"""Helper for WebRTC support.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Awaitable, Callable, Coroutine from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Protocol from mashumaro import field_options from mashumaro.config import BaseConfig from mashumaro.mixins.dict import DataClassDictMixin import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components import websocket_api from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv from homeassistant.util.hass_dict import HassKey from .const import DATA_COMPONENT, DOMAIN, StreamType from .helper import get_camera_from_entity_id if TYPE_CHECKING: from . import Camera DATA_WEBRTC_PROVIDERS: HassKey[set[CameraWebRTCProvider]] = HassKey( "camera_web_rtc_providers" ) DATA_ICE_SERVERS: HassKey[list[Callable[[], Coroutine[Any, Any, RTCIceServer]]]] = ( HassKey("camera_web_rtc_ice_servers") ) class _RTCBaseModel(DataClassDictMixin): """Base class for RTC models.""" class Config(BaseConfig): """Mashumaro config.""" # Serialize to spec conform names and omit default values omit_default = True serialize_by_alias = True @dataclass class RTCIceServer(_RTCBaseModel): """RTC Ice Server. See https://www.w3.org/TR/webrtc/#rtciceserver-dictionary """ urls: list[str] | str username: str | None = None credential: str | None = None @dataclass class RTCConfiguration(_RTCBaseModel): """RTC Configuration. See https://www.w3.org/TR/webrtc/#rtcconfiguration-dictionary """ ice_servers: list[RTCIceServer] = field( metadata=field_options(alias="iceServers"), default_factory=list ) @dataclass(kw_only=True) class WebRTCClientConfiguration(_RTCBaseModel): """WebRTC configuration for the client. Not part of the spec, but required to configure client. """ configuration: RTCConfiguration = field(default_factory=RTCConfiguration) data_channel: str | None = field( metadata=field_options(alias="dataChannel"), default=None ) class CameraWebRTCProvider(Protocol): """WebRTC provider.""" async def async_is_supported(self, stream_source: str) -> bool: """Determine if the provider supports the stream source.""" async def async_handle_web_rtc_offer( self, camera: Camera, offer_sdp: str ) -> str | None: """Handle the WebRTC offer and return an answer.""" def async_register_webrtc_provider( hass: HomeAssistant, provider: CameraWebRTCProvider, ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Register a WebRTC provider. The first provider to satisfy the offer will be used. """ if DOMAIN not in hass.data: raise ValueError("Unexpected state, camera not loaded") providers: set[CameraWebRTCProvider] = hass.data.setdefault( DATA_WEBRTC_PROVIDERS, set() ) @callback def remove_provider() -> None: providers.remove(provider) hass.async_create_task(_async_refresh_providers(hass)) if provider in providers: raise ValueError("Provider already registered") providers.add(provider) hass.async_create_task(_async_refresh_providers(hass)) return remove_provider async def _async_refresh_providers(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Check all cameras for any state changes for registered providers.""" component = hass.data[DATA_COMPONENT] await asyncio.gather( *(camera.async_refresh_providers() for camera in component.entities) ) @websocket_api.websocket_command( { vol.Required("type"): "camera/webrtc/get_client_config", vol.Required("entity_id"): cv.entity_id, } ) @websocket_api.async_response async def ws_get_client_config( hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """Handle get WebRTC client config websocket command.""" entity_id = msg["entity_id"] camera = get_camera_from_entity_id(hass, entity_id) if camera.frontend_stream_type != StreamType.WEB_RTC: connection.send_error( msg["id"], "web_rtc_offer_failed", ( "Camera does not support WebRTC," f" frontend_stream_type={camera.frontend_stream_type}" ), ) return config = (await camera.async_get_webrtc_client_configuration()).to_dict() connection.send_result( msg["id"], config, ) async def async_get_supported_providers( hass: HomeAssistant, camera: Camera ) -> list[CameraWebRTCProvider]: """Return a list of supported providers for the camera.""" providers = hass.data.get(DATA_WEBRTC_PROVIDERS) if not providers or not (stream_source := await camera.stream_source()): return [] return [ provider for provider in providers if await provider.async_is_supported(stream_source) ] @callback def register_ice_server( hass: HomeAssistant, get_ice_server_fn: Callable[[], Coroutine[Any, Any, RTCIceServer]], ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Register a ICE server. The registering integration is responsible to implement caching if needed. """ servers = hass.data.setdefault(DATA_ICE_SERVERS, []) def remove() -> None: servers.remove(get_ice_server_fn) servers.append(get_ice_server_fn) return remove # The following code is legacy code that was introduced with rtsp_to_webrtc and will be deprecated/removed in the future. # Left it so custom integrations can still use it. _RTSP_PREFIXES = {"rtsp://", "rtsps://", "rtmp://"} # An RtspToWebRtcProvider accepts these inputs: # stream_source: The RTSP url # offer_sdp: The WebRTC SDP offer # stream_id: A unique id for the stream, used to update an existing source # The output is the SDP answer, or None if the source or offer is not eligible. # The Callable may throw HomeAssistantError on failure. type RtspToWebRtcProviderType = Callable[[str, str, str], Awaitable[str | None]] class _CameraRtspToWebRTCProvider(CameraWebRTCProvider): def __init__(self, fn: RtspToWebRtcProviderType) -> None: """Initialize the RTSP to WebRTC provider.""" self._fn = fn async def async_is_supported(self, stream_source: str) -> bool: """Return if this provider is supports the Camera as source.""" return any(stream_source.startswith(prefix) for prefix in _RTSP_PREFIXES) async def async_handle_web_rtc_offer( self, camera: Camera, offer_sdp: str ) -> str | None: """Handle the WebRTC offer and return an answer.""" if not (stream_source := await camera.stream_source()): return None return await self._fn(stream_source, offer_sdp, camera.entity_id) def async_register_rtsp_to_web_rtc_provider( hass: HomeAssistant, domain: str, provider: RtspToWebRtcProviderType, ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Register an RTSP to WebRTC provider. The first provider to satisfy the offer will be used. """ provider_instance = _CameraRtspToWebRTCProvider(provider) return async_register_webrtc_provider(hass, provider_instance)