{ "config": { "step": { "pick_implementation": { "title": "[%key:common::config_flow::title::oauth2_pick_implementation%]" }, "reauth_confirm": { "title": "[%key:common::config_flow::title::reauth%]", "description": "The Netatmo integration needs to re-authenticate your account" } }, "abort": { "single_instance_allowed": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::single_instance_allowed%]", "authorize_url_timeout": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_authorize_url_timeout%]", "missing_configuration": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_missing_configuration%]", "no_url_available": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_no_url_available%]", "reauth_successful": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::reauth_successful%]", "oauth_error": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_error%]", "oauth_timeout": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_timeout%]", "oauth_unauthorized": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_unauthorized%]", "oauth_failed": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_failed%]" }, "create_entry": { "default": "[%key:common::config_flow::create_entry::authenticated%]" } }, "options": { "step": { "public_weather": { "data": { "area_name": "Name of the area", "lat_ne": "North-East corner latitude", "lon_ne": "North-East corner longitude", "lat_sw": "South-West corner latitude", "lon_sw": "South-West corner longitude", "mode": "Calculation", "show_on_map": "Show on map" }, "description": "Configure a public weather sensor for an area.", "title": "Netatmo public weather sensor" }, "public_weather_areas": { "data": { "new_area": "Area name", "weather_areas": "Weather areas" }, "description": "Configure public weather sensors.", "title": "[%key:component::netatmo::options::step::public_weather::title%]" } } }, "device_automation": { "trigger_subtype": { "away": "[%key:common::state::not_home%]", "schedule": "Schedule", "hg": "Frost guard" }, "trigger_type": { "turned_off": "[%key:common::device_automation::trigger_type::turned_off%]", "turned_on": "[%key:common::device_automation::trigger_type::turned_on%]", "human": "{entity_name} detected a human", "movement": "{entity_name} detected movement", "person": "{entity_name} detected a person", "person_away": "{entity_name} detected a person has left", "animal": "{entity_name} detected an animal", "outdoor": "{entity_name} detected an outdoor event", "vehicle": "{entity_name} detected a vehicle", "alarm_started": "{entity_name} detected an alarm", "set_point": "Target temperature {entity_name} set manually", "cancel_set_point": "{entity_name} has resumed its schedule", "therm_mode": "{entity_name} switched to \"{subtype}\"" } }, "services": { "set_camera_light": { "name": "Set camera light mode", "description": "Sets the light mode for a Netatmo Outdoor camera light.", "fields": { "camera_light_mode": { "name": "Camera light mode", "description": "Outdoor camera light mode." } } }, "set_schedule": { "name": "Set heating schedule", "description": "Sets the heating schedule for Netatmo climate device. The schedule name must match a schedule configured at Netatmo.", "fields": { "schedule_name": { "name": "[%key:component::netatmo::device_automation::trigger_subtype::schedule%]", "description": "Schedule name." } } }, "set_persons_home": { "name": "Set persons at home", "description": "Sets a list of persons as at home. Person's name must match a name known by the Netatmo Indoor (Welcome) Camera.", "fields": { "persons": { "name": "Persons", "description": "List of names." } } }, "set_person_away": { "name": "Set person away", "description": "Sets a person as away. If no person is set the home will be marked as empty. Person's name must match a name known by the Netatmo Indoor (Welcome) Camera.", "fields": { "person": { "name": "Person", "description": "Person's name." } } }, "register_webhook": { "name": "Register webhook", "description": "Registers the webhook to the Netatmo backend." }, "unregister_webhook": { "name": "Unregister webhook", "description": "Unregisters the webhook from the Netatmo backend." }, "set_preset_mode_with_end_datetime": { "name": "Set preset mode with end date & time", "description": "Sets the preset mode for a Netatmo climate device. The preset mode must match a preset mode configured at Netatmo.", "fields": { "preset_mode": { "name": "Preset mode", "description": "Climate preset mode such as Schedule, Away or Frost Guard." }, "end_datetime": { "name": "End date & time", "description": "Date & time the preset will be active until." } } }, "set_temperature_with_end_datetime": { "name": "Set temperature with end date & time", "description": "Sets the target temperature for a Netatmo climate device with an end date & time.", "fields": { "target_temperature": { "name": "Target temperature", "description": "The target temperature for the device." }, "end_datetime": { "name": "[%key:component::netatmo::services::set_preset_mode_with_end_datetime::fields::end_datetime::name%]", "description": "Date & time the target temperature will be active until." } } }, "set_temperature_with_time_period": { "name": "Set temperature with time period", "description": "Sets the target temperature for a Netatmo climate device with time period.", "fields": { "target_temperature": { "name": "[%key:component::netatmo::services::set_temperature_with_end_datetime::fields::target_temperature::name%]", "description": "[%key:component::netatmo::services::set_temperature_with_end_datetime::fields::target_temperature::description%]" }, "time_period": { "name": "Time period", "description": "The time period which the temperature setting will be active for." } } }, "clear_temperature_setting": { "name": "Clear temperature setting", "description": "Clears any temperature setting for a Netatmo climate device reverting it to the current preset or schedule." } }, "entity": { "climate": { "thermostat": { "state_attributes": { "preset_mode": { "state": { "frost_guard": "Frost guard", "schedule": "Schedule", "manual": "Manual" } } } } }, "button": { "preferred_position": { "name": "Preferred position" } }, "sensor": { "temp_trend": { "name": "Temperature trend" }, "pressure_trend": { "name": "Pressure trend" }, "noise": { "name": "Noise" }, "sum_rain_1": { "name": "Precipitation last hour" }, "sum_rain_24": { "name": "Precipitation today" }, "wind_direction": { "name": "Wind direction", "state": { "n": "North", "ne": "North-east", "e": "East", "se": "South-east", "s": "South", "sw": "South-west", "w": "West", "nw": "North-west" } }, "wind_angle": { "name": "Wind angle" }, "gust_direction": { "name": "Gust direction", "state": { "n": "[%key:component::netatmo::entity::sensor::wind_direction::state::n%]", "ne": "[%key:component::netatmo::entity::sensor::wind_direction::state::ne%]", "e": "[%key:component::netatmo::entity::sensor::wind_direction::state::e%]", "se": "[%key:component::netatmo::entity::sensor::wind_direction::state::se%]", "s": "[%key:component::netatmo::entity::sensor::wind_direction::state::s%]", "sw": "[%key:component::netatmo::entity::sensor::wind_direction::state::sw%]", "w": "[%key:component::netatmo::entity::sensor::wind_direction::state::w%]", "nw": "[%key:component::netatmo::entity::sensor::wind_direction::state::nw%]" } }, "gust_angle": { "name": "Gust angle" }, "gust_strength": { "name": "Gust strength" }, "reachable": { "name": "Reachability" }, "rf_strength": { "name": "Radio" }, "wifi_strength": { "name": "Wi-Fi" }, "health_idx": { "name": "Health index", "state": { "healthy": "Healthy", "fine": "Fine", "fair": "Fair", "poor": "Poor", "unhealthy": "Unhealthy" } } } } }