"""Support for ISY number entities.""" from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import replace from typing import Any from pyisy.constants import ( ATTR_ACTION, CMD_BACKLIGHT, DEV_BL_ADDR, DEV_CMD_MEMORY_WRITE, DEV_MEMORY, ISY_VALUE_UNKNOWN, PROP_ON_LEVEL, TAG_ADDRESS, UOM_PERCENTAGE, ) from pyisy.helpers import EventListener, NodeProperty from pyisy.nodes import Node, NodeChangedEvent from pyisy.variables import Variable from homeassistant.components.number import ( NumberEntity, NumberEntityDescription, NumberMode, RestoreNumber, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_VARIABLES, PERCENTAGE, STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN, EntityCategory, Platform, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import DeviceInfo from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddConfigEntryEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.util.percentage import ( percentage_to_ranged_value, ranged_value_to_percentage, ) from .const import ( CONF_VAR_SENSOR_STRING, DEFAULT_VAR_SENSOR_STRING, DOMAIN, UOM_8_BIT_RANGE, ) from .entity import ISYAuxControlEntity from .helpers import convert_isy_value_to_hass from .models import IsyData ISY_MAX_SIZE = (2**32) / 2 ON_RANGE = (1, 255) # Off is not included CONTROL_DESC = { PROP_ON_LEVEL: NumberEntityDescription( key=PROP_ON_LEVEL, native_unit_of_measurement=PERCENTAGE, entity_category=EntityCategory.CONFIG, native_min_value=1.0, native_max_value=100.0, native_step=1.0, ), CMD_BACKLIGHT: NumberEntityDescription( key=CMD_BACKLIGHT, native_unit_of_measurement=PERCENTAGE, entity_category=EntityCategory.CONFIG, native_min_value=0.0, native_max_value=100.0, native_step=1.0, ), } BACKLIGHT_MEMORY_FILTER = {"memory": DEV_BL_ADDR, "cmd1": DEV_CMD_MEMORY_WRITE} async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddConfigEntryEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up ISY/IoX number entities from config entry.""" isy_data: IsyData = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id] device_info = isy_data.devices entities: list[ ISYVariableNumberEntity | ISYAuxControlNumberEntity | ISYBacklightNumberEntity ] = [] var_id = config_entry.options.get(CONF_VAR_SENSOR_STRING, DEFAULT_VAR_SENSOR_STRING) for node in isy_data.variables[Platform.NUMBER]: step = 10 ** (-1 * int(node.prec)) min_max = ISY_MAX_SIZE / (10 ** int(node.prec)) description = NumberEntityDescription( key=node.address, name=node.name, entity_registry_enabled_default=var_id in node.name, native_unit_of_measurement=None, native_step=step, native_min_value=-min_max, native_max_value=min_max, ) description_init = replace( description, key=f"{node.address}_init", name=f"{node.name} Initial Value", entity_category=EntityCategory.CONFIG, ) entities.append( ISYVariableNumberEntity( node, unique_id=isy_data.uid_base(node), description=description, device_info=device_info[CONF_VARIABLES], ) ) entities.append( ISYVariableNumberEntity( node=node, unique_id=f"{isy_data.uid_base(node)}_init", description=description_init, device_info=device_info[CONF_VARIABLES], init_entity=True, ) ) for node, control in isy_data.aux_properties[Platform.NUMBER]: entity_init_info = { "node": node, "control": control, "unique_id": f"{isy_data.uid_base(node)}_{control}", "description": CONTROL_DESC[control], "device_info": device_info.get(node.primary_node), } if control == CMD_BACKLIGHT: entities.append(ISYBacklightNumberEntity(**entity_init_info)) continue entities.append(ISYAuxControlNumberEntity(**entity_init_info)) async_add_entities(entities) class ISYAuxControlNumberEntity(ISYAuxControlEntity, NumberEntity): """Representation of a ISY/IoX Aux Control Number entity.""" _attr_mode = NumberMode.SLIDER @property def native_value(self) -> float | int | None: """Return the state of the variable.""" node_prop: NodeProperty = self._node.aux_properties[self._control] if node_prop.value == ISY_VALUE_UNKNOWN: return None if ( self.entity_description.native_unit_of_measurement == PERCENTAGE and node_prop.uom == UOM_8_BIT_RANGE # Insteon 0-255 ): return ranged_value_to_percentage(ON_RANGE, node_prop.value) return int(node_prop.value) async def async_set_native_value(self, value: float) -> None: """Update the current value.""" node_prop: