"""Helpers to execute scripts.""" import logging from contextlib import suppress from itertools import islice from typing import Optional, Sequence import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, Context, callback from homeassistant.const import CONF_CONDITION, CONF_TIMEOUT from homeassistant.exceptions import TemplateError from homeassistant.helpers import ( service, condition, template as template, config_validation as cv) from homeassistant.helpers.event import ( async_track_point_in_utc_time, async_track_template) from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType import homeassistant.util.dt as date_util from homeassistant.util.async_ import ( run_coroutine_threadsafe, run_callback_threadsafe) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_ALIAS = 'alias' CONF_SERVICE = 'service' CONF_SERVICE_DATA = 'data' CONF_SEQUENCE = 'sequence' CONF_EVENT = 'event' CONF_EVENT_DATA = 'event_data' CONF_EVENT_DATA_TEMPLATE = 'event_data_template' CONF_DELAY = 'delay' CONF_WAIT_TEMPLATE = 'wait_template' CONF_CONTINUE = 'continue_on_timeout' def call_from_config(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType, variables: Optional[Sequence] = None, context: Optional[Context] = None) -> None: """Call a script based on a config entry.""" Script(hass, cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA(config)).run(variables, context) class Script(): """Representation of a script.""" def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant, sequence, name: str = None, change_listener=None) -> None: """Initialize the script.""" self.hass = hass self.sequence = sequence template.attach(hass, self.sequence) self.name = name self._change_listener = change_listener self._cur = -1 self.last_action = None self.last_triggered = None self.can_cancel = any(CONF_DELAY in action or CONF_WAIT_TEMPLATE in action for action in self.sequence) self._async_listener = [] self._template_cache = {} self._config_cache = {} @property def is_running(self) -> bool: """Return true if script is on.""" return self._cur != -1 def run(self, variables=None, context=None): """Run script.""" run_coroutine_threadsafe( self.async_run(variables, context), self.hass.loop).result() async def async_run(self, variables: Optional[Sequence] = None, context: Optional[Context] = None) -> None: """Run script. This method is a coroutine. """ self.last_triggered = date_util.utcnow() if self._cur == -1: self._log('Running script') self._cur = 0 # Unregister callback if we were in a delay or wait but turn on is # called again. In that case we just continue execution. self._async_remove_listener() for cur, action in islice(enumerate(self.sequence), self._cur, None): if CONF_DELAY in action: # Call ourselves in the future to continue work unsub = None @callback def async_script_delay(now): """Handle delay.""" # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop with suppress(ValueError): self._async_listener.remove(unsub) self.hass.async_create_task( self.async_run(variables, context)) delay = action[CONF_DELAY] try: if isinstance(delay, template.Template): delay = vol.All( cv.time_period, cv.positive_timedelta)( delay.async_render(variables)) elif isinstance(delay, dict): delay_data = {} delay_data.update( template.render_complex(delay, variables)) delay = cv.time_period(delay_data) except (TemplateError, vol.Invalid) as ex: _LOGGER.error("Error rendering '%s' delay template: %s", self.name, ex) break self.last_action = action.get( CONF_ALIAS, 'delay {}'.format(delay)) self._log("Executing step %s" % self.last_action) unsub = async_track_point_in_utc_time( self.hass, async_script_delay, date_util.utcnow() + delay ) self._async_listener.append(unsub) self._cur = cur + 1 if self._change_listener: self.hass.async_add_job(self._change_listener) return if CONF_WAIT_TEMPLATE in action: # Call ourselves in the future to continue work wait_template = action[CONF_WAIT_TEMPLATE] wait_template.hass = self.hass self.last_action = action.get(CONF_ALIAS, 'wait template') self._log("Executing step %s" % self.last_action) # check if condition already okay if condition.async_template( self.hass, wait_template, variables): continue @callback def async_script_wait(entity_id, from_s, to_s): """Handle script after template condition is true.""" self._async_remove_listener() self.hass.async_create_task( self.async_run(variables, context)) self._async_listener.append(async_track_template( self.hass, wait_template, async_script_wait, variables)) self._cur = cur + 1 if self._change_listener: self.hass.async_add_job(self._change_listener) if CONF_TIMEOUT in action: self._async_set_timeout( action, variables, context, action.get(CONF_CONTINUE, True)) return if CONF_CONDITION in action: if not self._async_check_condition(action, variables): break elif CONF_EVENT in action: self._async_fire_event(action, variables, context) else: await self._async_call_service(action, variables, context) self._cur = -1 self.last_action = None if self._change_listener: self.hass.async_add_job(self._change_listener) def stop(self) -> None: """Stop running script.""" run_callback_threadsafe(self.hass.loop, self.async_stop).result() def async_stop(self) -> None: """Stop running script.""" if self._cur == -1: return self._cur = -1 self._async_remove_listener() if self._change_listener: self.hass.async_add_job(self._change_listener) async def _async_call_service(self, action, variables, context): """Call the service specified in the action. This method is a coroutine. """ self.last_action = action.get(CONF_ALIAS, 'call service') self._log("Executing step %s" % self.last_action) await service.async_call_from_config( self.hass, action, blocking=True, variables=variables, validate_config=False, context=context ) def _async_fire_event(self, action, variables, context): """Fire an event.""" self.last_action = action.get(CONF_ALIAS, action[CONF_EVENT]) self._log("Executing step %s" % self.last_action) event_data = dict(action.get(CONF_EVENT_DATA, {})) if CONF_EVENT_DATA_TEMPLATE in action: try: event_data.update(template.render_complex( action[CONF_EVENT_DATA_TEMPLATE], variables)) except TemplateError as ex: _LOGGER.error('Error rendering event data template: %s', ex) self.hass.bus.async_fire(action[CONF_EVENT], event_data, context=context) def _async_check_condition(self, action, variables): """Test if condition is matching.""" config_cache_key = frozenset((k, str(v)) for k, v in action.items()) config = self._config_cache.get(config_cache_key) if not config: config = condition.async_from_config(action, False) self._config_cache[config_cache_key] = config self.last_action = action.get(CONF_ALIAS, action[CONF_CONDITION]) check = config(self.hass, variables) self._log("Test condition {}: {}".format(self.last_action, check)) return check def _async_set_timeout(self, action, variables, context, continue_on_timeout): """Schedule a timeout to abort or continue script.""" timeout = action[CONF_TIMEOUT] unsub = None @callback def async_script_timeout(now): """Call after timeout is retrieve.""" with suppress(ValueError): self._async_listener.remove(unsub) # Check if we want to continue to execute # the script after the timeout if continue_on_timeout: self.hass.async_create_task( self.async_run(variables, context)) else: self._log("Timeout reached, abort script.") self.async_stop() unsub = async_track_point_in_utc_time( self.hass, async_script_timeout, date_util.utcnow() + timeout ) self._async_listener.append(unsub) def _async_remove_listener(self): """Remove point in time listener, if any.""" for unsub in self._async_listener: unsub() self._async_listener.clear() def _log(self, msg): """Logger helper.""" if self.name is not None: msg = "Script {}: {}".format(self.name, msg) _LOGGER.info(msg)