"""Support for RFXtrx devices.""" import asyncio import binascii from collections import OrderedDict import copy import functools import logging import RFXtrx as rfxtrxmod import async_timeout import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.components.binary_sensor import DEVICE_CLASSES_SCHEMA from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_DEVICE_ID, CONF_COMMAND_OFF, CONF_COMMAND_ON, CONF_DEVICE, CONF_DEVICE_CLASS, CONF_DEVICE_ID, CONF_DEVICES, CONF_HOST, CONF_PORT, DEGREE, ELECTRIC_CURRENT_AMPERE, ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_VOLT, ENERGY_KILO_WATT_HOUR, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, LENGTH_MILLIMETERS, PERCENTAGE, POWER_WATT, PRECIPITATION_MILLIMETERS_PER_HOUR, PRESSURE_HPA, SIGNAL_STRENGTH_DECIBELS_MILLIWATT, SPEED_METERS_PER_SECOND, TEMP_CELSIUS, UV_INDEX, ) from homeassistant.core import callback import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import DeviceRegistry from homeassistant.helpers.restore_state import RestoreEntity from .const import ( ATTR_EVENT, CONF_AUTOMATIC_ADD, CONF_DATA_BITS, CONF_DEBUG, CONF_FIRE_EVENT, CONF_OFF_DELAY, CONF_REMOVE_DEVICE, CONF_SIGNAL_REPETITIONS, DATA_CLEANUP_CALLBACKS, DATA_LISTENER, DATA_RFXOBJECT, DEVICE_PACKET_TYPE_LIGHTING4, EVENT_RFXTRX_EVENT, SERVICE_SEND, ) DOMAIN = "rfxtrx" DEFAULT_SIGNAL_REPETITIONS = 1 SIGNAL_EVENT = f"{DOMAIN}_event" DATA_TYPES = OrderedDict( [ ("Temperature", TEMP_CELSIUS), ("Temperature2", TEMP_CELSIUS), ("Humidity", PERCENTAGE), ("Barometer", PRESSURE_HPA), ("Wind direction", DEGREE), ("Rain rate", PRECIPITATION_MILLIMETERS_PER_HOUR), ("Energy usage", POWER_WATT), ("Total usage", ENERGY_KILO_WATT_HOUR), ("Sound", None), ("Sensor Status", None), ("Counter value", "count"), ("UV", UV_INDEX), ("Humidity status", None), ("Forecast", None), ("Forecast numeric", None), ("Rain total", LENGTH_MILLIMETERS), ("Wind average speed", SPEED_METERS_PER_SECOND), ("Wind gust", SPEED_METERS_PER_SECOND), ("Chill", TEMP_CELSIUS), ("Count", "count"), ("Current Ch. 1", ELECTRIC_CURRENT_AMPERE), ("Current Ch. 2", ELECTRIC_CURRENT_AMPERE), ("Current Ch. 3", ELECTRIC_CURRENT_AMPERE), ("Voltage", ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_VOLT), ("Current", ELECTRIC_CURRENT_AMPERE), ("Battery numeric", PERCENTAGE), ("Rssi numeric", SIGNAL_STRENGTH_DECIBELS_MILLIWATT), ] ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _bytearray_string(data): val = cv.string(data) try: return bytearray.fromhex(val) except ValueError as err: raise vol.Invalid( "Data must be a hex string with multiple of two characters" ) from err def _ensure_device(value): if value is None: return DEVICE_DATA_SCHEMA({}) return DEVICE_DATA_SCHEMA(value) SERVICE_SEND_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ATTR_EVENT: _bytearray_string}) DEVICE_DATA_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_DEVICE_CLASS): DEVICE_CLASSES_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_FIRE_EVENT, default=False): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_OFF_DELAY): vol.All( cv.time_period, cv.positive_timedelta, lambda value: value.total_seconds() ), vol.Optional(CONF_DATA_BITS): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(CONF_COMMAND_ON): cv.byte, vol.Optional(CONF_COMMAND_OFF): cv.byte, vol.Optional(CONF_SIGNAL_REPETITIONS, default=1): cv.positive_int, } ) BASE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_DEBUG): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_AUTOMATIC_ADD, default=False): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_DEVICES, default={}): {cv.string: _ensure_device}, }, ) DEVICE_SCHEMA = BASE_SCHEMA.extend({vol.Required(CONF_DEVICE): cv.string}) PORT_SCHEMA = BASE_SCHEMA.extend( {vol.Required(CONF_PORT): cv.port, vol.Optional(CONF_HOST): cv.string} ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {DOMAIN: vol.All(cv.deprecated(CONF_DEBUG), vol.Any(DEVICE_SCHEMA, PORT_SCHEMA))}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) PLATFORMS = ["switch", "sensor", "light", "binary_sensor", "cover"] async def async_setup(hass, config): """Set up the RFXtrx component.""" if DOMAIN not in config: return True data = { CONF_HOST: config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_HOST), CONF_PORT: config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_PORT), CONF_DEVICE: config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_DEVICE), CONF_AUTOMATIC_ADD: config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_AUTOMATIC_ADD), CONF_DEVICES: config[DOMAIN][CONF_DEVICES], } # Read device_id from the event code add to the data that will end up in the ConfigEntry for event_code, event_config in data[CONF_DEVICES].items(): event = get_rfx_object(event_code) if event is None: continue device_id = get_device_id( event.device, data_bits=event_config.get(CONF_DATA_BITS) ) event_config[CONF_DEVICE_ID] = device_id hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_IMPORT}, data=data, ) ) return True async def async_setup_entry(hass, entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry): """Set up the RFXtrx component.""" hass.data.setdefault(DOMAIN, {}) hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_CLEANUP_CALLBACKS] = [] try: await async_setup_internal(hass, entry) except asyncio.TimeoutError: # Library currently doesn't support reload _LOGGER.error( "Connection timeout: failed to receive response from RFXtrx device" ) return False hass.config_entries.async_setup_platforms(entry, PLATFORMS) return True async def async_unload_entry(hass, entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry): """Unload RFXtrx component.""" if not await hass.config_entries.async_unload_platforms(entry, PLATFORMS): return False hass.services.async_remove(DOMAIN, SERVICE_SEND) for cleanup_callback in hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_CLEANUP_CALLBACKS]: cleanup_callback() listener = hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_LISTENER] listener() rfx_object = hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_RFXOBJECT] await hass.async_add_executor_job(rfx_object.close_connection) hass.data.pop(DOMAIN) return True def _create_rfx(config): """Construct a rfx object based on config.""" if config[CONF_PORT] is not None: # If port is set then we create a TCP connection rfx = rfxtrxmod.Connect( (config[CONF_HOST], config[CONF_PORT]), None, transport_protocol=rfxtrxmod.PyNetworkTransport, ) else: rfx = rfxtrxmod.Connect(config[CONF_DEVICE], None) return rfx def _get_device_lookup(devices): """Get a lookup structure for devices.""" lookup = {} for event_code, event_config in devices.items(): event = get_rfx_object(event_code) if event is None: continue device_id = get_device_id( event.device, data_bits=event_config.get(CONF_DATA_BITS) ) lookup[device_id] = event_config return lookup async def async_setup_internal(hass, entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry): """Set up the RFXtrx component.""" config = entry.data # Initialize library async with async_timeout.timeout(30): rfx_object = await hass.async_add_executor_job(_create_rfx, config) # Setup some per device config devices = _get_device_lookup(config[CONF_DEVICES]) device_registry: DeviceRegistry = ( await hass.helpers.device_registry.async_get_registry() ) # Declare the Handle event @callback def async_handle_receive(event): """Handle received messages from RFXtrx gateway.""" # Log RFXCOM event if not event.device.id_string: return event_data = { "packet_type": event.device.packettype, "sub_type": event.device.subtype, "type_string": event.device.type_string, "id_string": event.device.id_string, "data": binascii.hexlify(event.data).decode("ASCII"), "values": getattr(event, "values", None), } _LOGGER.debug("Receive RFXCOM event: %s", event_data) data_bits = get_device_data_bits(event.device, devices) device_id = get_device_id(event.device, data_bits=data_bits) if device_id not in devices: if config[CONF_AUTOMATIC_ADD]: _add_device(event, device_id) else: return device_entry = device_registry.async_get_device( identifiers={(DOMAIN, *device_id)}, ) if device_entry: event_data[ATTR_DEVICE_ID] = device_entry.id # Callback to HA registered components. hass.helpers.dispatcher.async_dispatcher_send(SIGNAL_EVENT, event, device_id) # Signal event to any other listeners fire_event = devices.get(device_id, {}).get(CONF_FIRE_EVENT) if fire_event: hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_RFXTRX_EVENT, event_data) @callback def _add_device(event, device_id): """Add a device to config entry.""" config = DEVICE_DATA_SCHEMA({}) config[CONF_DEVICE_ID] = device_id data = entry.data.copy() data[CONF_DEVICES] = copy.deepcopy(entry.data[CONF_DEVICES]) event_code = binascii.hexlify(event.data).decode("ASCII") data[CONF_DEVICES][event_code] = config hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(entry=entry, data=data) devices[device_id] = config def _shutdown_rfxtrx(event): """Close connection with RFXtrx.""" rfx_object.close_connection() listener = hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, _shutdown_rfxtrx) hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_LISTENER] = listener hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_RFXOBJECT] = rfx_object rfx_object.event_callback = lambda event: hass.add_job(async_handle_receive, event) def send(call): event = call.data[ATTR_EVENT] rfx_object.transport.send(event) hass.services.async_register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_SEND, send, schema=SERVICE_SEND_SCHEMA) def get_rfx_object(packetid): """Return the RFXObject with the packetid.""" try: binarypacket = bytearray.fromhex(packetid) except ValueError: return None pkt = rfxtrxmod.lowlevel.parse(binarypacket) if pkt is None: