"""Support for KEBA charging stations."""
import asyncio
import logging

from keba_kecontact.connection import KebaKeContact
import voluptuous as vol

from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST
from homeassistant.helpers import discovery
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DOMAIN = "keba"
SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS = ["binary_sensor", "sensor", "lock", "notify"]

CONF_RFID = "rfid"
CONF_FS = "failsafe"
CONF_FS_TIMEOUT = "failsafe_timeout"
CONF_FS_FALLBACK = "failsafe_fallback"
CONF_FS_PERSIST = "failsafe_persist"
CONF_FS_INTERVAL = "refresh_interval"

MAX_POLLING_INTERVAL = 5  # in seconds

CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
        DOMAIN: vol.Schema(
                vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string,
                vol.Optional(CONF_RFID, default="00845500"): cv.string,
                vol.Optional(CONF_FS, default=False): cv.boolean,
                vol.Optional(CONF_FS_TIMEOUT, default=30): cv.positive_int,
                vol.Optional(CONF_FS_FALLBACK, default=6): cv.positive_int,
                vol.Optional(CONF_FS_PERSIST, default=0): cv.positive_int,
                vol.Optional(CONF_FS_INTERVAL, default=5): cv.positive_int,

    "request_data": "async_request_data",
    "set_energy": "async_set_energy",
    "set_current": "async_set_current",
    "authorize": "async_start",
    "deauthorize": "async_stop",
    "enable": "async_enable_ev",
    "disable": "async_disable_ev",
    "set_failsafe": "async_set_failsafe",

async def async_setup(hass, config):
    """Check connectivity and version of KEBA charging station."""
    host = config[DOMAIN][CONF_HOST]
    rfid = config[DOMAIN][CONF_RFID]
    refresh_interval = config[DOMAIN][CONF_FS_INTERVAL]
    keba = KebaHandler(hass, host, rfid, refresh_interval)
    hass.data[DOMAIN] = keba

    # Wait for KebaHandler setup complete (initial values loaded)
    if not await keba.setup():
        _LOGGER.error("Could not find a charging station at %s", host)
        return False

    # Set failsafe mode at start up of Home Assistant
    failsafe = config[DOMAIN][CONF_FS]
    timeout = config[DOMAIN][CONF_FS_TIMEOUT] if failsafe else 0
    fallback = config[DOMAIN][CONF_FS_FALLBACK] if failsafe else 0
    persist = config[DOMAIN][CONF_FS_PERSIST] if failsafe else 0
        hass.loop.create_task(keba.set_failsafe(timeout, fallback, persist))
    except ValueError as ex:
        _LOGGER.warning("Could not set failsafe mode %s", ex)

    # Register services to hass
    async def execute_service(call):
        """Execute a service to KEBA charging station.

        This must be a member function as we need access to the keba
        object here.
        function_name = _SERVICE_MAP[call.service]
        function_call = getattr(keba, function_name)
        await function_call(call.data)

    for service in _SERVICE_MAP:
        hass.services.async_register(DOMAIN, service, execute_service)

    # Load components
    for domain in SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS:
            discovery.async_load_platform(hass, domain, DOMAIN, {}, config)

    # Start periodic polling of charging station data

    return True

class KebaHandler(KebaKeContact):
    """Representation of a KEBA charging station connection."""

    def __init__(self, hass, host, rfid, refresh_interval):
        """Initialize charging station connection."""
        super().__init__(host, self.hass_callback)

        self._update_listeners = []
        self._hass = hass
        self.rfid = rfid
        self.device_name = "keba"  # correct device name will be set in setup()
        self.device_id = "keba_wallbox_"  # correct device id will be set in setup()

        # Ensure at least MAX_POLLING_INTERVAL seconds delay
        self._refresh_interval = max(MAX_POLLING_INTERVAL, refresh_interval)
        self._fast_polling_count = MAX_FAST_POLLING_COUNT
        self._polling_task = None

    def start_periodic_request(self):
        """Start periodic data polling."""
        self._polling_task = self._hass.loop.create_task(self._periodic_request())

    async def _periodic_request(self):
        """Send  periodic update requests."""
        await self.request_data()

        if self._fast_polling_count < MAX_FAST_POLLING_COUNT:
            self._fast_polling_count += 1
            _LOGGER.debug("Periodic data request executed, now wait for 2 seconds")
            await asyncio.sleep(2)
                "Periodic data request executed, now wait for %s seconds",
            await asyncio.sleep(self._refresh_interval)

        _LOGGER.debug("Periodic data request rescheduled")
        self._polling_task = self._hass.loop.create_task(self._periodic_request())

    async def setup(self, loop=None):
        """Initialize KebaHandler object."""
        await super().setup(loop)

        # Request initial values and extract serial number
        await self.request_data()
        if (
            self.get_value("Serial") is not None
            and self.get_value("Product") is not None
            self.device_id = f"keba_wallbox_{self.get_value('Serial')}"
            self.device_name = self.get_value("Product")
            return True

        return False

    def hass_callback(self, data):
        """Handle component notification via callback."""

        # Inform entities about updated values
        for listener in self._update_listeners:

        _LOGGER.debug("Notifying %d listeners", len(self._update_listeners))

    def _set_fast_polling(self):
        _LOGGER.debug("Fast polling enabled")
        self._fast_polling_count = 0
        self._polling_task = self._hass.loop.create_task(self._periodic_request())

    def add_update_listener(self, listener):
        """Add a listener for update notifications."""

        # initial data is already loaded, thus update the component

    async def async_request_data(self, param):
        """Request new data in async way."""
        await self.request_data()
        _LOGGER.debug("New data from KEBA wallbox requested")

    async def async_set_energy(self, param):
        """Set energy target in async way."""
            energy = param["energy"]
            await self.set_energy(float(energy))
        except (KeyError, ValueError) as ex:
            _LOGGER.warning("Energy value is not correct. %s", ex)

    async def async_set_current(self, param):
        """Set current maximum in async way."""
            current = param["current"]
            await self.set_current(float(current))
            # No fast polling as this function might be called regularly
        except (KeyError, ValueError) as ex:
            _LOGGER.warning("Current value is not correct. %s", ex)

    async def async_start(self, param=None):
        """Authorize EV in async way."""
        await self.start(self.rfid)

    async def async_stop(self, param=None):
        """De-authorize EV in async way."""
        await self.stop(self.rfid)

    async def async_enable_ev(self, param=None):
        """Enable EV in async way."""
        await self.enable(True)

    async def async_disable_ev(self, param=None):
        """Disable EV in async way."""
        await self.enable(False)

    async def async_set_failsafe(self, param=None):
        """Set failsafe mode in async way."""
            timeout = param[CONF_FS_TIMEOUT]
            fallback = param[CONF_FS_FALLBACK]
            persist = param[CONF_FS_PERSIST]
            await self.set_failsafe(int(timeout), float(fallback), bool(persist))
        except (KeyError, ValueError) as ex:
                "Values are not correct for: failsafe_timeout, failsafe_fallback and/or "
                "failsafe_persist: %s",