{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "data": { "host": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::host%]", "adbkey": "Path to your ADB key file (leave empty to auto generate)", "adb_server_ip": "IP address of the ADB server (leave empty to not use)", "adb_server_port": "Port of the ADB server", "device_class": "The type of device", "port": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::port%]" } } }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]", "invalid_host": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::invalid_host%]", "adbkey_not_file": "ADB key file not found", "key_and_server": "Only provide ADB Key or ADB Server", "unknown": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::unknown%]" }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]", "invalid_unique_id": "Impossible to determine a valid unique ID for the device" } }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "data": { "apps": "Configure applications list", "get_sources": "Retrieve the running apps as the list of sources", "exclude_unnamed_apps": "Exclude apps with unknown name from the sources list", "screencap_interval": "Interval in minutes between screen capture for album art (set 0 to disable)", "state_detection_rules": "Configure state detection rules", "turn_off_command": "ADB shell turn off command (leave empty for default)", "turn_on_command": "ADB shell turn on command (leave empty for default)" } }, "apps": { "title": "Configure Android apps", "description": "Configure application ID {app_id}", "data": { "app_name": "Application name", "app_id": "Application ID", "app_delete": "Check to delete this application" } }, "rules": { "title": "Configure Android state detection rules", "description": "Configure detection rule for application ID {rule_id}", "data": { "rule_id": "[%key:component::androidtv::options::step::apps::data::app_id%]", "rule_values": "List of state detection rules (see documentation)", "rule_delete": "Check to delete this rule" } } }, "error": { "invalid_det_rules": "Invalid state detection rules" } }, "services": { "adb_command": { "name": "ADB command", "description": "Sends an ADB command to an Android / Fire TV device.", "fields": { "command": { "name": "Command", "description": "Either a key command or an ADB shell command." } } }, "download": { "name": "Download", "description": "Downloads a file from your Android / Fire TV device to your Home Assistant instance.", "fields": { "device_path": { "name": "Device path", "description": "The filepath on the Android / Fire TV device." }, "local_path": { "name": "Local path", "description": "The filepath on your Home Assistant instance." } } }, "upload": { "name": "Upload", "description": "Uploads a file from your Home Assistant instance to an Android / Fire TV device.", "fields": { "device_path": { "name": "[%key:component::androidtv::services::download::fields::device_path::name%]", "description": "[%key:component::androidtv::services::download::fields::device_path::description%]" }, "local_path": { "name": "[%key:component::androidtv::services::download::fields::local_path::name%]", "description": "[%key:component::androidtv::services::download::fields::local_path::description%]" } } }, "learn_sendevent": { "name": "Learn sendevent", "description": "Translates a key press on a remote into ADB 'sendevent' commands. You must press one button on the remote within 8 seconds of performing this action." } }, "exceptions": { "failed_send": { "message": "Failed to send command {cmd}" } } }