NodeProperty = self._node.aux_properties[self._control] if self.entity_description.native_unit_of_measurement == PERCENTAGE: value = ( percentage_to_ranged_value(ON_RANGE, round(value)) if node_prop.uom == UOM_8_BIT_RANGE else value ) if self._control == PROP_ON_LEVEL: await self._node.set_on_level(value) return if not await self._node.send_cmd(self._control, val=value, uom=node_prop.uom): raise HomeAssistantError( f"Could not set {self.name} to {value} for {self._node.address}" ) class ISYVariableNumberEntity(NumberEntity): """Representation of an ISY variable as a number entity device.""" _attr_has_entity_name = False _attr_should_poll = False _init_entity: bool _node: Variable entity_description: NumberEntityDescription def __init__( self, node: Variable, unique_id: str, description: NumberEntityDescription, device_info: DeviceInfo, init_entity: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize the ISY variable number.""" self._node = node self.entity_description = description self._change_handler: EventListener | None = None # Two entities are created for each variable, one for current value and one for initial. # Initial value entities are disabled by default self._init_entity = init_entity self._attr_unique_id = unique_id self._attr_device_info = device_info async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Subscribe to the node change events.""" self._change_handler = self._node.status_events.subscribe(self.async_on_update) @callback def async_on_update(self, event: NodeProperty) -> None: """Handle the update event from the ISY Node.""" self.async_write_ha_state() @property def native_value(self) -> float | int | None: """Return the state of the variable.""" return convert_isy_value_to_hass( self._node.init if self._init_entity else self._node.status, "", self._node.prec, ) @property def extra_state_attributes(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get the state attributes for the device.""" return { "last_edited": self._node.last_edited, } async def async_set_native_value(self, value: float) -> None: """Set new value.""" if not await self._node.set_value(value, init=self._init_entity): raise HomeAssistantError( f"Could not set {self.name} to {value} for {self._node.address}" ) class ISYBacklightNumberEntity(ISYAuxControlEntity, RestoreNumber): """Representation of a ISY/IoX Backlight Number entity.""" _assumed_state = True # Backlight values aren't read from device def __init__( self, node: Node, control: str, unique_id: str, description: NumberEntityDescription, device_info: DeviceInfo | None, ) -> None: """Initialize the ISY Backlight number entity.""" super().__init__(node, control, unique_id, description, device_info) self._memory_change_handler: EventListener | None = None self._attr_native_value = 0 async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Load the last known state when added to hass.""" await super().async_added_to_hass() if (last_state := await self.async_get_last_state()) and ( last_number_data := await self.async_get_last_number_data() ): if last_state.state not in (STATE_UNKNOWN, STATE_UNAVAILABLE): self._attr_native_value = last_number_data.native_value # Listen to memory writing events to update state if changed in ISY self._memory_change_handler = self._node.isy.nodes.status_events.subscribe( self.async_on_memory_write, event_filter={ TAG_ADDRESS: self._node.address, ATTR_ACTION: DEV_MEMORY, }, key=self.unique_id, ) @callback def async_on_memory_write(self, event: NodeChangedEvent, key: str) -> None: """Handle a memory write event from the ISY Node.""" if not (BACKLIGHT_MEMORY_FILTER.items() <= event.event_info.items()): return # This was not a backlight event value = ranged_value_to_percentage((0, 127), event.event_info["value"]) if value == self._attr_native_value: return # Change was from this entity, don't update twice self._attr_native_value = value self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_native_value(self, value: float) -> None: """Update the current value.""" if not await self._node.send_cmd( CMD_BACKLIGHT, val=int(value), uom=UOM_PERCENTAGE ): raise HomeAssistantError( f"Could not set backlight to {value}% for {self._node.address}" ) self._attr_native_value = value self.async_write_ha_state()