""" Support for an interface to work with a remote instance of Home Assistant. If a connection error occurs while communicating with the API a HomeAssistantError will be raised. For more details about the Python API, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/developers/python_api/ """ from datetime import datetime import enum import json import logging import time import threading import urllib.parse from typing import Optional import requests import homeassistant.bootstrap as bootstrap import homeassistant.core as ha from homeassistant.const import ( HTTP_HEADER_HA_AUTH, SERVER_PORT, URL_API, URL_API_EVENT_FORWARD, URL_API_EVENTS, URL_API_EVENTS_EVENT, URL_API_SERVICES, URL_API_CONFIG, URL_API_SERVICES_SERVICE, URL_API_STATES, URL_API_STATES_ENTITY, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError METHOD_GET = "get" METHOD_POST = "post" METHOD_DELETE = "delete" _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class APIStatus(enum.Enum): """Represent API status.""" # pylint: disable=no-init,invalid-name,too-few-public-methods OK = "ok" INVALID_PASSWORD = "invalid_password" CANNOT_CONNECT = "cannot_connect" UNKNOWN = "unknown" def __str__(self) -> str: """Return the state.""" return self.value class API(object): """Object to pass around Home Assistant API location and credentials.""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, host: str, api_password: Optional[str]=None, port: Optional[int]=None, use_ssl: bool=False) -> None: """Initalize the API.""" self.host = host self.port = port or SERVER_PORT self.api_password = api_password if use_ssl: self.base_url = "https://{}:{}".format(host, self.port) else: self.base_url = "http://{}:{}".format(host, self.port) self.status = None self._headers = { HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE: CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, } if api_password is not None: self._headers[HTTP_HEADER_HA_AUTH] = api_password def validate_api(self, force_validate: bool=False) -> bool: """Test if we can communicate with the API.""" if self.status is None or force_validate: self.status = validate_api(self) return self.status == APIStatus.OK def __call__(self, method, path, data=None, timeout=5): """Make a call to the Home Assistant API.""" if data is not None: data = json.dumps(data, cls=JSONEncoder) url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.base_url, path) try: if method == METHOD_GET: return requests.get( url, params=data, timeout=timeout, headers=self._headers) else: return requests.request( method, url, data=data, timeout=timeout, headers=self._headers) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: _LOGGER.exception("Error connecting to server") raise HomeAssistantError("Error connecting to server") except requests.exceptions.Timeout: error = "Timeout when talking to {}".format(self.host) _LOGGER.exception(error) raise HomeAssistantError(error) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return the representation of the API.""" return "API({}, {}, {})".format( self.host, self.api_password, self.port) class HomeAssistant(ha.HomeAssistant): """Home Assistant that forwards work.""" # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called,too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, remote_api, local_api=None): """Initalize the forward instance.""" if not remote_api.validate_api(): raise HomeAssistantError( "Remote API at {}:{} not valid: {}".format( remote_api.host, remote_api.port, remote_api.status)) self.remote_api = remote_api self.pool = pool = ha.create_worker_pool() self.bus = EventBus(remote_api, pool) self.services = ha.ServiceRegistry(self.bus, pool) self.states = StateMachine(self.bus, self.remote_api) self.config = ha.Config() self.state = ha.CoreState.not_running self.config.api = local_api def start(self): """Start the instance.""" # Ensure a local API exists to connect with remote if 'api' not in self.config.components: if not bootstrap.setup_component(self, 'api'): raise HomeAssistantError( 'Unable to setup local API to receive events') self.state = ha.CoreState.starting ha.create_timer(self) self.bus.fire(ha.EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, origin=ha.EventOrigin.remote) # Ensure local HTTP is started self.pool.block_till_done() self.state = ha.CoreState.running time.sleep(0.05) # Setup that events from remote_api get forwarded to local_api # Do this after we are running, otherwise HTTP is not started # or requests are blocked if not connect_remote_events(self.remote_api, self.config.api): raise HomeAssistantError(( 'Could not setup event forwarding from api {} to ' 'local api {}').format(self.remote_api, self.config.api)) def stop(self): """Stop Home Assistant and shuts down all threads.""" _LOGGER.info("Stopping") self.state = ha.CoreState.stopping self.bus.fire(ha.EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, origin=ha.EventOrigin.remote) self.pool.stop() # Disconnect master event forwarding disconnect_remote_events(self.remote_api, self.config.api) self.state = ha.CoreState.not_running class EventBus(ha.EventBus): """EventBus implementation that forwards fire_event to remote API.""