{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "data": { "county": "County", "phone_number": "Phone Number" }, "data_description": { "county": "County used for outage number retrieval", "phone_number": "Phone number associated with the PECO account (optional). Adding a phone number adds a binary sensor confirming if your power is out or not, and not an issue with a breaker or an issue on your end." } } }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_service%]", "incompatible_meter": "Your meter is not compatible with smart meter checking." }, "progress": { "verifying_meter": "One moment. Verifying that your meter is compatible. This may take a minute or two." }, "error": { "invalid_phone_number": "Please enter a valid phone number.", "unresponsive_meter": "Your meter is not responding. Please try again later.", "http_error": "There was an error communicating with PECO. The issue that is most likely is that you entered an invalid phone number. Please check the phone number or try again later." } }, "entity": { "sensor": { "customers_out": { "name": "Customers out" }, "percent_customers_out": { "name": "Percent customers out" }, "outage_count": { "name": "Outage count" }, "customers_served": { "name": "Customers served" }, "map_alert": { "name": "Map alert" } } } }