{ "title": "Update", "device_automation": { "trigger_type": { "changed_states": "{entity_name} update availability changed", "turned_on": "{entity_name} got an update available", "turned_off": "{entity_name} became up-to-date" } }, "entity_component": { "_": { "name": "[%key:component::update::title%]" }, "firmware": { "name": "Firmware" } }, "services": { "install": { "name": "Install update", "description": "Installs an update for this device or service.", "fields": { "version": { "name": "Version", "description": "The version to install. If omitted, the latest version will be installed." }, "backup": { "name": "Backup", "description": "If supported by the integration, this creates a backup before starting the update ." } } }, "skip": { "name": "Skip update", "description": "Marks currently available update as skipped." }, "clear_skipped": { "name": "Clear skipped update", "description": "Removes the skipped version marker from an update." } } }