"""Support for the Fibaro devices.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections import defaultdict from collections.abc import Mapping import logging from typing import Any from fiblary3.client.v4.client import ( Client as FibaroClientV4, StateHandler as StateHandlerV4, ) from fiblary3.client.v5.client import StateHandler as StateHandlerV5 from fiblary3.common.exceptions import HTTPException import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.config_entries import SOURCE_IMPORT, ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ARMED, ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL, CONF_DEVICE_CLASS, CONF_EXCLUDE, CONF_ICON, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_URL, CONF_USERNAME, Platform, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import ( ConfigEntryAuthFailed, ConfigEntryNotReady, HomeAssistantError, ) from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity import DeviceInfo, Entity from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from homeassistant.util import slugify from .const import CONF_IMPORT_PLUGINS, DOMAIN _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_COLOR = "color" CONF_DEVICE_CONFIG = "device_config" CONF_DIMMING = "dimming" CONF_GATEWAYS = "gateways" CONF_PLUGINS = "plugins" CONF_RESET_COLOR = "reset_color" CONF_WHITE_VALUE = "white_value" FIBARO_CONTROLLER = "fibaro_controller" FIBARO_DEVICES = "fibaro_devices" PLATFORMS = [ Platform.BINARY_SENSOR, Platform.CLIMATE, Platform.COVER, Platform.LIGHT, Platform.SCENE, Platform.SENSOR, Platform.LOCK, Platform.SWITCH, ] FIBARO_TYPEMAP = { "com.fibaro.multilevelSensor": Platform.SENSOR, "com.fibaro.binarySwitch": Platform.SWITCH, "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch": Platform.SWITCH, "com.fibaro.FGD212": Platform.LIGHT, "com.fibaro.FGR": Platform.COVER, "com.fibaro.doorSensor": Platform.BINARY_SENSOR, "com.fibaro.doorWindowSensor": Platform.BINARY_SENSOR, "com.fibaro.FGMS001": Platform.BINARY_SENSOR, "com.fibaro.heatDetector": Platform.BINARY_SENSOR, "com.fibaro.lifeDangerSensor": Platform.BINARY_SENSOR, "com.fibaro.smokeSensor": Platform.BINARY_SENSOR, "com.fibaro.remoteSwitch": Platform.SWITCH, "com.fibaro.sensor": Platform.SENSOR, "com.fibaro.colorController": Platform.LIGHT, "com.fibaro.securitySensor": Platform.BINARY_SENSOR, "com.fibaro.hvac": Platform.CLIMATE, "com.fibaro.setpoint": Platform.CLIMATE, "com.fibaro.FGT001": Platform.CLIMATE, "com.fibaro.thermostatDanfoss": Platform.CLIMATE, "com.fibaro.doorLock": Platform.LOCK, "com.fibaro.binarySensor": Platform.BINARY_SENSOR, "com.fibaro.accelerometer": Platform.BINARY_SENSOR, } DEVICE_CONFIG_SCHEMA_ENTRY = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_DIMMING): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_COLOR): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_WHITE_VALUE): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_RESET_COLOR): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_DEVICE_CLASS): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_ICON): cv.string, } ) FIBARO_ID_LIST_SCHEMA = vol.Schema([cv.string]) GATEWAY_CONFIG = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_URL): cv.url, vol.Optional(CONF_PLUGINS, default=False): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_EXCLUDE, default=[]): FIBARO_ID_LIST_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_DEVICE_CONFIG, default={}): vol.Schema( {cv.string: DEVICE_CONFIG_SCHEMA_ENTRY} ), }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( vol.All( cv.deprecated(DOMAIN), { DOMAIN: vol.Schema( {vol.Required(CONF_GATEWAYS): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [GATEWAY_CONFIG])} ) }, ), extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) class FibaroController: """Initiate Fibaro Controller Class.""" def __init__( self, config: Mapping[str, Any], serial_number: str | None = None ) -> None: """Initialize the Fibaro controller. Version 4 is used for home center 2 (SN starts with HC2) and home center lite (SN starts with HCL). Version 5 is used for home center 3 (SN starts with HC3), home center 3 lite (SN starts with HC3L) and yubii home (SN starts with YH). Here the serial number is optional and we choose then the V4 client. You should do that only when you use the FibaroController for login test as only the login and info API's are equal throughout the different versions. """ # Only use V4 API as it works better even for HC3, after the library is fixed, we should # add here support for the newer library version V5 again. self._client = FibaroClientV4( config[CONF_URL], config[CONF_USERNAME], config[CONF_PASSWORD] ) self._scene_map = None # Whether to import devices from plugins self._import_plugins = config[CONF_IMPORT_PLUGINS] self._room_map = None # Mapping roomId to room object self._device_map = None # Mapping deviceId to device object self.fibaro_devices: dict[Platform, list] = defaultdict( list ) # List of devices by entity platform self._callbacks: dict[Any, Any] = {} # Update value callbacks by deviceId self._state_handler = None # Fiblary's