) class EvoZone(EvoChild, EvoClimateEntity): """Base for a Honeywell TCC Zone.""" _attr_preset_modes = list(HA_PRESET_TO_EVO) _evo_device: evo.Zone # mypy hint def __init__(self, evo_broker: EvoBroker, evo_device: evo.Zone) -> None: """Initialize a Honeywell TCC Zone.""" super().__init__(evo_broker, evo_device) self._evo_id = evo_device.zoneId if evo_device.modelType.startswith("VisionProWifi"): # this system does not have a distinct ID for the zone self._attr_unique_id = f"{evo_device.zoneId}z" else: self._attr_unique_id = evo_device.zoneId if evo_broker.client_v1: self._attr_precision = PRECISION_TENTHS else: self._attr_precision = self._evo_device.setpointCapabilities[ "valueResolution" ] self._attr_supported_features = ( ClimateEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE | ClimateEntityFeature.TARGET_TEMPERATURE ) async def async_zone_svc_request(self, service: str, data: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Process a service request (setpoint override) for a zone.""" if service == SVC_RESET_ZONE_OVERRIDE: await self._evo_broker.call_client_api(self._evo_device.reset_mode()) return # otherwise it is SVC_SET_ZONE_OVERRIDE temperature = max(min(data[ATTR_ZONE_TEMP], self.max_temp), self.min_temp) if ATTR_DURATION_UNTIL in data: duration: timedelta = data[ATTR_DURATION_UNTIL] if duration.total_seconds() == 0: await self._update_schedule() until = dt_util.parse_datetime(self.setpoints.get("next_sp_from", "")) else: until = dt_util.now() + data[ATTR_DURATION_UNTIL] else: until = None # indefinitely until = dt_util.as_utc(until) if until else None await self._evo_broker.call_client_api( self._evo_device.set_temperature(temperature, until=until) ) @property def name(self) -> str | None: """Return the name of the evohome entity.""" return self._evo_device.name # zones can be easily renamed @property def hvac_mode(self) -> HVACMode | None: """Return the current operating mode of a Zone.""" if self._evo_tcs.system_mode in (EVO_AWAY, EVO_HEATOFF): return HVACMode.AUTO if self.target_temperature is None: return None if self.target_temperature <= self.min_temp: return HVACMode.OFF return HVACMode.HEAT @property def target_temperature(self) -> float | None: """Return the target temperature of a Zone.""" return self._evo_device.target_heat_temperature @property def preset_mode(self) -> str | None: """Return the current preset mode, e.g., home, away, temp.""" if self._evo_tcs.system_mode in (EVO_AWAY, EVO_HEATOFF): return TCS_PRESET_TO_HA.get(self._evo_tcs.system_mode) if self._evo_device.mode is None: return None return EVO_PRESET_TO_HA.get(self._evo_device.mode) @property def min_temp(self) -> float: """Return the minimum target temperature of a Zone. The default is 5, but is user-configurable within 5-21 (in Celsius). """ if self._evo_device.min_heat_setpoint is None: return 5 return self._evo_device.min_heat_setpoint @property def max_temp(self) -> float: """Return the maximum target temperature of a Zone. The default is 35, but is user-configurable within 21-35 (in Celsius). """ if self._evo_device.max_heat_setpoint is None: return 35 return self._evo_device.max_heat_setpoint async def async_set_temperature(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Set a new target temperature.""" assert self._evo_device.setpointStatus is not None # mypy check temperature = kwargs["temperature"] if (until := kwargs.get("until")) is None: if self._evo_device.mode == EVO_FOLLOW: await self._update_schedule() until = dt_util.parse_datetime(self.setpoints.get("next_sp_from", "")) elif self._evo_device.mode == EVO_TEMPOVER: until = dt_util.parse_datetime( self._evo_device.setpointStatus[SZ_UNTIL] ) until = dt_util.as_utc(until) if until else None await self._evo_broker.call_client_api( self._evo_device.set_temperature(temperature, until=until) ) async def async_set_hvac_mode(self, hvac_mode: HVACMode) -> None: """Set a Zone to one of its native EVO_* operating modes. Zones inherit their _effective_ operating mode from their Controller. Usually, Zones are in 'FollowSchedule' mode, where their setpoints are a function of their own schedule and the Controller's operating mode, e.g. 'AutoWithEco' mode means their setpoint is (by default) 3C less than scheduled. However, Zones can _override_ these setpoints, either indefinitely, 'PermanentOverride' mode, or for a set period of time, 'TemporaryOverride' mode (after which they will revert back to 'FollowSchedule' mode). Finally, some of the Controller's operating modes are _forced_ upon the Zones, regardless of any override mode, e.g. 