{ "config": { "error": { "invalid_account_format": "The account is not a hex value, please use only 0-9 and A-F.", "invalid_account_length": "The account is not the right length, it has to be between 3 and 16 characters.", "invalid_key_format": "The key is not a hex value, please use only 0-9 and A-F.", "invalid_key_length": "The key is not the right length, it has to be 16, 24 or 32 hex characters.", "invalid_ping": "The ping interval needs to be between 1 and 1440 minutes.", "invalid_zones": "There needs to be at least 1 zone.", "unknown": "Unexpected error" }, "step": { "additional_account": { "data": { "account": "Account ID", "additional_account": "Additional accounts", "encryption_key": "Encryption Key", "ping_interval": "Ping Interval (min)", "zones": "Number of zones for the account" }, "title": "Add another account to the current port." }, "user": { "data": { "account": "Account ID", "additional_account": "Additional accounts", "encryption_key": "Encryption Key", "ping_interval": "Ping Interval (min)", "port": "Port", "protocol": "Protocol", "zones": "Number of zones for the account" }, "title": "Create a connection for SIA based alarm systems." } } }, "options": { "step": { "options": { "data": { "ignore_timestamps": "Ignore the timestamp check of the SIA events", "zones": "Number of zones for the account" }, "description": "Set the options for account: {account}", "title": "Options for the SIA Setup." } } }, "title": "SIA Alarm Systems" }