StateHandler object self.hub_serial: str # Unique serial number of the hub self.hub_name: str # The friendly name of the hub self.hub_software_version: str self.hub_api_url: str = config[CONF_URL] # Device infos by fibaro device id self._device_infos: dict[int, DeviceInfo] = {} def connect(self): """Start the communication with the Fibaro controller.""" try: login = self._client.login.get() info = self._client.info.get() self.hub_serial = info.serialNumber self.hub_name = info.hcName self.hub_software_version = info.softVersion except AssertionError: _LOGGER.error("Can't connect to Fibaro HC. Please check URL") return False if login is None or login.status is False: _LOGGER.error( "Invalid login for Fibaro HC. Please check username and password" ) return False self._room_map = {room.id: room for room in self._client.rooms.list()} self._read_devices() self._read_scenes() return True def connect_with_error_handling(self) -> None: """Translate connect errors to easily differentiate auth and connect failures. When there is a better error handling in the used library this can be improved. """ try: connected = self.connect() if not connected: raise FibaroConnectFailed("Connect status is false") except HTTPException as http_ex: if http_ex.details == "Forbidden": raise FibaroAuthFailed from http_ex raise FibaroConnectFailed from http_ex except Exception as ex: raise FibaroConnectFailed from ex def enable_state_handler(self): """Start StateHandler thread for monitoring updates.""" if isinstance(self._client, FibaroClientV4): self._state_handler = StateHandlerV4(self._client, self._on_state_change) else: self._state_handler = StateHandlerV5(self._client, self._on_state_change) def disable_state_handler(self): """Stop StateHandler thread used for monitoring updates.""" self._state_handler.stop() self._state_handler = None def _on_state_change(self, state): """Handle change report received from the HomeCenter.""" callback_set = set() for change in state.get("changes", []): try: dev_id = change.pop("id") if dev_id not in self._device_map: continue device = self._device_map[dev_id] for property_name, value in change.items(): if property_name == "log": if value and value != "transfer OK": _LOGGER.debug("LOG %s: %s", device.friendly_name, value) continue if property_name == "logTemp": continue if property_name in device.properties: device.properties[property_name] = value _LOGGER.debug( "<- %s.%s = %s", device.ha_id, property_name, str(value) ) else: _LOGGER.warning("%s.%s not found", device.ha_id, property_name) if dev_id in self._callbacks: callback_set.add(dev_id) except (ValueError, KeyError): pass for item in callback_set: for callback in self._callbacks[item]: callback() def register(self, device_id, callback): """Register device with a callback for updates.""" self._callbacks.setdefault(device_id, []) self._callbacks[device_id].append(callback) def get_children(self, device_id): """Get a list of child devices.""" return [ device for device in self._device_map.values() if device.parentId == device_id ] def get_children2(self, device_id, endpoint_id): """Get a list of child devices for the same endpoint.""" return [ device for device in self._device_map.values() if device.parentId == device_id and ( "endPointId" not in device.properties or device.properties.endPointId == endpoint_id ) ] def get_siblings(self, device): """Get the siblings of a device.""" if "endPointId" in device.properties: return self.get_children2( self._device_map[device.id].parentId, self._device_map[device.id].properties.endPointId, ) return self.get_children(self._device_map[device.id].parentId) @staticmethod def _map_device_to_platform(device: Any) -> Platform | None: """Map device to HA device type.""" # Use our lookup table to identify device type platform: Platform | None = None if "type" in device: platform = FIBARO_TYPEMAP.get(device.type) if platform is None and "baseType" in device: platform = FIBARO_TYPEMAP.get(device.baseType) # We can also identify device type by its capabilities if platform is None: if "setBrightness" in device.actions: platform = Platform.LIGHT elif "turnOn" in device.actions: platform = Platform.SWITCH elif "open" in device.actions: platform = Platform.COVER elif "secure" in device.actions: platform = Platform.LOCK elif "value" in device.properties: if device.properties.value in ("true", "false"): platform = Platform.BINARY_SENSOR else: platform = Platform.SENSOR # Switches that control lights should show up as lights if platform == Platform.SWITCH and device.properties.get("isLight", False): platform = Platform.LIGHT return platform def _create_device_info(self, device: Any, devices: list) -> None: """Create the device info. Unrooted entities are directly shown below the home center.""" # The home center is always id 1 (z-wave primary controller) if "parentId" not in device or device.parentId <= 1: return master_entity: Any | None = None if device.parentId == 1: master_entity = device else: for parent in devices: if "id" in parent and parent.id == device.parentId: master_entity = parent if