return None if isinstance(pkt, rfxtrxmod.lowlevel.SensorPacket): obj = rfxtrxmod.SensorEvent(pkt) elif isinstance(pkt, rfxtrxmod.lowlevel.Status): obj = rfxtrxmod.StatusEvent(pkt) else: obj = rfxtrxmod.ControlEvent(pkt) obj.data = binarypacket return obj def get_pt2262_deviceid(device_id, nb_data_bits): """Extract and return the address bits from a Lighting4/PT2262 packet.""" if nb_data_bits is None: return try: data = bytearray.fromhex(device_id) except ValueError: return None mask = 0xFF & ~((1 << nb_data_bits) - 1) data[len(data) - 1] &= mask return binascii.hexlify(data) def get_pt2262_cmd(device_id, data_bits): """Extract and return the data bits from a Lighting4/PT2262 packet.""" try: data = bytearray.fromhex(device_id) except ValueError: return None mask = 0xFF & ((1 << data_bits) - 1) return hex(data[-1] & mask) def get_device_data_bits(device, devices): """Deduce data bits for device based on a cache of device bits.""" data_bits = None if device.packettype == DEVICE_PACKET_TYPE_LIGHTING4: for device_id, entity_config in devices.items(): bits = entity_config.get(CONF_DATA_BITS) if get_device_id(device, bits) == device_id: data_bits = bits break return data_bits def find_possible_pt2262_device(device_ids, device_id): """Look for the device which id matches the given device_id parameter.""" for dev_id in device_ids: if len(dev_id) == len(device_id): size = None for i, (char1, char2) in enumerate(zip(dev_id, device_id)): if char1 != char2: break size = i if size is not None: size = len(dev_id) - size - 1 _LOGGER.info( "Found possible device %s for %s " "with the following configuration:\n" "data_bits=%d\n" "command_on=0x%s\n" "command_off=0x%s\n", device_id, dev_id, size * 4, dev_id[-size:], device_id[-size:], ) return dev_id return None def get_device_id(device, data_bits=None): """Calculate a device id for device.""" id_string = device.id_string if data_bits and device.packettype == DEVICE_PACKET_TYPE_LIGHTING4: masked_id = get_pt2262_deviceid(id_string, data_bits) if masked_id: id_string = masked_id.decode("ASCII") return (f"{device.packettype:x}", f"{device.subtype:x}", id_string) def connect_auto_add(hass, entry_data, callback_fun): """Connect to dispatcher for automatic add.""" if entry_data[CONF_AUTOMATIC_ADD]: hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_CLEANUP_CALLBACKS].append( hass.helpers.dispatcher.async_dispatcher_connect(SIGNAL_EVENT, callback_fun) ) class RfxtrxEntity(RestoreEntity): """Represents a Rfxtrx device. Contains the common logic for Rfxtrx lights and switches. """ def __init__(self, device, device_id, event=None): """Initialize the device.""" self._name = f"{device.type_string} {device.id_string}" self._device = device self._event = event self._device_id = device_id self._unique_id = "_".join(x for x in self._device_id) async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Restore RFXtrx device state (ON/OFF).""" if self._event: self._apply_event(self._event) self.async_on_remove( self.hass.helpers.dispatcher.async_dispatcher_connect( SIGNAL_EVENT, self._handle_event ) ) self.async_on_remove( self.hass.helpers.dispatcher.async_dispatcher_connect( f"{DOMAIN}_{CONF_REMOVE_DEVICE}_{self._device_id}", functools.partial(self.async_remove, force_remove=True), ) ) @property def should_poll(self): """No polling needed for a RFXtrx switch.""" return False @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device if any.""" return self._name @property def extra_state_attributes(self): """Return the device state attributes.""" if not self._event: return None return {ATTR_EVENT: "".join(f"{x:02x}" for x in self._event.data)} @property def assumed_state(self): """Return true if unable to access real state of entity.""" return True @property def unique_id(self): """Return unique identifier of remote device.""" return self._unique_id @property def device_info(self): """Return the device info.""" return { "identifiers": {(DOMAIN, *self._device_id)}, "name": f"{self._device.type_string} {self._device.id_string}", "model": self._device.type_string, } def _apply_event(self, event): """Apply a received event.""" self._event = event @callback def _handle_event(self, event, device_id): """Handle a reception of data, overridden by other classes.""" class RfxtrxCommandEntity(RfxtrxEntity): """Represents a Rfxtrx device. Contains the common logic for Rfxtrx lights and switches. """ def __init__(self, device, device_id, signal_repetitions=1, event=None): """Initialzie a switch or light device.""" super().__init__(device, device_id, event=event) self.signal_repetitions = signal_repetitions self._state = None async def _async_send(self, fun, *args): rfx_object = self.hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_RFXOBJECT] for _ in range(self.signal_repetitions): await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(fun, rfx_object.transport, *args)