"""The tests for the Ring light platform.""" import requests_mock from homeassistant.const import Platform from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers import entity_registry as er from .common import setup_platform from tests.common import load_fixture async def test_entity_registry( hass: HomeAssistant, requests_mock: requests_mock.Mocker ) -> None: """Tests that the devices are registered in the entity registry.""" await setup_platform(hass, Platform.LIGHT) entity_registry = er.async_get(hass) entry = entity_registry.async_get("light.front_light") assert entry.unique_id == 765432 entry = entity_registry.async_get("light.internal_light") assert entry.unique_id == 345678 async def test_light_off_reports_correctly( hass: HomeAssistant, requests_mock: requests_mock.Mocker ) -> None: """Tests that the initial state of a device that should be off is correct.""" await setup_platform(hass, Platform.LIGHT) state = hass.states.get("light.front_light") assert state.state == "off" assert state.attributes.get("friendly_name") == "Front Light" async def test_light_on_reports_correctly( hass: HomeAssistant, requests_mock: requests_mock.Mocker ) -> None: """Tests that the initial state of a device that should be on is correct.""" await setup_platform(hass, Platform.LIGHT) state = hass.states.get("light.internal_light") assert state.state == "on" assert state.attributes.get("friendly_name") == "Internal Light" async def test_light_can_be_turned_on( hass: HomeAssistant, requests_mock: requests_mock.Mocker ) -> None: """Tests the light turns on correctly.""" await setup_platform(hass, Platform.LIGHT) # Mocks the response for turning a light on requests_mock.put( "https://api.ring.com/clients_api/doorbots/765432/floodlight_light_on", text=load_fixture("doorbot_siren_on_response.json", "ring"), ) state = hass.states.get("light.front_light") assert state.state == "off" await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "light.front_light"}, blocking=True ) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("light.front_light") assert state.state == "on" async def test_updates_work( hass: HomeAssistant, requests_mock: requests_mock.Mocker ) -> None: """Tests the update service works correctly.""" await setup_platform(hass, Platform.LIGHT) state = hass.states.get("light.front_light") assert state.state == "off" # Changes the return to indicate that the light is now on. requests_mock.get( "https://api.ring.com/clients_api/ring_devices", text=load_fixture("devices_updated.json", "ring"), ) await hass.services.async_call("ring", "update", {}, blocking=True) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("light.front_light") assert state.state == "on"