{ "config": { "flow_title": "{mac_address} ({host})", "step": { "user": { "title": "Connect to Elk-M1 Control", "description": "Choose a discovered system or 'Manual Entry' if no devices have been discovered.", "data": { "device": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::device%]" } }, "manual_connection": { "title": "[%key:component::elkm1::config::step::user::title%]", "description": "The address string must be in the form 'address[:port]' for 'secure' and 'non-secure'. Example: ''. The port is optional and defaults to 2101 for 'non-secure' and 2601 for 'secure'. For the serial protocol, the address must be in the form 'tty[:baud]'. Example: '/dev/ttyS1'. The baud is optional and defaults to 115200.", "data": { "protocol": "Protocol", "address": "The IP address or domain or serial port if connecting via serial.", "username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]", "password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]", "prefix": "A unique prefix (leave blank if you only have one ElkM1).", "temperature_unit": "The temperature unit ElkM1 uses." } }, "discovered_connection": { "title": "[%key:component::elkm1::config::step::user::title%]", "description": "Connect to the discovered system: {mac_address} ({host})", "data": { "protocol": "[%key:component::elkm1::config::step::manual_connection::data::protocol%]", "username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]", "password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]", "temperature_unit": "[%key:component::elkm1::config::step::manual_connection::data::temperature_unit%]" } } }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]", "invalid_auth": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::invalid_auth%]", "unknown": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::unknown%]" }, "abort": { "invalid_auth": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::invalid_auth%]", "unknown": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::unknown%]", "already_in_progress": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_in_progress%]", "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]", "already_configured": "An ElkM1 with this prefix is already configured", "address_already_configured": "An ElkM1 with this address is already configured" } }, "services": { "alarm_bypass": { "name": "Alarm bypass", "description": "Bypasses all zones for the area.", "fields": { "code": { "name": "Code", "description": "An code to authorize the bypass of the alarm control panel." } } }, "alarm_clear_bypass": { "name": "Alarm clear bypass", "description": "Removes bypass on all zones for the area.", "fields": { "code": { "name": "Code", "description": "An code to authorize the bypass clear of the alarm control panel." } } }, "alarm_arm_home_instant": { "name": "Alarm are home instant", "description": "Arms the ElkM1 in home instant mode.", "fields": { "code": { "name": "Code", "description": "An code to arm the alarm control panel." } } }, "alarm_arm_night_instant": { "name": "Alarm arm night instant", "description": "Arms the ElkM1 in night instant mode.", "fields": { "code": { "name": "Code", "description": "[%key:component::elkm1::services::alarm_arm_home_instant::fields::code::description%]" } } }, "alarm_arm_vacation": { "name": "Alarm arm vacation", "description": "Arm the ElkM1 in vacation mode.", "fields": { "code": { "name": "Code", "description": "[%key:component::elkm1::services::alarm_arm_home_instant::fields::code::description%]" } } }, "alarm_display_message": { "name": "Alarm display message", "description": "Displays a message on all of the ElkM1 keypads for an area.", "fields": { "clear": { "name": "Clear", "description": "0=clear message, 1=clear message with * key, 2=Display until timeout." }, "beep": { "name": "Beep", "description": "0=no beep, 1=beep." }, "timeout": { "name": "Timeout", "description": "Time to display message, 0=forever, max 65535." }, "line1": { "name": "Line 1", "description": "Up to 16 characters of text (truncated if too long)." }, "line2": { "name": "Line 2", "description": "[%key:component::elkm1::services::alarm_display_message::fields::line1::description%]" } } }, "set_time": { "name": "Set time", "description": "Sets the time for the panel.", "fields": { "prefix": { "name": "Prefix", "description": "Prefix for the panel." } } }, "speak_phrase": { "name": "Speak phrase", "description": "Speaks a phrase. See list of phrases in ElkM1 ASCII Protocol documentation.", "fields": { "number": { "name": "Phrase number", "description": "Phrase number to speak." }, "prefix": { "name": "[%key:component::elkm1::services::set_time::fields::prefix::name%]", "description": "Prefix to identify panel when multiple panels configured." } } }, "speak_word": { "name": "Speak word", "description": "Speaks a word. See list of words in ElkM1 ASCII Protocol documentation.", "fields": { "number": { "name": "Word number", "description": "Word number to speak." }, "prefix": { "name": "[%key:component::elkm1::services::set_time::fields::prefix::name%]", "description": "[%key:component::elkm1::services::speak_phrase::fields::prefix::description%]" } } }, "sensor_counter_refresh": { "name": "Sensor counter refresh", "description": "Refreshes the value of a counter from the panel." }, "sensor_counter_set": { "name": "Sensor counter set", "description": "Sets the value of a counter on the panel.", "fields": { "value": { "name": "Value", "description": "Value to set the counter to." } } }, "sensor_zone_bypass": { "name": "Sensor zone bypass", "description": "Bypasses zone.", "fields": { "code": { "name": "Code", "description": "An code to authorize the bypass of the zone." } } }, "sensor_zone_trigger": { "name": "Sensor zone trigger", "description": "Triggers zone." } }, "issues": { "migrate_aux_heat": { "title": "Migration of Elk-M1 set_aux_heat action", "fix_flow": { "step": { "confirm": { "description": "The Elk-M1 `set_aux_heat` action has been migrated. A new emergency heat switch entity is available for each thermostat.\n\nUpdate any automations to use the new emergency heat switch entity. When this is done, select **Submit** to fix this issue.", "title": "[%key:component::elkm1::issues::migrate_aux_heat::title%]" } } } } } }