{ "config": { "flow_title": "{name} {model} ({host})", "step": { "user": { "description": "If you leave the host empty, discovery will be used to find devices.", "data": { "host": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::host%]" }, "data_description": { "host": "Hostname or IP address of your TP-Link device." } }, "pick_device": { "data": { "device": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::device%]" } }, "discovery_confirm": { "description": "Do you want to set up {name} {model} ({host})?" }, "user_auth_confirm": { "title": "Authenticate", "description": "The device requires authentication, please input your TP-Link credentials below.", "data": { "username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]", "password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]" } }, "discovery_auth_confirm": { "title": "Authenticate", "description": "[%key:component::tplink::config::step::user_auth_confirm::description%]", "data": { "username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]", "password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]" } }, "reauth": { "title": "[%key:common::config_flow::title::reauth%]", "description": "[%key:component::tplink::config::step::user_auth_confirm::description%]" }, "reauth_confirm": { "title": "[%key:common::config_flow::title::reauth%]", "description": "[%key:component::tplink::config::step::user_auth_confirm::description%]", "data": { "username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]", "password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]" } } }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "Connection error: {error}", "invalid_auth": "Invalid authentication: {error}" }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]", "no_devices_found": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::no_devices_found%]", "reauth_successful": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::reauth_successful%]" } }, "entity": { "binary_sensor": { "humidity_warning": { "name": "Humidity warning" }, "temperature_warning": { "name": "Temperature warning" }, "overheated": { "name": "Overheated" }, "battery_low": { "name": "Battery low" }, "cloud_connection": { "name": "Cloud connection" }, "update_available": { "name": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::update::name%]", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::update::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::update::state::on%]" } }, "is_open": { "name": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::door::name%]", "state": { "off": "[%key:common::state::closed%]", "on": "[%key:common::state::open%]" } }, "water_alert": { "name": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::moisture::name%]", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::moisture::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::moisture::state::on%]" } } }, "button": { "test_alarm": { "name": "Test alarm" }, "stop_alarm": { "name": "Stop alarm" } }, "select": { "light_preset": { "name": "Light preset" }, "alarm_sound": { "name": "Alarm sound" }, "alarm_volume": { "name": "Alarm volume" } }, "sensor": { "current_consumption": { "name": "Current consumption" }, "consumption_total": { "name": "Total consumption" }, "consumption_today": { "name": "Today's consumption" }, "consumption_this_month": { "name": "This month's consumption" }, "on_since": { "name": "On since" }, "ssid": { "name": "SSID" }, "signal_level": { "name": "Signal level" }, "current_firmware_version": { "name": "Current firmware version" }, "available_firmware_version": { "name": "Available firmware version" }, "battery_level": { "name": "Battery level" }, "temperature": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::temperature::name%]" }, "voltage": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::voltage::name%]" }, "current": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::current::name%]" }, "humidity": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::humidity::name%]" }, "device_time": { "name": "Device time" }, "auto_off_at": { "name": "Auto off at" }, "report_interval": { "name": "Report interval" }, "alarm_source": { "name": "Alarm source" }, "rssi": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::signal_strength::name%]" } }, "switch": { "led": { "name": "LED" }, "auto_update_enabled": { "name": "Auto update enabled" }, "auto_off_enabled": { "name": "Auto off enabled" }, "smooth_transitions": { "name": "Smooth transitions" }, "fan_sleep_mode": { "name": "Fan sleep mode" } }, "number": { "smooth_transition_on": { "name": "Smooth on" }, "smooth_transition_off": { "name": "Smooth off" }, "auto_off_minutes": { "name": "Turn off in" }, "temperature_offset": { "name": "Temperature offset" } } }, "services": { "sequence_effect": { "name": "Sequence effect", "description": "Sets a sequence effect.", "fields": { "sequence": { "name": "Sequence", "description": "List of HSV sequences (Max 16)." }, "segments": { "name": "Segments", "description": "List of Segments (0 for all)." }, "brightness": { "name": "Brightness", "description": "Initial brightness." }, "duration": { "name": "Duration", "description": "Duration." }, "repeat_times": { "name": "Repetitions", "description": "Repetitions (0 for continuous)." }, "transition": { "name": "Transition", "description": "Transition." }, "spread": { "name": "Spread", "description": "Speed of spread." }, "direction": { "name": "Direction", "description": "Direction." } } }, "random_effect": { "name": "Random effect", "description": "Sets a random effect.", "fields": { "init_states": { "name": "Initial states", "description": "Initial HSV sequence." }, "backgrounds": { "name": "Backgrounds", "description": "[%key:component::tplink::services::sequence_effect::fields::sequence::description%]" }, "segments": { "name": "Segments", "description": "List of segments (0 for all)." }, "brightness": { "name": "Brightness", "description": "[%key:component::tplink::services::sequence_effect::fields::brightness::description%]" }, "duration": { "name": "Duration", "description": "[%key:component::tplink::services::sequence_effect::fields::duration::description%]" }, "transition": { "name": "Transition", "description": "[%key:component::tplink::services::sequence_effect::fields::transition::description%]" }, "fadeoff": { "name": "Fade off", "description": "Fade off." }, "hue_range": { "name": "Hue range", "description": "Range of hue." }, "saturation_range": { "name": "Saturation range", "description": "Range of saturation." }, "brightness_range": { "name": "Brightness range", "description": "Range of brightness." }, "transition_range": { "name": "Transition range", "description": "Range of transition." }, "random_seed": { "name": "Random seed", "description": "Random seed." } } } }, "exceptions": { "device_timeout": { "message": "Timeout communicating with the device {func}: {exc}" }, "device_error": { "message": "Unable to communicate with the device {func}: {exc}" }, "device_authentication": { "message": "Device authentication error {func}: {exc}" } }, "issues": { "deprecated_entity": { "title": "Detected deprecated {platform} entity usage", "description": "We detected that entity `{entity}` is being used in `{info}`\n\nWe have created a new `{new_platform}` entity and you should migrate `{info}` to use this new entity.\n\nWhen you are done migrating `{info}` and are ready to have the deprecated `{entity}` entity removed, disable the entity and restart Home Assistant." } } }