"""Tests for the ista EcoTrend utility functions.""" from syrupy.assertion import SnapshotAssertion from homeassistant.components.ista_ecotrend.util import ( IstaConsumptionType, IstaValueType, as_number, get_native_value, get_statistics, get_values_by_type, last_day_of_month, ) from .conftest import get_raw def test_as_number() -> None: """Test as_number formatting function.""" assert as_number("10") == 10 assert isinstance(as_number("10"), int) assert as_number("9,5") == 9.5 assert isinstance(as_number("9,5"), float) assert as_number(None) is None assert isinstance(as_number(10.0), float) def test_last_day_of_month(snapshot: SnapshotAssertion) -> None: """Test determining last day of month.""" for month in range(12): assert last_day_of_month(month=month + 1, year=2024) == snapshot def test_get_values_by_type(snapshot: SnapshotAssertion) -> None: """Test get_values_by_type function.""" consumptions = { "readings": [ { "type": "heating", "value": "35", "additionalValue": "38,0", }, { "type": "warmwater", "value": "1,0", "additionalValue": "57,0", }, { "type": "water", "value": "5,0", }, ], } assert get_values_by_type(consumptions, IstaConsumptionType.HEATING) == snapshot assert get_values_by_type(consumptions, IstaConsumptionType.HOT_WATER) == snapshot assert get_values_by_type(consumptions, IstaConsumptionType.WATER) == snapshot costs = { "costsByEnergyType": [ { "type": "heating", "value": 21, }, { "type": "warmwater", "value": 7, }, { "type": "water", "value": 3, }, ], } assert get_values_by_type(costs, IstaConsumptionType.HEATING) == snapshot assert get_values_by_type(costs, IstaConsumptionType.HOT_WATER) == snapshot assert get_values_by_type(costs, IstaConsumptionType.WATER) == snapshot assert get_values_by_type({}, IstaConsumptionType.HEATING) == {} assert get_values_by_type({"readings": []}, IstaConsumptionType.HEATING) == {} def test_get_native_value() -> None: """Test getting native value for sensor states.""" test_data = get_raw("26e93f1a-c828-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003") assert get_native_value(test_data, IstaConsumptionType.HEATING) == 35 assert get_native_value(test_data, IstaConsumptionType.HOT_WATER) == 1.0 assert get_native_value(test_data, IstaConsumptionType.WATER) == 5.0 assert ( get_native_value(test_data, IstaConsumptionType.HEATING, IstaValueType.COSTS) == 21 ) assert ( get_native_value(test_data, IstaConsumptionType.HOT_WATER, IstaValueType.COSTS) == 7 ) assert ( get_native_value(test_data, IstaConsumptionType.WATER, IstaValueType.COSTS) == 3 ) assert ( get_native_value(test_data, IstaConsumptionType.HEATING, IstaValueType.ENERGY) == 38.0 ) assert ( get_native_value(test_data, IstaConsumptionType.HOT_WATER, IstaValueType.ENERGY) == 57.0 ) no_data = {"consumptions": None, "costs": None} assert get_native_value(no_data, IstaConsumptionType.HEATING) is None assert ( get_native_value(no_data, IstaConsumptionType.HEATING, IstaValueType.COSTS) is None ) def test_get_statistics(snapshot: SnapshotAssertion) -> None: """Test get_statistics function.""" test_data = get_raw("26e93f1a-c828-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003") for consumption_type in IstaConsumptionType: assert get_statistics(test_data, consumption_type) == snapshot assert get_statistics({"consumptions": None}, consumption_type) is None assert ( get_statistics(test_data, consumption_type, IstaValueType.ENERGY) == snapshot ) assert ( get_statistics( {"consumptions": None}, consumption_type, IstaValueType.ENERGY ) is None ) assert ( get_statistics(test_data, consumption_type, IstaValueType.COSTS) == snapshot ) assert ( get_statistics({"costs": None}, consumption_type, IstaValueType.COSTS) is None )