"""Weather component that handles meteorological data for your location.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Callable from contextlib import suppress from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import timedelta import inspect import logging from typing import Any, Final, TypedDict, final from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( LENGTH_INCHES, LENGTH_KILOMETERS, LENGTH_MILES, LENGTH_MILLIMETERS, PRECISION_HALVES, PRECISION_TENTHS, PRECISION_WHOLE, PRESSURE_HPA, PRESSURE_INHG, PRESSURE_MBAR, PRESSURE_MMHG, SPEED_FEET_PER_SECOND, SPEED_KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR, SPEED_KNOTS, SPEED_METERS_PER_SECOND, SPEED_MILES_PER_HOUR, TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers.config_validation import ( # noqa: F401 PLATFORM_SCHEMA, PLATFORM_SCHEMA_BASE, ) from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity, EntityDescription from homeassistant.helpers.entity_component import EntityComponent from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from homeassistant.util import ( distance as distance_util, pressure as pressure_util, speed as speed_util, temperature as temperature_util, ) # mypy: allow-untyped-defs, no-check-untyped-defs _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_CONDITION_CLASS = "condition_class" ATTR_CONDITION_CLEAR_NIGHT = "clear-night" ATTR_CONDITION_CLOUDY = "cloudy" ATTR_CONDITION_EXCEPTIONAL = "exceptional" ATTR_CONDITION_FOG = "fog" ATTR_CONDITION_HAIL = "hail" ATTR_CONDITION_LIGHTNING = "lightning" ATTR_CONDITION_LIGHTNING_RAINY = "lightning-rainy" ATTR_CONDITION_PARTLYCLOUDY = "partlycloudy" ATTR_CONDITION_POURING = "pouring" ATTR_CONDITION_RAINY = "rainy" ATTR_CONDITION_SNOWY = "snowy" ATTR_CONDITION_SNOWY_RAINY = "snowy-rainy" ATTR_CONDITION_SUNNY = "sunny" ATTR_CONDITION_WINDY = "windy" ATTR_CONDITION_WINDY_VARIANT = "windy-variant" ATTR_FORECAST = "forecast" ATTR_FORECAST_CONDITION: Final = "condition" ATTR_FORECAST_NATIVE_PRECIPITATION: Final = "native_precipitation" ATTR_FORECAST_PRECIPITATION: Final = "precipitation" ATTR_FORECAST_PRECIPITATION_PROBABILITY: Final = "precipitation_probability" ATTR_FORECAST_NATIVE_PRESSURE: Final = "native_pressure" ATTR_FORECAST_PRESSURE: Final = "pressure" ATTR_FORECAST_NATIVE_TEMP: Final = "native_temperature" ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP: Final = "temperature" ATTR_FORECAST_NATIVE_TEMP_LOW: Final = "native_templow" ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP_LOW: Final = "templow" ATTR_FORECAST_TIME: Final = "datetime" ATTR_FORECAST_WIND_BEARING: Final = "wind_bearing" ATTR_FORECAST_NATIVE_WIND_SPEED: Final = "native_wind_speed" ATTR_FORECAST_WIND_SPEED: Final = "wind_speed" ATTR_WEATHER_HUMIDITY = "humidity" ATTR_WEATHER_OZONE = "ozone" ATTR_WEATHER_PRESSURE = "pressure" ATTR_WEATHER_PRESSURE_UNIT = "pressure_unit" ATTR_WEATHER_TEMPERATURE = "temperature" ATTR_WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT = "temperature_unit" ATTR_WEATHER_VISIBILITY = "visibility" ATTR_WEATHER_VISIBILITY_UNIT = "visibility_unit" ATTR_WEATHER_WIND_BEARING = "wind_bearing" ATTR_WEATHER_WIND_SPEED = "wind_speed" ATTR_WEATHER_WIND_SPEED_UNIT = "wind_speed_unit" ATTR_WEATHER_PRECIPITATION_UNIT = "precipitation_unit" DOMAIN = "weather" ENTITY_ID_FORMAT = DOMAIN + ".{}" SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=30) ROUNDING_PRECISION = 2 VALID_UNITS_PRESSURE: tuple[str, ...] = ( PRESSURE_HPA, PRESSURE_MBAR, PRESSURE_INHG, PRESSURE_MMHG, ) VALID_UNITS_TEMPERATURE: tuple[str, ...] = ( TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, ) VALID_UNITS_PRECIPITATION: tuple[str, ...] = ( LENGTH_MILLIMETERS, LENGTH_INCHES, ) VALID_UNITS_VISIBILITY: tuple[str, ...] = ( LENGTH_KILOMETERS, LENGTH_MILES, ) VALID_UNITS_WIND_SPEED: tuple[str, ...] = ( SPEED_FEET_PER_SECOND, SPEED_KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR, SPEED_KNOTS, SPEED_METERS_PER_SECOND, SPEED_MILES_PER_HOUR, ) UNIT_CONVERSIONS: dict[str, Callable[[float, str, str], float]] = { ATTR_WEATHER_PRESSURE_UNIT: