"""Provide the functionality to group entities.""" from __future__ import annotations from abc import abstractmethod import asyncio from collections.abc import Callable, Collection, Mapping from contextvars import ContextVar import logging from typing import Any, Protocol import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_ICON, ATTR_NAME, CONF_ENTITIES, CONF_ICON, CONF_NAME, SERVICE_RELOAD, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, Platform, ) from homeassistant.core import ( CALLBACK_TYPE, HomeAssistant, ServiceCall, State, callback, split_entity_id, ) from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv, entity_registry as er, start from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity, async_generate_entity_id from homeassistant.helpers.entity_component import EntityComponent from homeassistant.helpers.event import ( EventStateChangedData, async_track_state_change_event, ) from homeassistant.helpers.group import ( expand_entity_ids as _expand_entity_ids, get_entity_ids as _get_entity_ids, ) from homeassistant.helpers.integration_platform import ( async_process_integration_platforms, ) from homeassistant.helpers.reload import async_reload_integration_platforms from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType, EventType from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass from .const import CONF_HIDE_MEMBERS DOMAIN = "group" GROUP_ORDER = "group_order" ENTITY_ID_FORMAT = DOMAIN + ".{}" CONF_ALL = "all" ATTR_ADD_ENTITIES = "add_entities" ATTR_REMOVE_ENTITIES = "remove_entities" ATTR_AUTO = "auto" ATTR_ENTITIES = "entities" ATTR_OBJECT_ID = "object_id" ATTR_ORDER = "order" ATTR_ALL = "all" SERVICE_SET = "set" SERVICE_REMOVE = "remove" PLATFORMS = [ Platform.BINARY_SENSOR, Platform.COVER, Platform.FAN, Platform.LIGHT, Platform.LOCK, Platform.MEDIA_PLAYER, Platform.NOTIFY, Platform.SENSOR, Platform.SWITCH, ] REG_KEY = f"{DOMAIN}_registry" ENTITY_PREFIX = f"{DOMAIN}." _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) current_domain: ContextVar[str] = ContextVar("current_domain") class GroupProtocol(Protocol): """Define the format of group platforms.""" def async_describe_on_off_states( self, hass: HomeAssistant, registry: GroupIntegrationRegistry ) -> None: """Describe group on off states.""" def _conf_preprocess(value: Any) -> dict[str, Any]: """Preprocess alternative configuration formats.""" if not isinstance(value, dict): return {CONF_ENTITIES: value} return value GROUP_SCHEMA = vol.All( vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_ENTITIES): vol.Any(cv.entity_ids, None), CONF_NAME: cv.string, CONF_ICON: cv.icon, CONF_ALL: cv.boolean, } ) ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {DOMAIN: vol.Schema({cv.match_all: vol.All(_conf_preprocess, GROUP_SCHEMA)})}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) def _async_get_component(hass: HomeAssistant) -> EntityComponent[Group]: if (component := hass.data.get(DOMAIN)) is None: component = hass.data[DOMAIN] = EntityComponent[Group](_LOGGER, DOMAIN, hass) return component class GroupIntegrationRegistry: """Class to hold a registry of integrations.""" on_off_mapping: dict[str, str] = {STATE_ON: STATE_OFF} off_on_mapping: dict[str, str] = {STATE_OFF: STATE_ON} on_states_by_domain: dict[str, set] = {} exclude_domains: set = set() def exclude_domain(self) -> None: """Exclude the current domain.""" self.exclude_domains.add(current_domain.get()) def on_off_states(self, on_states: set, off_state: str) -> None: """Register on and off states for the current domain.""" for on_state in on_states: if on_state not in self.on_off_mapping: self.on_off_mapping[on_state] = off_state if len(on_states) == 1 and off_state not in self.off_on_mapping: self.off_on_mapping[off_state] = list(on_states)[0] self.on_states_by_domain[current_domain.get()] = set(on_states) @bind_hass def is_on(hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str) -> bool: """Test if the group state is in its ON-state.""" if REG_KEY not in hass.data: # Integration not setup yet, it cannot be on return False if (state := hass.states.get(entity_id)) is not None: registry: GroupIntegrationRegistry = hass.data[REG_KEY] return state.state in registry.on_off_mapping return False # expand_entity_ids and get_entity_ids are for backwards compatibility only expand_entity_ids = bind_hass(_expand_entity_ids) get_entity_ids = bind_hass(_get_entity_ids) @bind_hass def groups_with_entity(hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str) -> list[str]: """Get all groups that contain this entity. Async friendly. """ if DOMAIN not in hass.data: return [] groups = [] for group in hass.data[DOMAIN].entities: if entity_id in group.tracking: groups.append(group.entity_id) return groups async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Set up a config entry.""" await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setups( entry, (entry.options["group_type"],) ) entry.async_on_unload(entry.add_update_listener(config_entry_update_listener)) return True async def config_entry_update_listener(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> None: """Update listener, called when the config entry options are changed.""" await hass.config_entries.async_reload(entry.entry_id) async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Unload a config entry.""" return await hass.config_entries.async_unload_platforms( entry, (entry.options["group_type"],) ) async def async_remove_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> None: """Remove a config entry.""" # Unhide the group members registry = er.async_get(hass) if not entry.options[CONF_HIDE_MEMBERS]: return for member in entry.options[CONF_ENTITIES]: if not (entity_id := er.async_resolve_entity_id(registry, member)): continue if (entity_entry := registry.async_get(entity_id)) is None: continue if entity_entry.hidden_by != er.RegistryEntryHider.INTEGRATION: continue registry.async_update_entity(entity_id, hidden_by=None) async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Set up all groups found defined in the configuration.""" if DOMAIN not in hass.data: hass.data[DOMAIN] = EntityComponent[Group](_LOGGER, DOMAIN, hass) component: EntityComponent[Group] = hass.data[DOMAIN] hass.data[REG_KEY] = GroupIntegrationRegistry() await async_process_integration_platforms(hass, DOMAIN, _process_group_platform) await _async_process_config(hass, config) async def reload_service_handler(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Group reload handler. - Remove group.group entities not created by service calls and set them up again - Reload xxx.group platforms """ if (conf := await component.async_prepare_reload(skip_reset=True)) is None: return # Simplified + modified version of EntityPlatform.async_reset: # - group.group never retries setup # - group.group never polls # - We don't need to reset EntityPlatform._setup_complete # - Only remove entities which were not created by service calls tasks = [ entity.async_remove() for entity in component.entities if entity.entity_id.startswith("group.") and not entity.created_by_service ] if tasks: await asyncio.gather(*tasks) component.config = None await _async_process_config(hass, conf) await async_reload_integration_platforms(hass, DOMAIN, PLATFORMS) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_RELOAD, reload_service_handler, schema=vol.Schema({}) ) service_lock = asyncio.Lock() async def locked_service_handler(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Handle a service with an async lock.""" async with service_lock: await groups_service_handler(service) async def groups_service_handler(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Handle dynamic group service functions.""" object_id = service.data[ATTR_OBJECT_ID] entity_id = f"{DOMAIN}.{object_id}" group = component.get_entity(entity_id) # new group if service.service == SERVICE_SET and group is None: entity_ids = ( service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITIES) or service.data.get(ATTR_ADD_ENTITIES) or None ) await Group.async_create_group( hass, service.data.get(ATTR_NAME, object_id), created_by_service=True, entity_ids=entity_ids, icon=service.data.get(ATTR_ICON), mode=service.data.get(ATTR_ALL), object_id=object_id, order=None, ) return if group is None: _LOGGER.warning("%s:Group '%s' doesn't exist!", service.service, object_id) return # update group if service.service == SERVICE_SET: need_update = False if ATTR_ADD_ENTITIES in service.data: delta = service.data[ATTR_ADD_ENTITIES] entity_ids = set(group.tracking) | set(delta) await group.async_update_tracked_entity_ids(entity_ids) if ATTR_REMOVE_ENTITIES in service.data: delta = service.data[ATTR_REMOVE_ENTITIES] entity_ids = set(group.tracking) - set(delta) await group.async_update_tracked_entity_ids(entity_ids) if ATTR_ENTITIES in service.data: entity_ids = service.data[ATTR_ENTITIES] await group.async_update_tracked_entity_ids(entity_ids) if ATTR_NAME in service.data: group.name = service.data[ATTR_NAME] need_update = True if ATTR_ICON in service.data: group.icon = service.data[ATTR_ICON] need_update = True if ATTR_ALL in service.data: group.mode = all if service.data[ATTR_ALL] else any need_update = True if need_update: group.async_write_ha_state() return # remove group if service.service == SERVICE_REMOVE: await component.async_remove_entity(entity_id) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET, locked_service_handler, schema=vol.All( vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_OBJECT_ID): cv.slug, vol.Optional(ATTR_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_ICON): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_ALL): cv.boolean, vol.Exclusive(ATTR_ENTITIES, "entities"): cv.entity_ids, vol.Exclusive(ATTR_ADD_ENTITIES, "entities"): cv.entity_ids, vol.Exclusive(ATTR_REMOVE_ENTITIES, "entities"): cv.entity_ids, } ) ), ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_REMOVE, groups_service_handler, schema=vol.Schema({vol.Required(ATTR_OBJECT_ID): cv.slug}), ) return True async def _process_group_platform( hass: HomeAssistant, domain: str, platform: GroupProtocol ) -> None: """Process a group platform.""" current_domain.set(domain) registry: GroupIntegrationRegistry = hass.data[REG_KEY] platform.async_describe_on_off_states(hass, registry) async def _async_process_config(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> None: """Process group configuration.""" hass.data.setdefault(GROUP_ORDER, 0) entities = [] domain_config: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = config.get(DOMAIN, {}) for object_id, conf in domain_config.items(): name: str = conf.get(CONF_NAME, object_id) entity_ids: Collection[str] = conf.get(CONF_ENTITIES) or [] icon: str | None = conf.get(CONF_ICON) mode = bool(conf.get(CONF_ALL)) order: int = hass.data[GROUP_ORDER] # We keep track of the order when we are creating the tasks # in the same way that async_create_group does to make # sure we use the same ordering system. This overcomes # the problem with concurrently creating the groups entities.append( Group.async_create_group_entity( hass, name, created_by_service=False, entity_ids=entity_ids, icon=icon, object_id=object_id, mode=mode, order=order, ) ) # Keep track of the group order without iterating # every state in the state machine every time # we setup a new group hass.data[GROUP_ORDER] += 1 # If called before the platform async_setup is called (test cases) await _async_get_component(hass).async_add_entities(entities) class GroupEntity(Entity): """Representation of a Group of entities.""" _unrecorded_attributes = frozenset({ATTR_ENTITY_ID}) _attr_should_poll = False _entity_ids: list[str] @callback def async_start_preview( self, preview_callback: Callable[[str, Mapping[str, Any]], None], ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Render a preview.""" for entity_id in self._entity_ids: if (state := self.hass.states.get(entity_id)) is None: continue self.async_update_supported_features(entity_id, state) @callback def async_state_changed_listener( event: EventType[EventStateChangedData] | None, ) -> None: """Handle child updates.""" self.async_update_group_state() if event: self.async_update_supported_features( event.data["entity_id"], event.data["new_state"] ) calculated_state = self._async_calculate_state() preview_callback(calculated_state.state, calculated_state.attributes) async_state_changed_listener(None) return async_track_state_change_event( self.hass, self._entity_ids, async_state_changed_listener ) async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Register listeners.""" for entity_id in self._entity_ids: if (state := self.hass.states.get(entity_id)) is None: continue self.async_update_supported_features(entity_id, state) @callback def async_state_changed_listener( event: EventType[EventStateChangedData], ) -> None: """Handle child updates.""" self.async_set_context(event.context) self.async_update_supported_features( event.data["entity_id"], event.data["new_state"] ) self.async_defer_or_update_ha_state() self.async_on_remove( async_track_state_change_event( self.hass, self._entity_ids, async_state_changed_listener ) ) self.async_on_remove(start.async_at_start(self.hass, self._update_at_start)) @callback def _update_at_start(self, _: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Update the group state at start.""" self.async_update_group_state() self.async_write_ha_state() @callback def async_defer_or_update_ha_state(self) -> None: """Only update once at start.""" if not self.hass.is_running: return self.async_update_group_state() self.async_write_ha_state() @abstractmethod @callback def async_update_group_state(self) -> None: """Abstract method to update the entity.""" @callback def async_update_supported_features( self, entity_id: str, new_state: State | None, ) -> None: """Update dictionaries with supported features.""" class Group(Entity): """Track a group of entity ids.""" _unrecorded_attributes = frozenset({ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_ORDER, ATTR_AUTO}) _attr_should_poll = False tracking: tuple[str, ...] trackable: tuple[str, ...] def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, name: str, *, created_by_service: bool, entity_ids: Collection[str] | None, icon: str | None, mode: bool | None, order: int | None, ) -> None: """Initialize a group. This Object has factory function for creation. """ self.hass = hass self._name = name self._state: str | None = None self._icon = icon self._set_tracked(entity_ids) self._on_off: dict[str, bool] = {} self._assumed: dict[str, bool] = {} self._on_states: set[str] = set() self.created_by_service = created_by_service self.mode = any if mode: self.mode = all self._order = order self._assumed_state = False self._async_unsub_state_changed: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None @staticmethod @callback def async_create_group_entity( hass: HomeAssistant, name: str, *, created_by_service: bool, entity_ids: Collection[str] | None, icon: str | None, mode: bool | None, object_id: str | None, order: int | None, ) -> Group: """Create a group entity.""" if order is None: hass.data.setdefault(GROUP_ORDER, 0) order = hass.data[GROUP_ORDER] # Keep track of the group order without iterating # every state in the state machine every time # we setup a new group hass.data[GROUP_ORDER] += 1 group = Group( hass, name, created_by_service=created_by_service, entity_ids=entity_ids, icon=icon, mode=mode, order=order, ) group.entity_id = async_generate_entity_id( ENTITY_ID_FORMAT, object_id or name, hass=hass ) return group @staticmethod async def async_create_group( hass: HomeAssistant, name: str, *, created_by_service: bool, entity_ids: Collection[str] | None, icon: str | None, mode: bool | None, object_id: str | None, order: int | None, ) -> Group: """Initialize a group. This method must be run in the event loop. """ group = Group.async_create_group_entity( hass, name, created_by_service=created_by_service, entity_ids=entity_ids, icon=icon, mode=mode, object_id=object_id, order=order, ) # If called before the platform async_setup is called (test cases) await _async_get_component(hass).async_add_entities([group]) return group @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the group.""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value: str) -> None: """Set Group name.""" self._name = value @property def state(self) -> str | None: """Return the state of the group.""" return self._state @property def icon(self) -> str | None: """Return the icon of the group.""" return self._icon @icon.setter def icon(self, value: str | None) -> None: """Set Icon for group.""" self._icon = value @property def extra_state_attributes(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the state attributes for the group.""" data = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.tracking, ATTR_ORDER: self._order} if self.created_by_service: data[ATTR_AUTO] = True return data @property def assumed_state(self) -> bool: """Test if any member has an assumed state.""" return self._assumed_state def update_tracked_entity_ids(self, entity_ids: Collection[str] | None) -> None: """Update the member entity IDs.""" asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe( self.async_update_tracked_entity_ids(entity_ids), self.hass.loop ).result() async def async_update_tracked_entity_ids( self, entity_ids: Collection[str] | None ) -> None: """Update the member entity IDs. This method must be run in the event loop. """ self._async_stop() self._set_tracked(entity_ids) self._reset_tracked_state() self._async_start() def _set_tracked(self, entity_ids: Collection[str] | None) -> None: """Tuple of entities to be tracked.""" # tracking are the entities we want to track # trackable are the entities we actually watch if not entity_ids: self.tracking = () self.trackable = () return registry: GroupIntegrationRegistry = self.hass.data[REG_KEY] excluded_domains = registry.exclude_domains tracking: list[str] = [] trackable: list[str] = [] for ent_id in entity_ids: ent_id_lower = ent_id.lower() domain = split_entity_id(ent_id_lower)[0] tracking.append(ent_id_lower) if domain not in excluded_domains: trackable.append(ent_id_lower) self.trackable = tuple(trackable) self.tracking = tuple(tracking) @callback def _async_start(self, _: HomeAssistant | None = None) -> None: """Start tracking members and write state.""" self._reset_tracked_state() self._async_start_tracking() self.async_write_ha_state() @callback def _async_start_tracking(self) -> None: """Start tracking members. This method must be run in the event loop. """ if self.trackable and self._async_unsub_state_changed is None: self._async_unsub_state_changed = async_track_state_change_event( self.hass, self.trackable, self._async_state_changed_listener ) self._async_update_group_state() @callback def _async_stop(self) -> None: """Unregister the group from Home Assistant. This method must be run in the event loop. """ if self._async_unsub_state_changed: self._async_unsub_state_changed() self._async_unsub_state_changed = None @callback def async_update_group_state(self) -> None: """Query all members and determine current group state.""" self._state = None self._async_update_group_state() async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Handle addition to Home Assistant.""" self.async_on_remove(start.async_at_start(self.hass, self._async_start)) async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None: """Handle removal from Home Assistant.""" self._async_stop() async def _async_state_changed_listener( self, event: EventType[EventStateChangedData] ) -> None: """Respond to a member state changing. This method must be run in the event loop. """ # removed if self._async_unsub_state_changed is None: return self.async_set_context(event.context) if (new_state := event.data["new_state"]) is None: # The state was removed from the state machine self._reset_tracked_state() self._async_update_group_state(new_state) self.async_write_ha_state() def _reset_tracked_state(self) -> None: """Reset tracked state.""" self._on_off = {} self._assumed = {} self._on_states = set() for entity_id in self.trackable: if (state := self.hass.states.get(entity_id)) is not None: self._see_state(state) def _see_state(self, new_state: State) -> None: """Keep track of the state.""" entity_id = new_state.entity_id domain = new_state.domain state = new_state.state registry: GroupIntegrationRegistry = self.hass.data[REG_KEY] self._assumed[entity_id] = bool(new_state.attributes.get(ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE)) if domain not in registry.on_states_by_domain: # Handle the group of a group case if state in registry.on_off_mapping: self._on_states.add(state) elif state in registry.off_on_mapping: self._on_states.add(registry.off_on_mapping[state]) self._on_off[entity_id] = state in registry.on_off_mapping else: entity_on_state = registry.on_states_by_domain[domain] if domain in registry.on_states_by_domain: self._on_states.update(entity_on_state) self._on_off[entity_id] = state in entity_on_state @callback def _async_update_group_state(self, tr_state: State | None = None) -> None: """Update group state. Optionally you can provide the only state changed since last update allowing this method to take shortcuts. This method must be run in the event loop. """ # To store current states of group entities. Might not be needed. if tr_state: self._see_state(tr_state) if not self._on_off: return if ( tr_state is None or self._assumed_state and not tr_state.attributes.get(ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE) ): self._assumed_state = self.mode(self._assumed.values()) elif tr_state.attributes.get(ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE): self._assumed_state = True num_on_states = len(self._on_states) # If all the entity domains we are tracking # have the same on state we use this state # and its hass.data[REG_KEY].on_off_mapping to off if num_on_states == 1: on_state = list(self._on_states)[0] # If we do not have an on state for any domains # we use None (which will be STATE_UNKNOWN) elif num_on_states == 0: self._state = None return # If the entity domains have more than one # on state, we use STATE_ON/STATE_OFF else: on_state = STATE_ON group_is_on = self.mode(self._on_off.values()) if group_is_on: self._state = on_state else: registry: GroupIntegrationRegistry = self.hass.data[REG_KEY] self._state = registry.on_off_mapping[on_state]