"""Support updates for SLZB-06 ESP32 and Zigbee firmwares.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Callable from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Any, Final from pysmlight.const import Events as SmEvents from pysmlight.models import Firmware, Info from pysmlight.sse import MessageEvent from homeassistant.components.update import ( UpdateDeviceClass, UpdateEntity, UpdateEntityDescription, UpdateEntityFeature, ) from homeassistant.const import EntityCategory from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from . import SmConfigEntry from .const import LOGGER from .coordinator import SmFirmwareUpdateCoordinator, SmFwData from .entity import SmEntity @dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True) class SmUpdateEntityDescription(UpdateEntityDescription): """Describes SMLIGHT SLZB-06 update entity.""" installed_version: Callable[[Info], str | None] fw_list: Callable[[SmFwData], list[Firmware] | None] UPDATE_ENTITIES: Final = [ SmUpdateEntityDescription( key="core_update", translation_key="core_update", installed_version=lambda x: x.sw_version, fw_list=lambda x: x.esp_firmware, ), SmUpdateEntityDescription( key="zigbee_update", translation_key="zigbee_update", installed_version=lambda x: x.zb_version, fw_list=lambda x: x.zb_firmware, ), ] async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: SmConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback ) -> None: """Set up the SMLIGHT update entities.""" coordinator = entry.runtime_data.firmware async_add_entities( SmUpdateEntity(coordinator, description) for description in UPDATE_ENTITIES ) class SmUpdateEntity(SmEntity, UpdateEntity): """Representation for SLZB-06 update entities.""" coordinator: SmFirmwareUpdateCoordinator entity_description: SmUpdateEntityDescription _attr_entity_category = EntityCategory.CONFIG _attr_device_class = UpdateDeviceClass.FIRMWARE _attr_supported_features = ( UpdateEntityFeature.INSTALL | UpdateEntityFeature.PROGRESS | UpdateEntityFeature.RELEASE_NOTES ) def __init__( self, coordinator: SmFirmwareUpdateCoordinator, description: SmUpdateEntityDescription, ) -> None: """Initialize the entity.""" super().__init__(coordinator) self.entity_description = description self._attr_unique_id = f"{coordinator.unique_id}-{description.key}" self._finished_event = asyncio.Event() self._firmware: Firmware | None = None self._unload: list[Callable] = [] @property def installed_version(self) -> str | None: """Version installed..""" data = self.coordinator.data version = self.entity_description.installed_version(data.info) return version if version != "-1" else None @property def latest_version(self) -> str | None: """Latest version available for install.""" data = self.coordinator.data if self.coordinator.legacy_api == 2: return None fw = self.entity_description.fw_list(data) if fw and self.entity_description.key == "zigbee_update": fw = [f for f in fw if f.type == data.info.zb_type] if fw: self._firmware = fw[0] return self._firmware.ver return None def register_callbacks(self) -> None: """Register callbacks for SSE update events.""" self._unload.append( self.coordinator.client.sse.register_callback( SmEvents.ZB_FW_prgs, self._update_progress ) ) self._unload.append( self.coordinator.client.sse.register_callback( SmEvents.FW_UPD_done, self._update_finished ) ) if self.coordinator.legacy_api == 1: self._unload.append( self.coordinator.client.sse.register_callback( SmEvents.ESP_UPD_done, self._update_finished ) ) self._unload.append( self.coordinator.client.sse.register_callback( SmEvents.ZB_FW_err, self._update_failed ) ) def release_notes(self) -> str | None: """Return release notes for firmware.""" if self._firmware and self._firmware.notes: return self._firmware.notes return None @callback def _update_progress(self, progress: MessageEvent) -> None: """Update install progress on event.""" progress = int(progress.data) self._attr_update_percentage = progress self.async_write_ha_state() def _update_done(self) -> None: """Handle cleanup for update done.""" self._finished_event.set() for remove_cb in self._unload: remove_cb() self._unload.clear() self._attr_in_progress = False self._attr_update_percentage = None self.async_write_ha_state() @callback def _update_finished(self, event: MessageEvent) -> None: """Handle event for update finished.""" self._update_done() @callback def _update_failed(self, event: MessageEvent) -> None: self._update_done() self.coordinator.in_progress = False raise HomeAssistantError(f"Update failed for {self.name}") async def async_install( self, version: str | None, backup: bool, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Install firmware update.""" if not self.coordinator.in_progress and self._firmware: self.coordinator.in_progress = True self._attr_in_progress = True self._attr_update_percentage = None self.register_callbacks() await self.coordinator.client.fw_update(self._firmware) # block until update finished event received await self._finished_event.wait() # allow time for SLZB-06 to reboot before updating coordinator data try: async with asyncio.timeout(180): while ( self.coordinator.in_progress and self.installed_version != self._firmware.ver ): await self.coordinator.async_refresh() await asyncio.sleep(1) except TimeoutError: LOGGER.warning( "Timeout waiting for %s to reboot after update", self.coordinator.data.info.hostname, ) self.coordinator.in_progress = False self._finished_event.clear()