pressure_util.convert, ATTR_WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT: temperature_util.convert, ATTR_WEATHER_VISIBILITY_UNIT: distance_util.convert, ATTR_WEATHER_PRECIPITATION_UNIT: distance_util.convert, ATTR_WEATHER_WIND_SPEED_UNIT: speed_util.convert, } VALID_UNITS: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]] = { ATTR_WEATHER_PRESSURE_UNIT: VALID_UNITS_PRESSURE, ATTR_WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT: VALID_UNITS_TEMPERATURE, ATTR_WEATHER_VISIBILITY_UNIT: VALID_UNITS_VISIBILITY, ATTR_WEATHER_PRECIPITATION_UNIT: VALID_UNITS_PRECIPITATION, ATTR_WEATHER_WIND_SPEED_UNIT: VALID_UNITS_WIND_SPEED, } def round_temperature(temperature: float | None, precision: float) -> float | None: """Convert temperature into preferred precision for display.""" if temperature is None: return None # Round in the units appropriate if precision == PRECISION_HALVES: temperature = round(temperature * 2) / 2.0 elif precision == PRECISION_TENTHS: temperature = round(temperature, 1) # Integer as a fall back (PRECISION_WHOLE) else: temperature = round(temperature) return temperature class Forecast(TypedDict, total=False): """Typed weather forecast dict. All attributes are in native units and old attributes kept for backwards compatibility. """ condition: str | None datetime: str precipitation_probability: int | None native_precipitation: float | None precipitation: float | None native_pressure: float | None pressure: float | None native_temperature: float | None temperature: float | None native_templow: float | None templow: float | None wind_bearing: float | str | None native_wind_speed: float | None wind_speed: float | None async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Set up the weather component.""" component = hass.data[DOMAIN] = EntityComponent( _LOGGER, DOMAIN, hass, SCAN_INTERVAL ) await component.async_setup(config) return True async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Set up a config entry.""" component: EntityComponent = hass.data[DOMAIN] return await component.async_setup_entry(entry) async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Unload a config entry.""" component: EntityComponent = hass.data[DOMAIN] return await component.async_unload_entry(entry) @dataclass class WeatherEntityDescription(EntityDescription): """A class that describes weather entities.""" class WeatherEntity(Entity): """ABC for weather data.""" entity_description: WeatherEntityDescription _attr_condition: str | None _attr_forecast: list[Forecast] | None = None _attr_humidity: float | None = None _attr_ozone: float | None = None _attr_precision: float _attr_pressure: float | None = ( None # Provide backwards compatibility. Use _attr_native_pressure ) _attr_pressure_unit: str | None = ( None # Provide backwards compatibility. Use _attr_native_pressure_unit ) _attr_state: None = None _attr_temperature: float | None = ( None # Provide backwards compatibility. Use _attr_native_temperature ) _attr_temperature_unit: str | None = ( None # Provide backwards compatibility. Use _attr_native_temperature_unit ) _attr_visibility: float | None = ( None # Provide backwards compatibility. Use _attr_native_visibility ) _attr_visibility_unit: str | None = ( None # Provide backwards compatibility. Use _attr_native_visibility_unit ) _attr_precipitation_unit: str | None = ( None # Provide backwards compatibility. Use _attr_native_precipitation_unit ) _attr_wind_bearing: float | str | None = None _attr_wind_speed: float | None = ( None # Provide backwards compatibility. Use _attr_native_wind_speed ) _attr_wind_speed_unit: str | None = ( None # Provide backwards compatibility. Use _attr_native_wind_speed_unit ) _attr_native_pressure: float | None = None _attr_native_pressure_unit: str | None = None _attr_native_temperature: float | None = None _attr_native_temperature_unit: str | None = None _attr_native_visibility: float | None = None _attr_native_visibility_unit: str | None = None _attr_native_precipitation_unit: str | None = None _attr_native_wind_speed: float | None = None _attr_native_wind_speed_unit: str | None = None _weather_option_temperature_unit: str | None = None _weather_option_pressure_unit: str | None = None _weather_option_visibility_unit: str | None = None _weather_option_precipitation_unit: str | None = None _weather_option_wind_speed_unit: str | None = None def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Post initialisation processing.