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, api, pool=None): """Initalize the eventbus.""" super().__init__(pool) self._api = api def fire(self, event_type, event_data=None, origin=ha.EventOrigin.local): """Forward local events to remote target. Handles remote event as usual. """ # All local events that are not TIME_CHANGED are forwarded to API if origin == ha.EventOrigin.local and \ event_type != ha.EVENT_TIME_CHANGED: fire_event(self._api, event_type, event_data) else: super().fire(event_type, event_data, origin) class EventForwarder(object): """Listens for events and forwards to specified APIs.""" def __init__(self, hass, restrict_origin=None): """Initalize the event forwarder.""" self.hass = hass self.restrict_origin = restrict_origin # We use a tuple (host, port) as key to ensure # that we do not forward to the same host twice self._targets = {} self._lock = threading.Lock() def connect(self, api): """Attach to a Home Assistant instance and forward events. Will overwrite old target if one exists with same host/port. """ with self._lock: if len(self._targets) == 0: # First target we get, setup listener for events self.hass.bus.listen(ha.MATCH_ALL, self._event_listener) key = (api.host, api.port) self._targets[key] = api def disconnect(self, api): """Remove target from being forwarded to.""" with self._lock: key = (api.host, api.port) did_remove = self._targets.pop(key, None) is None if len(self._targets) == 0: # Remove event listener if no forwarding targets present self.hass.bus.remove_listener(ha.MATCH_ALL, self._event_listener) return did_remove def _event_listener(self, event): """Listen and forward all events.""" with self._lock: # We don't forward time events or, if enabled, non-local events if event.event_type == ha.EVENT_TIME_CHANGED or \ (self.restrict_origin and event.origin != self.restrict_origin): return for api in self._targets.values(): fire_event(api, event.event_type, event.data) class StateMachine(ha.StateMachine): """Fire set events to an API. Uses state_change events to track states.""" def __init__(self, bus, api): """Initalize the statemachine.""" super().__init__(None) self._api = api self.mirror() bus.listen(ha.EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, self._state_changed_listener) def remove(self, entity_id): """Remove the state of an entity. Returns boolean to indicate if an entity was removed. """ return remove_state(self._api, entity_id) def set(self, entity_id, new_state, attributes=None, force_update=False): """Call set_state on remote API.""" set_state(self._api, entity_id, new_state, attributes, force_update) def mirror(self): """Discard current data and mirrors the remote state machine.""" self._states = {state.entity_id: state for state in get_states(self._api)} def _state_changed_listener(self, event): """Listen for state changed events and applies them.""" if event.data['new_state'] is None: self._states.pop(event.data['entity_id'], None) else: self._states[event.data['entity_id']] = event.data['new_state'] class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """JSONEncoder that supports Home Assistant objects.""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,method-hidden def default(self, obj): """Convert Home Assistant objects. Hand other objects to the original method. """ if isinstance(obj, datetime): return obj.isoformat() elif hasattr(obj, 'as_dict'): return obj.as_dict() try: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) except TypeError: # If the JSON serializer couldn't serialize it # it might be a generator, convert it to a list try: return [self.default(child_obj) for child_obj in obj] except TypeError: # Ok, we're lost, cause the original error return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) def validate_api(api): """Make a call to validate API.""" try: req = api(METHOD_GET, URL_API) if req.status_code == 200: return APIStatus.OK elif req.status_code == 401: return APIStatus.INVALID_PASSWORD else: return APIStatus.UNKNOWN except HomeAssistantError: