"""Support for MQTT message handling.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Callable, Coroutine, Iterable from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import lru_cache from itertools import chain, groupby import logging from operator import attrgetter import ssl import time from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any import uuid import certifi from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_CLIENT_ID, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_PROTOCOL, CONF_USERNAME, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, ) from homeassistant.core import ( CALLBACK_TYPE, CoreState, Event, HassJob, HomeAssistant, callback, ) from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import dispatcher_send from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from homeassistant.util.logging import catch_log_exception from .const import ( CONF_BIRTH_MESSAGE, CONF_BROKER, CONF_CERTIFICATE, CONF_CLIENT_CERT, CONF_CLIENT_KEY, CONF_KEEPALIVE, CONF_TLS_INSECURE, CONF_TRANSPORT, CONF_WILL_MESSAGE, CONF_WS_HEADERS, CONF_WS_PATH, DEFAULT_BIRTH, DEFAULT_ENCODING, DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE, DEFAULT_PORT, DEFAULT_PROTOCOL, DEFAULT_QOS, DEFAULT_TRANSPORT, DEFAULT_WILL, DEFAULT_WS_HEADERS, DEFAULT_WS_PATH, DOMAIN, MQTT_CONNECTED, MQTT_DISCONNECTED, PROTOCOL_5, PROTOCOL_31, TRANSPORT_WEBSOCKETS, ) from .models import ( AsyncMessageCallbackType, MessageCallbackType, MqttData, PublishMessage, PublishPayloadType, ReceiveMessage, ) from .util import get_file_path, get_mqtt_data, mqtt_config_entry_enabled if TYPE_CHECKING: # Only import for paho-mqtt type checking here, imports are done locally # because integrations should be able to optionally rely on MQTT. import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DISCOVERY_COOLDOWN = 2 INITIAL_SUBSCRIBE_COOLDOWN = 1.0 SUBSCRIBE_COOLDOWN = 0.1 UNSUBSCRIBE_COOLDOWN = 0.1 TIMEOUT_ACK = 10 SubscribePayloadType = str | bytes # Only bytes if encoding is None def publish( hass: HomeAssistant, topic: str, payload: PublishPayloadType, qos: int | None = 0, retain: bool | None = False, encoding: str | None = DEFAULT_ENCODING, ) -> None: """Publish message to a MQTT topic.""" hass.create_task(async_publish(hass, topic, payload, qos, retain, encoding)) async def async_publish( hass: HomeAssistant, topic: str, payload: PublishPayloadType, qos: int | None = 0, retain: bool | None = False, encoding: str | None = DEFAULT_ENCODING, ) -> None: """Publish message to a MQTT topic.""" if not mqtt_config_entry_enabled(hass): raise HomeAssistantError( f"Cannot publish to topic '{topic}', MQTT is not enabled", translation_key="mqtt_not_setup_cannot_publish", translation_domain=DOMAIN, translation_placeholders={"topic": topic}, ) mqtt_data = get_mqtt_data(hass) outgoing_payload = payload if not isinstance(payload, bytes): if not encoding: _LOGGER.error( ( "Can't pass-through payload for publishing %s on %s with no" " encoding set, need 'bytes' got %s" ), payload, topic, type(payload), ) return outgoing_payload = str(payload) if encoding != DEFAULT_ENCODING: # A string is encoded as utf-8 by default, other encoding # requires bytes as payload try: outgoing_payload = outgoing_payload.encode(encoding) except (AttributeError, LookupError, UnicodeEncodeError): _LOGGER.error( "Can't encode payload for publishing %s on %s with encoding %s", payload, topic, encoding, ) return await mqtt_data.client.async_publish( topic, outgoing_payload, qos or 0, retain or False ) @bind_hass async def async_subscribe( hass: HomeAssistant, topic: str, msg_callback: AsyncMessageCallbackType | MessageCallbackType, qos: int = DEFAULT_QOS, encoding: str | None = DEFAULT_ENCODING, ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Subscribe to an MQTT topic. Call the return value to unsubscribe. """ if not mqtt_config_entry_enabled(hass): raise HomeAssistantError( f"Cannot subscribe to topic '{topic}', MQTT is not enabled", translation_key="mqtt_not_setup_cannot_subscribe", translation_domain=DOMAIN, translation_placeholders={"topic": topic}, ) try: mqtt_data = get_mqtt_data(hass) except KeyError as exc: raise HomeAssistantError( f"Cannot subscribe to topic '{topic}', " "make sure MQTT is set up correctly", translation_key="mqtt_not_setup_cannot_subscribe", translation_domain=DOMAIN, translation_placeholders={"topic": topic}, ) from exc async_remove = await mqtt_data.client.async_subscribe( topic, catch_log_exception( msg_callback, lambda msg: ( f"Exception in {msg_callback.