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) _reported = False if any( method in cls.__dict__ for method in ( "_attr_temperature", "temperature", "_attr_temperature_unit", "temperature_unit", "_attr_pressure", "pressure", "_attr_pressure_unit", "pressure_unit", "_attr_wind_speed", "wind_speed", "_attr_wind_speed_unit", "wind_speed_unit", "_attr_visibility", "visibility", "_attr_visibility_unit", "visibility_unit", "_attr_precipitation_unit", "precipitation_unit", ) ): if _reported is False: module = inspect.getmodule(cls) _reported = True if ( module and module.__file__ and "custom_components" in module.__file__ ): report_issue = "report it to the custom component author." else: report_issue = ( "create a bug report at " "https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue" ) _LOGGER.warning( "%s::%s is overriding deprecated methods on an instance of " "WeatherEntity, this is not valid and will be unsupported " "from Home Assistant 2023.1. Please %s", cls.__module__, cls.__name__, report_issue, ) async def async_internal_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Call when the sensor entity is added to hass.""" await super().async_internal_added_to_hass() if not self.registry_entry: return self.async_registry_entry_updated() @property def temperature(self) -> float | None: """Return the temperature for backward compatibility. Should not be set by integrations. """ return self._attr_temperature @property def native_temperature(self) -> float | None: """Return the temperature in native units.""" if (temperature := self.temperature) is not None: return temperature return self._attr_native_temperature @property def native_temperature_unit(self) -> str | None: """Return the native unit of measurement for temperature.""" if (temperature_unit := self.temperature_unit) is not None: return temperature_unit return self._attr_native_temperature_unit @property def temperature_unit(self) -> str | None: """Return the temperature unit for backward compatibility. Should not be set by integrations. """ return self._attr_temperature_unit @final @property def _default_temperature_unit(self) -> str: """Return the default unit of measurement for temperature. Should not be set by integrations. """ return self.hass.config.units.temperature_unit @final @property def _temperature_unit(self) -> str: """Return the converted unit of measurement for temperature. Should not be set by integrations. """ if ( weather_option_temperature_unit := self._weather_option_temperature_unit ) is not None: return weather_option_temperature_unit return self._default_temperature_unit @property def pressure(self) -> float | None: """Return the pressure for backward compatibility. Should not be set by integrations. """ return self._attr_pressure @property def native_pressure(self) -> float | None: """Return the pressure in native units.""" if (pressure := self.pressure) is not None: return pressure return self._attr_native_pressure @property def native_pressure_unit(self) -> str | None: """Return the native unit of measurement for pressure.""" if (pressure_unit := self.pressure_unit) is not None: return pressure_unit return self._attr_native_pressure_unit @property def pressure_unit(self) -> str | None: """Return the pressure unit for backward compatibility. Should not be set by integrations. """ return self._attr_pressure_unit @final @property def _default_pressure_unit(self) -> str: """Return the default unit of measurement for pressure. Should not be set by integrations. """ return PRESSURE_HPA if self.hass.config.units.is_metric else PRESSURE_INHG @final @property def _pressure_unit(self) -> str: """Return the