'HeatingOff', Zones to (by default) 5C, and 'Away', Zones to (by default) 12C. """ if hvac_mode == HVACMode.OFF: await self._evo_broker.call_client_api( self._evo_device.set_temperature(self.min_temp, until=None) ) else: # HVACMode.HEAT await self._evo_broker.call_client_api(self._evo_device.reset_mode()) async def async_set_preset_mode(self, preset_mode: str) -> None: """Set the preset mode; if None, then revert to following the schedule.""" evo_preset_mode = HA_PRESET_TO_EVO.get(preset_mode, EVO_FOLLOW) if evo_preset_mode == EVO_FOLLOW: await self._evo_broker.call_client_api(self._evo_device.reset_mode()) return if evo_preset_mode == EVO_TEMPOVER: await self._update_schedule() until = dt_util.parse_datetime(self.setpoints.get("next_sp_from", "")) else: # EVO_PERMOVER until = None temperature = self._evo_device.target_heat_temperature assert temperature is not None # mypy check until = dt_util.as_utc(until) if until else None await self._evo_broker.call_client_api( self._evo_device.set_temperature(temperature, until=until) ) async def async_update(self) -> None: """Get the latest state data for a Zone.""" await super().async_update() for attr in STATE_ATTRS_ZONES: self._device_state_attrs[attr] = getattr(self._evo_device, attr) class EvoController(EvoClimateEntity): """Base for a Honeywell TCC Controller/Location. The Controller (aka TCS, temperature control system) is the parent of all the child (CH/DHW) devices. It is implemented as a Climate entity to expose the controller's operating modes to HA. It is assumed there is only one TCS per location, and they are thus synonymous. """ _attr_icon = "mdi:thermostat" _attr_precision = PRECISION_TENTHS _evo_device: evo.ControlSystem # mypy hint def __init__(self, evo_broker: EvoBroker, evo_device: evo.ControlSystem) -> None: """Initialize a Honeywell TCC Controller/Location.""" super().__init__(evo_broker, evo_device) self._evo_id = evo_device.systemId self._attr_unique_id = evo_device.systemId self._attr_name = evo_device.location.name modes = [m[SZ_SYSTEM_MODE] for m in evo_broker.config[SZ_ALLOWED_SYSTEM_MODES]] self._attr_preset_modes = [ TCS_PRESET_TO_HA[m] for m in modes if m in list(TCS_PRESET_TO_HA) ] if self._attr_preset_modes: self._attr_supported_features = ClimateEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE async def async_tcs_svc_request(self, service: str, data: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Process a service request (system mode) for a controller. Data validation is not required, it will have been done upstream. """ if service == SVC_SET_SYSTEM_MODE: mode = data[ATTR_SYSTEM_MODE] else: # otherwise it is SVC_RESET_SYSTEM mode = EVO_RESET if ATTR_DURATION_DAYS in data: until = dt_util.start_of_local_day() until += data[ATTR_DURATION_DAYS] elif ATTR_DURATION_HOURS in data: until = dt_util.now() + data[ATTR_DURATION_HOURS] else: until = None await self._set_tcs_mode(mode, until=until) async def _set_tcs_mode(self, mode: str, until: datetime | None = None) -> None: """Set a Controller to any of its native EVO_* operating modes.""" until = dt_util.as_utc(until) if until else None await self._evo_broker.call_client_api( self._evo_tcs.set_mode(mode, until=until) # type: ignore[arg-type] ) @property def hvac_mode(self) -> HVACMode: """Return the current operating mode of a Controller.""" tcs_mode = self._evo_tcs.system_mode return HVACMode.OFF if tcs_mode == EVO_HEATOFF else HVACMode.HEAT @property def current_temperature(self) -> float | None: """Return the average current temperature of the heating Zones. Controllers do not have a current temp, but one is expected by HA. """ temps = [ z.temperature for z in self._evo_tcs.zones.values() if z.temperature is not None ] return round(sum(temps) / len(temps), 1) if temps else None @property def preset_mode(self) -> str | None: """Return the current preset mode, e.g., home, away, temp.""" if not self._evo_tcs.system_mode: return None return TCS_PRESET_TO_HA.get(self._evo_tcs.system_mode) async def async_set_temperature(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Raise exception as Controllers don't have a target temperature.""" raise NotImplementedError("Evohome Controllers don't have target temperatures.") async def async_set_hvac_mode(self, hvac_mode: HVACMode) -> None: """Set an operating mode for a Controller.""" if not (tcs_mode := HA_HVAC_TO_TCS.get(hvac_mode)): raise HomeAssistantError(f"Invalid hvac_mode: {hvac_mode}") await self._set_tcs_mode(tcs_mode) async def async_set_preset_mode(self, preset_mode: str) -> None: """Set the preset mode; if None, then revert to 'Auto' mode.""" await self._set_tcs_mode(HA_PRESET_TO_TCS.get(preset_mode, EVO_AUTO)) async def async_update(self) -> None: """Get the latest state data for a Controller.""" self._device_state_attrs = {} attrs = self._device_state_attrs for attr in STATE_ATTRS_TCS: if attr == SZ_ACTIVE_FAULTS: attrs["activeSystemFaults"] = getattr(self._evo_tcs, attr) else: attrs[attr] = getattr(self._evo_tcs, attr)