"""The tests for the rss_feed_api component.""" import asyncio from xml.etree import ElementTree import pytest from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component @pytest.fixture def mock_http_client(loop, hass, test_client): """Setup test fixture.""" config = { 'rss_feed_template': { 'testfeed': { 'title': 'feed title is {{states.test.test1.state}}', 'items': [{ 'title': 'item title is {{states.test.test2.state}}', 'description': 'desc {{states.test.test3.state}}'}]}}} loop.run_until_complete(async_setup_component(hass, 'rss_feed_template', config)) return loop.run_until_complete(test_client(hass.http.app)) @asyncio.coroutine def test_get_nonexistant_feed(mock_http_client): """Test if we can retrieve the correct rss feed.""" resp = yield from mock_http_client.get('/api/rss_template/otherfeed') assert resp.status == 404 @asyncio.coroutine def test_get_rss_feed(mock_http_client, hass): """Test if we can retrieve the correct rss feed.""" hass.states.async_set('test.test1', 'a_state_1') hass.states.async_set('test.test2', 'a_state_2') hass.states.async_set('test.test3', 'a_state_3') resp = yield from mock_http_client.get('/api/rss_template/testfeed') assert resp.status == 200 text = yield from resp.text() xml = ElementTree.fromstring(text) assert xml[0].text == 'feed title is a_state_1' assert xml[1][0].text == 'item title is a_state_2' assert xml[1][1].text == 'desc a_state_3'