converted unit of measurement for pressure. Should not be set by integrations. """ if ( weather_option_pressure_unit := self._weather_option_pressure_unit ) is not None: return weather_option_pressure_unit return self._default_pressure_unit @property def humidity(self) -> float | None: """Return the humidity in native units.""" return self._attr_humidity @property def wind_speed(self) -> float | None: """Return the wind_speed for backward compatibility. Should not be set by integrations. """ return self._attr_wind_speed @property def native_wind_speed(self) -> float | None: """Return the wind speed in native units.""" if (wind_speed := self.wind_speed) is not None: return wind_speed return self._attr_native_wind_speed @property def native_wind_speed_unit(self) -> str | None: """Return the native unit of measurement for wind speed.""" if (wind_speed_unit := self.wind_speed_unit) is not None: return wind_speed_unit return self._attr_native_wind_speed_unit @property def wind_speed_unit(self) -> str | None: """Return the wind_speed unit for backward compatibility. Should not be set by integrations. """ return self._attr_wind_speed_unit @final @property def _default_wind_speed_unit(self) -> str: """Return the default unit of measurement for wind speed. Should not be set by integrations. """ return ( SPEED_KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR if self.hass.config.units.is_metric else SPEED_MILES_PER_HOUR ) @final @property def _wind_speed_unit(self) -> str: """Return the converted unit of measurement for wind speed. Should not be set by integrations. """ if ( weather_option_wind_speed_unit := self._weather_option_wind_speed_unit ) is not None: return weather_option_wind_speed_unit return self._default_wind_speed_unit @property def wind_bearing(self) -> float | str | None: """Return the wind bearing.""" return self._attr_wind_bearing @property def ozone(self) -> float | None: """Return the ozone level.""" return self._attr_ozone @property def visibility(self) -> float | None: """Return the visibility for backward compatibility. Should not be set by integrations. """ return self._attr_visibility @property def native_visibility(self) -> float | None: """Return the visibility in native units.""" if (visibility := self.visibility) is not None: return visibility return self._attr_native_visibility @property def native_visibility_unit(self) -> str | None: """Return the native unit of measurement for visibility.""" if (visibility_unit := self.visibility_unit) is not None: return visibility_unit return self._attr_native_visibility_unit @property def visibility_unit(self) -> str | None: """Return the visibility unit for backward compatibility. Should not be set by integrations. """ return self._attr_visibility_unit @final @property def _default_visibility_unit(self) -> str: """Return the default unit of measurement for visibility. Should not be set by integrations. """ return self.hass.config.units.length_unit @final @property def _visibility_unit(self) -> str: """Return the converted unit of measurement for visibility. Should not be set by integrations. """ if ( weather_option_visibility_unit := self._weather_option_visibility_unit ) is not None: return weather_option_visibility_unit return self._default_visibility_unit @property def forecast(self) -> list[Forecast] | None: """Return the forecast in native units.""" return self._attr_forecast @property def native_precipitation_unit(self) -> str | None: """Return the native unit of measurement for accumulated precipitation.""" if (precipitation_unit := self.precipitation_unit) is not None: return precipitation_unit return self._attr_native_precipitation_unit @property def precipitation_unit(self) -> str | None: """Return the precipitation unit for backward compatibility. Should not be set by integrations. """ return self._attr_precipitation_unit @final @property def _default_precipitation_unit(self) -> str: """Return the default unit of measurement for precipitation. Should not be set by integrations. """ return