return APIStatus.CANNOT_CONNECT def connect_remote_events(from_api, to_api): """Setup from_api to forward all events to to_api.""" data = { 'host': to_api.host, 'api_password': to_api.api_password, 'port': to_api.port } try: req = from_api(METHOD_POST, URL_API_EVENT_FORWARD, data) if req.status_code == 200: return True else: _LOGGER.error( "Error setting up event forwarding: %s - %s", req.status_code, req.text) return False except HomeAssistantError: _LOGGER.exception("Error setting up event forwarding") return False def disconnect_remote_events(from_api, to_api): """Disconnect forwarding events from from_api to to_api.""" data = { 'host': to_api.host, 'port': to_api.port } try: req = from_api(METHOD_DELETE, URL_API_EVENT_FORWARD, data) if req.status_code == 200: return True else: _LOGGER.error( "Error removing event forwarding: %s - %s", req.status_code, req.text) return False except HomeAssistantError: _LOGGER.exception("Error removing an event forwarder") return False def get_event_listeners(api): """List of events that is being listened for.""" try: req = api(METHOD_GET, URL_API_EVENTS) return req.json() if req.status_code == 200 else {} except (HomeAssistantError, ValueError): # ValueError if req.json() can't parse the json _LOGGER.exception("Unexpected result retrieving event listeners") return {} def fire_event(api, event_type, data=None): """Fire an event at remote API.""" try: req = api(METHOD_POST, URL_API_EVENTS_EVENT.format(event_type), data) if req.status_code != 200: _LOGGER.error("Error firing event: %d - %s", req.status_code, req.text) except HomeAssistantError: _LOGGER.exception("Error firing event") def get_state(api, entity_id): """Query given API for state of entity_id.""" try: req = api(METHOD_GET, URL_API_STATES_ENTITY.format(entity_id)) # req.status_code == 422 if entity does not exist return ha.State.from_dict(req.json()) \ if req.status_code == 200 else None except (HomeAssistantError, ValueError): # ValueError if req.json() can't parse the json _LOGGER.exception("Error fetching state") return None def get_states(api): """Query given API for all states.""" try: req = api(METHOD_GET, URL_API_STATES) return [ha.State.from_dict(item) for item in req.json()] except (HomeAssistantError, ValueError, AttributeError): # ValueError if req.json() can't parse the json _LOGGER.exception("Error fetching states") return [] def remove_state(api, entity_id): """Call API to remove state for entity_id. Return True if entity is gone (removed/never existed). """ try: req = api(METHOD_DELETE, URL_API_STATES_ENTITY.format(entity_id)) if req.status_code in (200, 404): return True _LOGGER.error("Error removing state: %d - %s", req.status_code, req.text) return False except HomeAssistantError: _LOGGER.exception("Error removing state") return False def set_state(api, entity_id, new_state, attributes=None, force_update=False): """Tell API to update state for entity_id. Return True if success. """ attributes = attributes or {} data = {'state': new_state, 'attributes': attributes, 'force_update': force_update} try: req = api(METHOD_POST, URL_API_STATES_ENTITY.format(entity_id), data) if req.status_code not in (200, 201): _LOGGER.error("Error changing state: %d - %s", req.status_code, req.text) return False else: return True except HomeAssistantError: _LOGGER.exception("Error setting state") return False def is_state(api, entity_id, state): """Query API to see if entity_id is specified state.""" cur_state = get_state(api, entity_id) return cur_state and cur_state.state == state def get_services(api): """Return a list of dicts. Each dict has a string "domain" and a list of strings "services". """ try: req = api(METHOD_GET, URL_API_SERVICES) return req.json() if req.status_code == 200 else {} except (HomeAssistantError, ValueError): # ValueError if req.json() can't parse the json _LOGGER.exception("Got unexpected services result") return {} def call_service(api, domain, service, service_data=None, timeout=5): """Call a service at the remote API.""" try: req = api(METHOD_POST, URL_API_SERVICES_SERVICE.format(domain, service), service_data, timeout=timeout) if req.status_code != 200: _LOGGER.error("Error calling service: %d - %s", req.status_code, req.text) except HomeAssistantError: _LOGGER.exception("Error calling service") def get_config(api): """Return configuration.""" try: req = api(METHOD_GET, URL_API_CONFIG) return req.json() if req.status_code == 200 else {} except (HomeAssistantError, ValueError): # ValueError if req.json() can't parse the JSON _LOGGER.exception("Got unexpected configuration results") return {}