"""Config flow to configure the RainMachine component.""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any from regenmaschine import Client from regenmaschine.controller import Controller from regenmaschine.errors import RainMachineError import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.components import zeroconf from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import CONF_IP_ADDRESS, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_SSL from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.data_entry_flow import FlowResult from homeassistant.helpers import aiohttp_client, config_validation as cv from .const import ( CONF_DEFAULT_ZONE_RUN_TIME, CONF_USE_APP_RUN_TIMES, DEFAULT_PORT, DEFAULT_ZONE_RUN, DOMAIN, ) @callback def get_client_controller(client: Client) -> Controller: """Return the first local controller.""" return next(iter(client.controllers.values())) async def async_get_controller( hass: HomeAssistant, ip_address: str, password: str, port: int, ssl: bool ) -> Controller | None: """Auth and fetch the mac address from the controller.""" websession = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(hass) client = Client(session=websession) try: await client.load_local(ip_address, password, port=port, use_ssl=ssl) except RainMachineError: return None else: return get_client_controller(client) class RainMachineFlowHandler(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """Handle a RainMachine config flow.""" VERSION = 2 discovered_ip_address: str | None = None @staticmethod @callback def async_get_options_flow( config_entry: ConfigEntry, ) -> RainMachineOptionsFlowHandler: """Define the config flow to handle options.""" return RainMachineOptionsFlowHandler(config_entry) async def async_step_homekit( self, discovery_info: zeroconf.ZeroconfServiceInfo ) -> FlowResult: """Handle a flow initialized by homekit discovery.""" return await self.async_step_homekit_zeroconf(discovery_info) async def async_step_zeroconf( self, discovery_info: zeroconf.ZeroconfServiceInfo ) -> FlowResult: """Handle discovery via zeroconf.""" return await self.async_step_homekit_zeroconf(discovery_info) async def async_step_homekit_zeroconf( self, discovery_info: zeroconf.ZeroconfServiceInfo ) -> FlowResult: """Handle discovery via zeroconf.""" ip_address = discovery_info.host self._async_abort_entries_match({CONF_IP_ADDRESS: ip_address}) # Handle IP change for entry in self._async_current_entries(include_ignore=False): # Try our existing credentials to check for ip change if controller := await async_get_controller( self.hass, ip_address, entry.data[CONF_PASSWORD], entry.data[CONF_PORT], entry.data.get(CONF_SSL, True), ): await self.async_set_unique_id(controller.mac) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured( updates={CONF_IP_ADDRESS: ip_address}, reload_on_update=False ) # A new rain machine: We will change out the unique id # for the mac address once we authenticate, however we want to # prevent multiple different rain machines on the same network # from being shown in discovery await self.async_set_unique_id(ip_address) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() self.discovered_ip_address = ip_address return await self.async_step_user() @callback def _async_generate_schema(self) -> vol.Schema: """Generate schema.""" return vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_IP_ADDRESS, default=self.discovered_ip_address): str, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): str, vol.Optional(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): int, } ) async def async_step_user( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Handle the start of the config flow.""" errors = {} if user_input: self._async_abort_entries_match( {CONF_IP_ADDRESS: user_input[CONF_IP_ADDRESS]} ) controller = await async_get_controller( self.hass, user_input[CONF_IP_ADDRESS], user_input[CONF_PASSWORD], user_input[CONF_PORT], user_input.get(CONF_SSL, True), ) if controller: await self.async_set_unique_id(controller.mac) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() # Unfortunately, RainMachine doesn't provide a way to refresh the # access token without using the IP address and password, so we have to # store it: return self.async_create_entry( title=controller.name.capitalize(), data={ CONF_IP_ADDRESS: user_input[CONF_IP_ADDRESS], CONF_PASSWORD: user_input[CONF_PASSWORD], CONF_PORT: user_input[CONF_PORT], CONF_SSL: user_input.get(CONF_SSL, True), CONF_DEFAULT_ZONE_RUN_TIME: user_input.get( CONF_DEFAULT_ZONE_RUN_TIME, DEFAULT_ZONE_RUN ), }, ) errors = {CONF_PASSWORD: "invalid_auth"} if self.discovered_ip_address: self.context["title_placeholders"] = {"ip": self.discovered_ip_address} return self.async_show_form( step_id="user", data_schema=self._async_generate_schema(), errors=errors ) class RainMachineOptionsFlowHandler(config_entries.OptionsFlow): """Handle a RainMachine options flow.""" def __init__(self, config_entry: ConfigEntry) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.config_entry = config_entry async def async_step_init( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Manage the options.""" if user_input is not None: return self.async_create_entry(data=user_input) return self.async_show_form( step_id="init", data_schema=vol.Schema( { vol.Optional( CONF_DEFAULT_ZONE_RUN_TIME, default=self.config_entry.options.get( CONF_DEFAULT_ZONE_RUN_TIME ), ): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional( CONF_USE_APP_RUN_TIMES, default=self.config_entry.options.get(CONF_USE_APP_RUN_TIMES), ): bool, } ), )