""" Support for Unifi WAP controllers. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/device_tracker.unifi/ """ import logging from datetime import timedelta import voluptuous as vol import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.components.device_tracker import ( DOMAIN, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, DeviceScanner) from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_PASSWORD from homeassistant.const import CONF_VERIFY_SSL import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util REQUIREMENTS = ['pyunifi==2.13'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_PORT = 'port' CONF_SITE_ID = 'site_id' CONF_DETECTION_TIME = 'detection_time' CONF_SSID_FILTER = 'ssid_filter' DEFAULT_HOST = 'localhost' DEFAULT_PORT = 8443 DEFAULT_VERIFY_SSL = True DEFAULT_DETECTION_TIME = timedelta(seconds=300) NOTIFICATION_ID = 'unifi_notification' NOTIFICATION_TITLE = 'Unifi Device Tracker Setup' PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend({ vol.Optional(CONF_HOST, default=DEFAULT_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_SITE_ID, default='default'): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): cv.port, vol.Optional(CONF_VERIFY_SSL, default=DEFAULT_VERIFY_SSL): vol.Any( cv.boolean, cv.isfile), vol.Optional(CONF_DETECTION_TIME, default=DEFAULT_DETECTION_TIME): vol.All( cv.time_period, cv.positive_timedelta), vol.Optional(CONF_SSID_FILTER): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]) }) def get_scanner(hass, config): """Set up the Unifi device_tracker.""" from pyunifi.controller import Controller, APIError host = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_HOST) username = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_USERNAME) password = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_PASSWORD) site_id = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_SITE_ID) port = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_PORT) verify_ssl = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_VERIFY_SSL) detection_time = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_DETECTION_TIME) ssid_filter = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_SSID_FILTER) try: ctrl = Controller(host, username, password, port, version='v4', site_id=site_id, ssl_verify=verify_ssl) except APIError as ex: _LOGGER.error("Failed to connect to Unifi: %s", ex) hass.components.persistent_notification.create( 'Failed to connect to Unifi. ' 'Error: {}
' 'You will need to restart hass after fixing.' ''.format(ex), title=NOTIFICATION_TITLE, notification_id=NOTIFICATION_ID) return False return UnifiScanner(ctrl, detection_time, ssid_filter) class UnifiScanner(DeviceScanner): """Provide device_tracker support from Unifi WAP client data.""" def __init__(self, controller, detection_time: timedelta, ssid_filter) -> None: """Initialize the scanner.""" self._detection_time = detection_time self._controller = controller self._ssid_filter = ssid_filter self._update() def _update(self): """Get the clients from the device.""" from pyunifi.controller import APIError try: clients = self._controller.get_clients() except APIError as ex: _LOGGER.error("Failed to scan clients: %s", ex) clients = [] # Filter clients to provided SSID list if self._ssid_filter: clients = [client for client in clients if 'essid' in client and client['essid'] in self._ssid_filter] self._clients = { client['mac']: client for client in clients if (dt_util.utcnow() - dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(float( client['last_seen']))) < self._detection_time} def scan_devices(self): """Scan for devices.""" self._update() return self._clients.keys() def get_device_name(self, device): """Return the name (if known) of the device. If a name has been set in Unifi, then return that, else return the hostname if it has been detected. """ client = self._clients.get(device, {}) name = client.get('name') or client.get('hostname') _LOGGER.debug("Device mac %s name %s", device, name) return name def get_extra_attributes(self, device): """Return the extra attributes of the device.""" client = self._clients.get(device, {}) _LOGGER.debug("Device mac %s attributes %s", device, client) return client