self.hass.config.units.accumulated_precipitation_unit @final @property def _precipitation_unit(self) -> str: """Return the converted unit of measurement for precipitation. Should not be set by integrations. """ if ( weather_option_precipitation_unit := self._weather_option_precipitation_unit ) is not None: return weather_option_precipitation_unit return self._default_precipitation_unit @property def precision(self) -> float: """Return the precision of the temperature value, after unit conversion.""" if hasattr(self, "_attr_precision"): return self._attr_precision return ( PRECISION_TENTHS if self._temperature_unit == TEMP_CELSIUS else PRECISION_WHOLE ) @final @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes, converted from native units to user-configured units.""" data = {} precision = self.precision if (temperature := self.native_temperature) is not None: from_unit = self.native_temperature_unit or self._default_temperature_unit to_unit = self._temperature_unit try: temperature_f = float(temperature) value_temp = UNIT_CONVERSIONS[ATTR_WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT]( temperature_f, from_unit, to_unit ) data[ATTR_WEATHER_TEMPERATURE] = round_temperature( value_temp, precision ) except (TypeError, ValueError): data[ATTR_WEATHER_TEMPERATURE] = temperature data[ATTR_WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT] = self._temperature_unit if (humidity := self.humidity) is not None: data[ATTR_WEATHER_HUMIDITY] = round(humidity) if (ozone := self.ozone) is not None: data[ATTR_WEATHER_OZONE] = ozone if (pressure := self.native_pressure) is not None: from_unit = self.native_pressure_unit or self._default_pressure_unit to_unit = self._pressure_unit try: pressure_f = float(pressure) value_pressure = UNIT_CONVERSIONS[ATTR_WEATHER_PRESSURE_UNIT]( pressure_f, from_unit, to_unit ) data[ATTR_WEATHER_PRESSURE] = round(value_pressure, ROUNDING_PRECISION) except (TypeError, ValueError): data[ATTR_WEATHER_PRESSURE] = pressure data[ATTR_WEATHER_PRESSURE_UNIT] = self._pressure_unit if (wind_bearing := self.wind_bearing) is not None: data[ATTR_WEATHER_WIND_BEARING] = wind_bearing if (wind_speed := self.native_wind_speed) is not None: from_unit = self.native_wind_speed_unit or self._default_wind_speed_unit to_unit = self._wind_speed_unit try: wind_speed_f = float(wind_speed) value_wind_speed = UNIT_CONVERSIONS[ATTR_WEATHER_WIND_SPEED_UNIT]( wind_speed_f, from_unit, to_unit ) data[ATTR_WEATHER_WIND_SPEED] = round( value_wind_speed, ROUNDING_PRECISION ) except (TypeError, ValueError): data[ATTR_WEATHER_WIND_SPEED] = wind_speed data[ATTR_WEATHER_WIND_SPEED_UNIT] = self._wind_speed_unit if (visibility := self.native_visibility) is not None: from_unit = self.native_visibility_unit or self._default_visibility_unit to_unit = self._visibility_unit try: visibility_f = float(visibility) value_visibility = UNIT_CONVERSIONS[ATTR_WEATHER_VISIBILITY_UNIT]( visibility_f, from_unit, to_unit ) data[ATTR_WEATHER_VISIBILITY] = round( value_visibility, ROUNDING_PRECISION ) except (TypeError, ValueError): data[ATTR_WEATHER_VISIBILITY] = visibility data[ATTR_WEATHER_VISIBILITY_UNIT] = self._visibility_unit data[ATTR_WEATHER_PRECIPITATION_UNIT] = self._precipitation_unit if self.forecast is not None: forecast = [] for forecast_entry in self.forecast: forecast_entry = dict(forecast_entry) temperature = forecast_entry.pop( ATTR_FORECAST_NATIVE_TEMP, forecast_entry.get(ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP) ) from_temp_unit = ( self.native_temperature_unit or self._default_temperature_unit ) to_temp_unit = self._temperature_unit if temperature is None: forecast_entry[ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP] = None else: with suppress(TypeError, ValueError): temperature_f = float(temperature) value_temp = UNIT_CONVERSIONS[ATTR_WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT]( temperature_f, from_temp_unit, to_temp_unit, ) forecast_entry[ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP] = round_temperature( value_temp, precision ) if ( forecast_temp_low := forecast_entry.pop( ATTR_FORECAST_NATIVE_TEMP_LOW, forecast_entry.get(ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP_LOW), ) ) is not None: with suppress(TypeError, ValueError): forecast_temp_low_f = float(forecast_temp_low) value_temp_low = UNIT_CONVERSIONS[ ATTR_WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT ]( forecast_temp_low_f, from_temp_unit, to_temp_unit, ) forecast_entry[ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP_LOW] = round_temperature( value_temp_low, precision ) if ( forecast_pressure := forecast_entry.pop( ATTR_FORECAST_NATIVE_PRESSURE, forecast_entry.get(ATTR_FORECAST_PRESSURE), ) ) is not None: from_pressure_unit = ( self.native_pressure_unit or self._default_pressure_unit ) to_pressure_unit = self._pressure_unit with suppress(TypeError, ValueError): forecast_pressure_f = float(forecast_pressure) forecast_entry[ATTR_FORECAST_PRESSURE] = round( UNIT_CONVERSIONS[ATTR_WEATHER_PRESSURE_UNIT]( forecast_pressure_f, from_pressure_unit, to_pressure_unit, ), ROUNDING_PRECISION, ) if ( forecast_wind_speed := forecast_entry.pop( ATTR_FORECAST_NATIVE_WIND_SPEED, forecast_entry.get(ATTR_FORECAST_WIND_SPEED), ) ) is not None: from_wind_speed_unit = ( self.native_wind_speed_unit or self._default_wind_speed_unit ) to_wind_speed_unit = self._wind_speed_unit with suppress(TypeError, ValueError): forecast_wind_speed_f = float(forecast_wind_speed) forecast_entry[ATTR_FORECAST_WIND_SPEED] = round( UNIT_CONVERSIONS[ATTR_WEATHER_WIND_SPEED_UNIT]( forecast_wind_speed_f, from_wind_speed_unit, to_wind_speed_unit, ), ROUNDING_PRECISION, ) if ( forecast_precipitation := forecast_entry.pop( ATTR_FORECAST_NATIVE_PRECIPITATION, forecast_entry.get(ATTR_FORECAST_PRECIPITATION), ) ) is not None: from_precipitation_unit = ( self.native_precipitation_unit or self._default_precipitation_unit ) to_precipitation_unit = self._precipitation_unit with suppress(TypeError, ValueError): forecast_precipitation_f = float(forecast_precipitation) forecast_entry[ATTR_FORECAST_PRECIPITATION] = round( UNIT_CONVERSIONS[ATTR_WEATHER_PRECIPITATION_UNIT]( forecast_precipitation_f, from_precipitation_unit, to_precipitation_unit, ), ROUNDING_PRECISION, ) forecast.append(forecast_entry) data[ATTR_FORECAST] = forecast return data @property @final def state(self) -> str | None: """Return the current state.""" return self.condition @property def condition(self) -> str | None: """Return the current condition.""" return self._attr_condition @callback def async_registry_entry_updated(self) -> None: """Run when the entity registry entry has been updated.""" assert self.registry_entry self._weather_option_temperature_unit = None self._weather_option_pressure_unit = None self._weather_option_precipitation_unit = None self._weather_option_wind_speed_unit = None self._weather_option_visibility_unit = None if weather_options := self.registry_entry.options.get(DOMAIN): if ( custom_unit_temperature := weather_options.get( ATTR_WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT ) ) and custom_unit_temperature in VALID_UNITS[ATTR_WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT]: self._weather_option_temperature_unit = custom_unit_temperature if ( custom_unit_pressure := weather_options.get(ATTR_WEATHER_PRESSURE_UNIT) ) and custom_unit_pressure in VALID_UNITS[ATTR_WEATHER_PRESSURE_UNIT]: self._weather_option_pressure_unit = custom_unit_pressure if ( custom_unit_precipitation := weather_options.get( ATTR_WEATHER_PRECIPITATION_UNIT ) ) and custom_unit_precipitation in VALID_UNITS[ ATTR_WEATHER_PRECIPITATION_UNIT ]: self._weather_option_precipitation_unit = custom_unit_precipitation if ( custom_unit_wind_speed := weather_options.get( ATTR_WEATHER_WIND_SPEED_UNIT ) ) and custom_unit_wind_speed in VALID_UNITS[ATTR_WEATHER_WIND_SPEED_UNIT]: self._weather_option_wind_speed_unit = custom_unit_wind_speed if ( custom_unit_visibility := weather_options.get( ATTR_WEATHER_VISIBILITY_UNIT ) ) and custom_unit_visibility in VALID_UNITS[ATTR_WEATHER_VISIBILITY_UNIT]: self._weather_option_visibility_unit = custom_unit_visibility