"""Support for Google Calendar Search binary sensors.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Mapping import dataclasses from datetime import datetime, timedelta import logging from typing import Any, cast from gcal_sync.api import Range, SyncEventsRequest from gcal_sync.exceptions import ApiException from gcal_sync.model import ( AccessRole, Calendar, DateOrDatetime, Event, EventTypeEnum, ResponseStatus, ) from gcal_sync.store import ScopedCalendarStore from gcal_sync.sync import CalendarEventSyncManager from homeassistant.components.calendar import ( CREATE_EVENT_SCHEMA, ENTITY_ID_FORMAT, EVENT_DESCRIPTION, EVENT_END, EVENT_LOCATION, EVENT_RRULE, EVENT_START, EVENT_SUMMARY, CalendarEntity, CalendarEntityDescription, CalendarEntityFeature, CalendarEvent, extract_offset, is_offset_reached, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import CONF_DEVICE_ID, CONF_ENTITIES, CONF_NAME, CONF_OFFSET from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, ServiceCall from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError, PlatformNotReady from homeassistant.helpers import entity_platform, entity_registry as er from homeassistant.helpers.entity import generate_entity_id from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddConfigEntryEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.update_coordinator import CoordinatorEntity from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from . import ( CONF_IGNORE_AVAILABILITY, CONF_SEARCH, CONF_TRACK, DEFAULT_CONF_OFFSET, DOMAIN, YAML_DEVICES, get_calendar_info, load_config, update_config, ) from .api import get_feature_access from .const import ( DATA_SERVICE, DATA_STORE, EVENT_END_DATE, EVENT_END_DATETIME, EVENT_IN, EVENT_IN_DAYS, EVENT_IN_WEEKS, EVENT_START_DATE, EVENT_START_DATETIME, FeatureAccess, ) from .coordinator import CalendarQueryUpdateCoordinator, CalendarSyncUpdateCoordinator _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Avoid syncing super old data on initial syncs. Note that old but active # recurring events are still included. SYNC_EVENT_MIN_TIME = timedelta(days=-90) # Events have a transparency that determine whether or not they block time on calendar. # When an event is opaque, it means "Show me as busy" which is the default. Events that # are not opaque are ignored by default. OPAQUE = "opaque" # Google calendar prefixes recurrence rules with RRULE: which # we need to strip when working with the frontend recurrence rule values RRULE_PREFIX = "RRULE:" SERVICE_CREATE_EVENT = "create_event" @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True) class GoogleCalendarEntityDescription(CalendarEntityDescription): """Google calendar entity description.""" name: str | None entity_id: str | None read_only: bool ignore_availability: bool offset: str | None search: str | None local_sync: bool device_id: str working_location: bool = False def _get_entity_descriptions( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, calendar_item: Calendar, calendar_info: Mapping[str, Any], ) -> list[GoogleCalendarEntityDescription]: """Create entity descriptions for the calendar. The entity descriptions are based on the type of Calendar from the API and optional calendar_info yaml configuration that is the older way to configure calendars before they supported UI based config. The yaml config may map one calendar to multiple entities and they do not have a unique id. The yaml config also supports additional options like offsets or search. """ calendar_id = calendar_item.id num_entities = len(calendar_info[CONF_ENTITIES]) entity_descriptions = [] for data in calendar_info[CONF_ENTITIES]: if num_entities > 1: key = "" else: key = calendar_id entity_enabled = data.get(CONF_TRACK, True) if not entity_enabled: _LOGGER.warning( "The 'track' option in google_calendars.yaml has been deprecated." " The setting has been imported to the UI, and should now be" " removed from google_calendars.yaml" ) read_only = not ( calendar_item.access_role.is_writer and get_feature_access(config_entry) is FeatureAccess.read_write ) # Prefer calendar sync down of resources when possible. However, # sync does not work for search. Also free-busy calendars denormalize # recurring events as individual events which is not efficient for sync local_sync = True if ( search := data.get(CONF_SEARCH) ) or calendar_item.access_role == AccessRole.FREE_BUSY_READER: read_only = True local_sync = False entity_description = GoogleCalendarEntityDescription( key=key, name=data[CONF_NAME].capitalize(), entity_id=generate_entity_id( ENTITY_ID_FORMAT, data[CONF_DEVICE_ID], hass=hass ), read_only=read_only, ignore_availability=data.get(CONF_IGNORE_AVAILABILITY, False), offset=data.get(CONF_OFFSET, DEFAULT_CONF_OFFSET), search=search, local_sync=local_sync, entity_registry_enabled_default=entity_enabled, device_id=data[CONF_DEVICE_ID], ) entity_descriptions.append(entity_description) _LOGGER.debug( "calendar_item.primary=%s, search=%s, calendar_item.access_role=%s - %s", calendar_item.primary, search, calendar_item.access_role, local_sync, ) if calendar_item.primary and local_sync: _LOGGER.debug("work location entity") # Create an optional disabled by default entity for Work Location entity_descriptions.append( dataclasses.replace( entity_description, key=f"{key}-work-location", translation_key="working_location", working_location=True, name=None, entity_id=None, entity_registry_enabled_default=False, ) ) return entity_descriptions async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddConfigEntryEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up the google calendar platform.""" calendar_service = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id][DATA_SERVICE] store = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id][DATA_STORE] try: result = await calendar_service.async_list_calendars() except ApiException as err: raise PlatformNotReady(str(err)) from err entity_registry = er.async_get(hass) registry_entries = er.async_entries_for_config_entry( entity_registry, config_entry.entry_id ) entity_entry_map = { entity_entry.unique_id: entity_entry for entity_entry in registry_entries } # Yaml configuration may override objects from the API calendars = await hass.async_add_executor_job( load_config, hass.config.path(YAML_DEVICES) ) new_calendars = [] entities = [] for calendar_item in result.items: calendar_id = calendar_item.id if calendars and calendar_id in calendars: calendar_info = calendars[calendar_id] else: calendar_info = get_calendar_info( hass, calendar_item.dict(exclude_unset=True) ) new_calendars.append(calendar_info) for entity_description in _get_entity_descriptions( hass, config_entry, calendar_item, calendar_info ): unique_id = ( f"{config_entry.unique_id}-{entity_description.key}" if entity_description.key else None ) # Migrate to new unique_id format which supports # multiple config entries as of 2022.7 for old_unique_id in ( calendar_id, f"{calendar_id}-{entity_description.device_id}", ): if not (entity_entry := entity_entry_map.get(old_unique_id)): continue if unique_id: _LOGGER.debug( "Migrating unique_id for %s from %s to %s", entity_entry.entity_id, old_unique_id, unique_id, ) entity_registry.async_update_entity( entity_entry.entity_id, new_unique_id=unique_id ) else: _LOGGER.debug( "Removing entity registry entry for %s from %s", entity_entry.entity_id, old_unique_id, ) entity_registry.async_remove( entity_entry.entity_id, ) _LOGGER.debug("Creating entity with unique_id=%s", unique_id) coordinator: CalendarSyncUpdateCoordinator | CalendarQueryUpdateCoordinator if not entity_description.local_sync: coordinator = CalendarQueryUpdateCoordinator( hass, config_entry, calendar_service, entity_description.name or entity_description.key, calendar_id, entity_description.search, ) else: request_template = SyncEventsRequest( calendar_id=calendar_id, start_time=dt_util.now() + SYNC_EVENT_MIN_TIME, ) sync = CalendarEventSyncManager( calendar_service, store=ScopedCalendarStore( store, unique_id or entity_description.device_id ), request_template=request_template, ) coordinator = CalendarSyncUpdateCoordinator( hass, config_entry, sync, entity_description.name or entity_description.key, ) entities.append( GoogleCalendarEntity( coordinator, calendar_id, entity_description, unique_id, ) ) async_add_entities(entities) if calendars and new_calendars: def append_calendars_to_config() -> None: path = hass.config.path(YAML_DEVICES) for calendar in new_calendars: update_config(path, calendar) await hass.async_add_executor_job(append_calendars_to_config) platform = entity_platform.async_get_current_platform() if ( any(calendar_item.access_role.is_writer for calendar_item in result.items) and get_feature_access(config_entry) is FeatureAccess.read_write ): platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_CREATE_EVENT, CREATE_EVENT_SCHEMA, async_create_event, required_features=CalendarEntityFeature.CREATE_EVENT, ) class GoogleCalendarEntity( CoordinatorEntity[CalendarSyncUpdateCoordinator | CalendarQueryUpdateCoordinator], CalendarEntity, ): """A calendar event entity.""" entity_description: GoogleCalendarEntityDescription _attr_has_entity_name = True def __init__( self, coordinator: CalendarSyncUpdateCoordinator | CalendarQueryUpdateCoordinator, calendar_id: str, entity_description: GoogleCalendarEntityDescription, unique_id: str | None, ) -> None: """Create the Calendar event device.""" super().__init__(coordinator) _LOGGER.debug("entity_description.entity_id=%s", entity_description.entity_id) _LOGGER.debug("entity_description=%s", entity_description) self.calendar_id = calendar_id self.entity_description = entity_description self._ignore_availability = entity_description.ignore_availability self._offset = entity_description.offset self._event: CalendarEvent | None = None if entity_description.entity_id: self.entity_id = entity_description.entity_id self._attr_unique_id = unique_id if not entity_description.read_only: self._attr_supported_features = ( CalendarEntityFeature.CREATE_EVENT | CalendarEntityFeature.DELETE_EVENT ) @property def extra_state_attributes(self) -> dict[str, bool]: """Return the device state attributes.""" return {"offset_reached": self.offset_reached} @property def offset_reached(self) -> bool: """Return whether or not the event offset was reached.""" (event, offset_value) = self._event_with_offset() if event is not None and offset_value is not None: return is_offset_reached(event.start_datetime_local, offset_value) return False @property def event(self) -> CalendarEvent | None: """Return the next upcoming event.""" (event, _) = self._event_with_offset() return event def _event_filter(self, event: Event) -> bool: """Return True if the event is visible and not declined.""" if any( attendee.is_self and attendee.response_status == ResponseStatus.DECLINED for attendee in event.attendees ): return False if event.event_type == EventTypeEnum.WORKING_LOCATION: return self.entity_description.working_location if self._ignore_availability: return True return event.transparency == OPAQUE async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """When entity is added to hass.""" await super().async_added_to_hass() # We do not ask for an update with async_add_entities() # because it will update disabled entities. This is started as a # task to let if sync in the background without blocking startup self.coordinator.config_entry.async_create_background_task( self.hass, self.coordinator.async_request_refresh(), "google.calendar-refresh", ) async def async_get_events( self, hass: HomeAssistant, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime ) -> list[CalendarEvent]: """Get all events in a specific time frame.""" result_items = await self.coordinator.async_get_events(start_date, end_date) return [ _get_calendar_event(event) for event in filter(self._event_filter, result_items) ] def _event_with_offset( self, ) -> tuple[CalendarEvent | None, timedelta | None]: """Get the calendar event and offset if any.""" if api_event := next( filter( self._event_filter, self.coordinator.upcoming or [], ), None, ): event = _get_calendar_event(api_event) if self._offset: (event.summary, offset_value) = extract_offset( event.summary, self._offset ) return event, offset_value return None, None async def async_create_event(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Add a new event to calendar.""" dtstart = kwargs[EVENT_START] dtend = kwargs[EVENT_END] start: DateOrDatetime end: DateOrDatetime if isinstance(dtstart, datetime): start = DateOrDatetime( date_time=dt_util.as_local(dtstart), timezone=str(dt_util.get_default_time_zone()), ) end = DateOrDatetime( date_time=dt_util.as_local(dtend), timezone=str(dt_util.get_default_time_zone()), ) else: start = DateOrDatetime(date=dtstart) end = DateOrDatetime(date=dtend) event = Event.parse_obj( { EVENT_SUMMARY: kwargs[EVENT_SUMMARY], "start": start, "end": end, EVENT_DESCRIPTION: kwargs.get(EVENT_DESCRIPTION), } ) if location := kwargs.get(EVENT_LOCATION): event.location = location if rrule := kwargs.get(EVENT_RRULE): event.recurrence = [f"{RRULE_PREFIX}{rrule}"] try: await cast( CalendarSyncUpdateCoordinator, self.coordinator ).sync.store_service.async_add_event(event) except ApiException as err: raise HomeAssistantError(f"Error while creating event: {err!s}") from err await self.coordinator.async_refresh() async def async_delete_event( self, uid: str, recurrence_id: str | None = None, recurrence_range: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Delete an event on the calendar.""" range_value: Range = Range.NONE if recurrence_range == Range.THIS_AND_FUTURE: range_value = Range.THIS_AND_FUTURE await cast( CalendarSyncUpdateCoordinator, self.coordinator ).sync.store_service.async_delete_event( ical_uuid=uid, event_id=recurrence_id, recurrence_range=range_value, ) await self.coordinator.async_refresh() def _get_calendar_event(event: Event) -> CalendarEvent: """Return a CalendarEvent from an API event.""" rrule: str | None = None # Home Assistant expects a single RRULE: and all other rule types are unsupported or ignored if ( len(event.recurrence) == 1 and (raw_rule := event.recurrence[0]) and raw_rule.startswith(RRULE_PREFIX) ): rrule = raw_rule.removeprefix(RRULE_PREFIX) return CalendarEvent( uid=event.ical_uuid, recurrence_id=event.id if event.recurring_event_id else None, rrule=rrule, summary=event.summary, start=event.start.value, end=event.end.value, description=event.description, location=event.location, ) async def async_create_event(entity: GoogleCalendarEntity, call: ServiceCall) -> None: """Add a new event to calendar.""" start: DateOrDatetime | None = None end: DateOrDatetime | None = None hass = entity.hass if EVENT_IN in call.data: if EVENT_IN_DAYS in call.data[EVENT_IN]: now = datetime.now() start_in = now + timedelta(days=call.data[EVENT_IN][EVENT_IN_DAYS]) end_in = start_in + timedelta(days=1) start = DateOrDatetime(date=start_in) end = DateOrDatetime(date=end_in) elif EVENT_IN_WEEKS in call.data[EVENT_IN]: now = datetime.now() start_in = now + timedelta(weeks=call.data[EVENT_IN][EVENT_IN_WEEKS]) end_in = start_in + timedelta(days=1) start = DateOrDatetime(date=start_in) end = DateOrDatetime(date=end_in) elif EVENT_START_DATE in call.data and EVENT_END_DATE in call.data: start = DateOrDatetime(date=call.data[EVENT_START_DATE]) end = DateOrDatetime(date=call.data[EVENT_END_DATE]) elif EVENT_START_DATETIME in call.data and EVENT_END_DATETIME in call.data: start_dt = call.data[EVENT_START_DATETIME] end_dt = call.data[EVENT_END_DATETIME] start = DateOrDatetime(date_time=start_dt, timezone=str(hass.config.time_zone)) end = DateOrDatetime(date_time=end_dt, timezone=str(hass.config.time_zone)) if start is None or end is None: raise ValueError("Missing required fields to set start or end date/datetime") event = Event( summary=call.data[EVENT_SUMMARY], description=call.data[EVENT_DESCRIPTION], start=start, end=end, ) if location := call.data.get(EVENT_LOCATION): event.location = location try: await cast( CalendarSyncUpdateCoordinator, entity.coordinator ).sync.api.async_create_event( entity.calendar_id, event, ) except ApiException as err: raise HomeAssistantError(str(err)) from err entity.async_write_ha_state()