"""The unifiprotect integration models.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Callable, Coroutine from dataclasses import dataclass import logging from typing import Any, Generic, TypeVar from pyunifiprotect.data import ProtectDeviceModel from homeassistant.helpers.entity import EntityDescription from .utils import get_nested_attr _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) T = TypeVar("T", bound=ProtectDeviceModel) @dataclass class ProtectRequiredKeysMixin(EntityDescription, Generic[T]): """Mixin for required keys.""" ufp_required_field: str | None = None ufp_value: str | None = None ufp_value_fn: Callable[[T], Any] | None = None ufp_enabled: str | None = None def get_ufp_value(self, obj: T) -> Any: """Return value from UniFi Protect device.""" if self.ufp_value is not None: return get_nested_attr(obj, self.ufp_value) if self.ufp_value_fn is not None: return self.ufp_value_fn(obj) # reminder for future that one is required raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "`ufp_value` or `ufp_value_fn` is required" ) def get_ufp_enabled(self, obj: T) -> bool: """Return value from UniFi Protect device.""" if self.ufp_enabled is not None: return bool(get_nested_attr(obj, self.ufp_enabled)) return True @dataclass class ProtectSetableKeysMixin(ProtectRequiredKeysMixin, Generic[T]): """Mixin for settable values.""" ufp_set_method: str | None = None ufp_set_method_fn: Callable[[T, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]] | None = None async def ufp_set(self, obj: T, value: Any) -> None: """Set value for UniFi Protect device.""" _LOGGER.debug("Setting %s to %s for %s", self.name, value, obj.name) if self.ufp_set_method is not None: await getattr(obj, self.ufp_set_method)(value) elif self.ufp_set_method_fn is not None: await self.ufp_set_method_fn(obj, value)