master_entity is None: _LOGGER.error("Parent with id %s not found", device.parentId) return if "zwaveCompany" in master_entity.properties: manufacturer = master_entity.properties.zwaveCompany else: manufacturer = "Unknown" self._device_infos[master_entity.id] = DeviceInfo( identifiers={(DOMAIN, master_entity.id)}, manufacturer=manufacturer, name=master_entity.name, via_device=(DOMAIN, self.hub_serial), ) def get_device_info(self, device: Any) -> DeviceInfo: """Get the device info by fibaro device id.""" if device.id in self._device_infos: return self._device_infos[device.id] if "parentId" in device and device.parentId in self._device_infos: return self._device_infos[device.parentId] return DeviceInfo(identifiers={(DOMAIN, self.hub_serial)}) def _read_scenes(self): scenes = self._client.scenes.list() self._scene_map = {} for device in scenes: if "name" not in device or "id" not in device: continue device.fibaro_controller = self if "roomID" not in device or device.roomID == 0: room_name = "Unknown" else: room_name = self._room_map[device.roomID].name device.room_name = room_name device.friendly_name = f"{room_name} {device.name}" device.ha_id = ( f"scene_{slugify(room_name)}_{slugify(device.name)}_{device.id}" ) device.unique_id_str = f"{slugify(self.hub_serial)}.scene.{device.id}" self._scene_map[device.id] = device self.fibaro_devices[Platform.SCENE].append(device) _LOGGER.debug("%s scene -> %s", device.ha_id, device) def _read_devices(self): """Read and process the device list.""" devices = list(self._client.devices.list()) self._device_map = {} last_climate_parent = None last_endpoint = None for device in devices: try: if "name" not in device or "id" not in device: continue device.fibaro_controller = self if "roomID" not in device or device.roomID == 0: room_name = "Unknown" else: room_name = self._room_map[device.roomID].name device.room_name = room_name device.friendly_name = f"{room_name} {device.name}" device.ha_id = ( f"{slugify(room_name)}_{slugify(device.name)}_{device.id}" ) if device.enabled and ( "isPlugin" not in device or (not device.isPlugin or self._import_plugins) ): device.mapped_platform = self._map_device_to_platform(device) else: device.mapped_platform = None if (platform := device.mapped_platform) is None: continue device.unique_id_str = f"{slugify(self.hub_serial)}.{device.id}" self._create_device_info(device, devices) self._device_map[device.id] = device _LOGGER.debug( "%s (%s, %s) -> %s %s", device.ha_id, device.type, device.baseType, platform, str(device), ) if platform != Platform.CLIMATE: self.fibaro_devices[platform].append(device) continue # We group climate devices into groups with the same # endPointID belonging to the same parent device. if "endPointId" in device.properties: _LOGGER.debug( "climate device: %s, endPointId: %s", device.ha_id, device.properties.endPointId, ) else: _LOGGER.debug("climate device: %s, no endPointId", device.ha_id) # If a sibling of this device has been added, skip this one # otherwise add the first visible device in the group # which is a hack, but solves a problem with FGT having # hidden compatibility devices before the real device if last_climate_parent != device.parentId or ( "endPointId" in device.properties and last_endpoint != device.properties.endPointId ): _LOGGER.debug("Handle separately") self.fibaro_devices[platform].append(device) last_climate_parent = device.parentId if "endPointId" in device.properties: last_endpoint = device.properties.endPointId else: last_endpoint = 0 else: _LOGGER.debug("not handling separately") except (KeyError, ValueError): pass async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, base_config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Migrate configuration from configuration.yaml.""" if DOMAIN not in base_config: return True gateways = base_config[DOMAIN][CONF_GATEWAYS] if gateways is None: return True # check if already configured if hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN): return True for gateway in gateways: # prepare new config based on configuration.yaml conf = { CONF_URL: gateway[CONF_URL], CONF_USERNAME: gateway[CONF_USERNAME], CONF_PASSWORD: gateway[CONF_PASSWORD], CONF_IMPORT_PLUGINS: gateway[CONF_PLUGINS], } # import into config flow based configuration hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": SOURCE_IMPORT}, data=conf ) ) return True def _init_controller( data: Mapping[str, Any], serial_number: str | None ) -> FibaroController: """Validate the user input allows us to connect to fibaro.""" controller = FibaroController(data, serial_number) controller.connect_with_error_handling() return controller async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Set up the Fibaro Component. The unique id of the config entry is the serial number of the home center. """ try: controller = await hass.async_add_executor_job( _init_controller, entry.data, entry.unique_id ) except FibaroConnectFailed as connect_ex: raise ConfigEntryNotReady( f"Could not connect to controller at {entry.data[CONF_URL]}" ) from connect_ex except FibaroAuthFailed as auth_ex: raise ConfigEntryAuthFailed from auth_ex data: dict[str, Any] = {} hass.data.setdefault(DOMAIN, {})[entry.entry_id] = data data[FIBARO_CONTROLLER] = controller devices = data[FIBARO_DEVICES] = {} for platform in PLATFORMS: devices[platform] = [*controller.fibaro_devices[platform]] # register the hub device info separately as the hub has sometimes no entities device_registry = dr.async_get(hass) device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=entry.entry_id, identifiers={(DOMAIN, controller.hub_serial)}, manufacturer="Fibaro", name=controller.hub_name, model=controller.hub_serial, sw_version=controller.hub_software_version, configuration_url=controller.hub_api_url.removesuffix("/api/"), ) await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setups(entry, PLATFORMS) controller.enable_state_handler() return True async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Unload a config entry.""" _LOGGER.debug("Shutting down Fibaro connection") unload_ok = await hass.config_entries.async_unload_platforms(entry, PLATFORMS) hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id][FIBARO_CONTROLLER].disable_state_handler() hass.data[DOMAIN].pop(entry.entry_id) return unload_ok class FibaroDevice(Entity): """Representation of a Fibaro device entity.""" _attr_should_poll = False def __init__(self, fibaro_device): """Initialize the device.""" self.fibaro_device = fibaro_device self.controller = fibaro_device.fibaro_controller self.ha_id = fibaro_device.ha_id self._attr_name = fibaro_device.friendly_name self._attr_unique_id = fibaro_device.unique_id_str self._attr_device_info = self.controller.get_device_info(fibaro_device) # propagate hidden attribute set in fibaro home center to HA if "visible" in fibaro_device and fibaro_device.visible is False: self._attr_entity_registry_visible_default = False async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Call when entity is added to hass.""" self.controller.register(self.fibaro_device.id, self._update_callback) def _update_callback(self): """Update the state.""" self.schedule_update_ha_state(True) @property def level(self): """Get the level of Fibaro device.""" if "value" in self.fibaro_device.properties: return self.fibaro_device.properties.value return None @property def level2(self): """Get the tilt level of Fibaro device.""" if "value2" in self.fibaro_device.properties: return self.fibaro_device.properties.value2 return None def dont_know_message(self, action): """Make a warning in case we don't know how to perform an action.""" _LOGGER.warning( "Not sure how to setValue: %s (available actions: %s)", str(self.ha_id), str(self.fibaro_device.actions), ) def set_level(self, level): """Set the level of Fibaro device.""" self.action("setValue", level) if "value" in self.fibaro_device.properties: self.fibaro_device.properties.value = level if "brightness" in self.fibaro_device.properties: self.fibaro_device.properties.brightness = level def set_level2(self, level): """Set the level2 of Fibaro device.""" self.action("setValue2", level) if "value2" in self.fibaro_device.properties: self.fibaro_device.properties.value2 = level def call_turn_on(self): """Turn on the Fibaro device.""" self.action("turnOn") def call_turn_off(self): """Turn off the Fibaro device.""" self.action("turnOff") def call_set_color(self, red, green, blue, white): """Set the color of Fibaro device.""" red = int(max(0, min(255, red))) green = int(max(0, min(255, green))) blue = int(max(0, min(255, blue))) white = int(max(0, min(255, white))) color_str = f"{red},{green},{blue},{white}" self.fibaro_device.properties.color = color_str self.action("setColor", str(red), str(green), str(blue), str(white)) def action(self, cmd, *args): """Perform an action on the Fibaro HC.""" if cmd in self.fibaro_device.actions: getattr(self.fibaro_device, cmd)(*args) _LOGGER.debug("-> %s.%s%s called", str(self.ha_id), str(cmd), str(args)) else: self.dont_know_message(cmd) @property def current_binary_state(self): """Return the current binary state.""" if self.fibaro_device.properties.value == "false": return False if ( self.fibaro_device.properties.value == "true" or int(self.fibaro_device.properties.value) > 0 ): return True return False @property def extra_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes of the device.""" attr = {"fibaro_id": self.fibaro_device.id} try: if "battery" in self.fibaro_device.interfaces: attr[ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL] = int( self.fibaro_device.properties.batteryLevel ) if "armed" in self.fibaro_device.properties: armed = self.fibaro_device.properties.armed if isinstance(armed, bool): attr[ATTR_ARMED] = armed elif isinstance(armed, str) and armed.lower() in ("true", "false"): attr[ATTR_ARMED] = armed.lower() == "true" else: attr[ATTR_ARMED] = None except (ValueError, KeyError): pass return attr class FibaroConnectFailed(HomeAssistantError): """Error to indicate we cannot connect to fibaro home center.""" class FibaroAuthFailed(HomeAssistantError): """Error to indicate that authentication failed on fibaro home center."""