__name__} when handling msg on " f"'{msg.topic}': '{msg.payload}'" ), ), qos, encoding, ) return async_remove @bind_hass def subscribe( hass: HomeAssistant, topic: str, msg_callback: MessageCallbackType, qos: int = DEFAULT_QOS, encoding: str = "utf-8", ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Subscribe to an MQTT topic.""" async_remove = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe( async_subscribe(hass, topic, msg_callback, qos, encoding), hass.loop ).result() def remove() -> None: """Remove listener convert.""" # MQTT messages tend to be high volume, # and since they come in via a thread and need to be processed in the event loop, # we want to avoid hass.add_job since most of the time is spent calling # inspect to figure out how to run the callback. hass.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(async_remove) return remove @dataclass(frozen=True) class Subscription: """Class to hold data about an active subscription.""" topic: str matcher: Any job: HassJob[[ReceiveMessage], Coroutine[Any, Any, None] | None] qos: int = 0 encoding: str | None = "utf-8" class MqttClientSetup: """Helper class to setup the paho mqtt client from config.""" def __init__(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: """Initialize the MQTT client setup helper.""" # We don't import on the top because some integrations # should be able to optionally rely on MQTT. import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel if (protocol := config.get(CONF_PROTOCOL, DEFAULT_PROTOCOL)) == PROTOCOL_31: proto = mqtt.MQTTv31 elif protocol == PROTOCOL_5: proto = mqtt.MQTTv5 else: proto = mqtt.MQTTv311 if (client_id := config.get(CONF_CLIENT_ID)) is None: # PAHO MQTT relies on the MQTT server to generate random client IDs. # However, that feature is not mandatory so we generate our own. client_id = mqtt.base62(uuid.uuid4().int, padding=22) transport = config.get(CONF_TRANSPORT, DEFAULT_TRANSPORT) self._client = mqtt.Client(client_id, protocol=proto, transport=transport) # Enable logging self._client.enable_logger() username: str | None = config.get(CONF_USERNAME) password: str | None = config.get(CONF_PASSWORD) if username is not None: self._client.username_pw_set(username, password) if ( certificate := get_file_path(CONF_CERTIFICATE, config.get(CONF_CERTIFICATE)) ) == "auto": certificate = certifi.where() client_key = get_file_path(CONF_CLIENT_KEY, config.get(CONF_CLIENT_KEY)) client_cert = get_file_path(CONF_CLIENT_CERT, config.get(CONF_CLIENT_CERT)) tls_insecure = config.get(CONF_TLS_INSECURE) if transport == TRANSPORT_WEBSOCKETS: ws_path: str = config.get(CONF_WS_PATH, DEFAULT_WS_PATH) ws_headers: dict[str, str] = config.get(CONF_WS_HEADERS, DEFAULT_WS_HEADERS) self._client.ws_set_options(ws_path, ws_headers) if certificate is not None: self._client.tls_set( certificate, certfile=client_cert, keyfile=client_key, tls_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT, ) if tls_insecure is not None: self._client.tls_insecure_set(tls_insecure) @property def client(self) -> mqtt.Client: """Return the paho MQTT client.""" return self._client def _is_simple_match(topic: str) -> bool: """Return if a topic is a simple match.""" return not ("+" in topic or "#" in topic) class EnsureJobAfterCooldown: """Ensure a cool down period before executing a job. When a new execute request arrives we cancel the current request and start a new one. """ def __init__( self, timeout: float, callback_job: Callable[[], Coroutine[Any, None, None]] ) -> None: """Initialize the timer.""" self._loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self._timeout = timeout self._callback = callback_job self._task: asyncio.Future | None = None self._timer: asyncio.TimerHandle | None = None def set_timeout(self, timeout: float) -> None: """Set a new timeout period.""" self._timeout = timeout async def _async_job(self) -> None: """Execute after a cooldown period.""" try: await self._callback() except HomeAssistantError as ha_error: _LOGGER.error("%s", ha_error) @callback def _async_task_done(self, task: asyncio.Future) -> None: """Handle task done.""" self._task = None @callback def _async_execute(self) -> None: """Execute the job.""" if self._task: # Task already running, # so we schedule another run self.async_schedule() return self._async_cancel_timer() self._task = asyncio.create_task(self._async_job()) self._task.add_done_callback(self._async_task_done) @callback def _async_cancel_timer(self) -> None: """Cancel any pending task.""" if self._timer: self._timer.cancel() self._timer = None @callback def async_schedule(self) -> None: """Ensure we execute after a cooldown period.""" # We want to reschedule the timer in the future # every time this is called. self._async_cancel_timer() self._timer = self._loop.call_later(self._timeout, self._async_execute) async def async_cleanup(self) -> None: """Cleanup any pending task.""" self._async_cancel_timer() if not self._task: return self._task.cancel() try: await self._task except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Error cleaning up task") class MQTT: """Home Assistant MQTT client.""" _mqttc: mqtt.Client _last_subscribe: float _mqtt_data: MqttData def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, conf: ConfigType ) -> None: """Initialize Home Assistant MQTT client.""" self.hass = hass self.loop = hass.loop self.config_entry = config_entry self.conf = conf self._simple_subscriptions: dict[str, list[Subscription]] = {} self._wildcard_subscriptions: list[Subscription] = [] # _retained_topics prevents a Subscription from receiving a # retained message more than once per topic. This prevents flooding # already active subscribers when new subscribers subscribe to a topic # which has subscribed messages. self._retained_topics: dict[Subscription, set[str]] = {} self.connected = False self._ha_started = asyncio.Event() self._cleanup_on_unload: list[Callable[[], None]] = [] self._paho_lock = asyncio.Lock() # Prevents parallel calls to the MQTT client self._pending_operations: dict[int, asyncio.Event] = {} self._pending_operations_condition = asyncio.Condition() self._subscribe_debouncer = EnsureJobAfterCooldown( INITIAL_SUBSCRIBE_COOLDOWN, self._async_perform_subscriptions ) self._max_qos: dict[str, int] = {} # topic, max qos self._pending_subscriptions: dict[str, int] = {} # topic, qos self._unsubscribe_debouncer = EnsureJobAfterCooldown( UNSUBSCRIBE_COOLDOWN, self._async_perform_unsubscribes ) self._pending_unsubscribes: set[str] = set() # topic if self.hass.state is CoreState.running: self._ha_started.set() else: @callback def ha_started(_: Event) -> None: self._ha_started.set() self.hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED, ha_started) async def async_stop_mqtt(_event: Event) -> None: """Stop MQTT component.""" await self.async_disconnect() self._cleanup_on_unload.append( hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, async_stop_mqtt) ) def start( self, mqtt_data: MqttData, ) -> None: """Start Home Assistant MQTT client.""" self._mqtt_data = mqtt_data self.init_client() @property def subscriptions(self) -> list[Subscription]: """Return the tracked subscriptions.""" return [ *chain.from_iterable(self._simple_subscriptions.values()), *self._wildcard_subscriptions, ] def cleanup(self) -> None: """Clean up listeners.""" while self._cleanup_on_unload: self._cleanup_on_unload.pop()() def init_client(self) -> None: """Initialize paho client.""" self._mqttc = MqttClientSetup(self.conf).client self._mqttc.on_connect = self._mqtt_on_connect self._mqttc.on_disconnect = self._mqtt_on_disconnect self._mqttc.on_message = self._mqtt_on_message self._mqttc.on_publish = self._mqtt_on_callback self._mqttc.on_subscribe = self._mqtt_on_callback self._mqttc.on_unsubscribe = self._mqtt_on_callback if will := self.conf.get(CONF_WILL_MESSAGE, DEFAULT_WILL): will_message = PublishMessage(**will) self._mqttc.will_set( topic=will_message.topic, payload=will_message.payload, qos=will_message.qos, retain=will_message.retain, ) def _is_active_subscription(self, topic: str) -> bool: """Check if a topic has an active subscription.""" return topic in self._simple_subscriptions or any( other.topic == topic for other in self._wildcard_subscriptions ) async def async_publish( self, topic: str, payload: PublishPayloadType, qos: int, retain: bool ) -> None: """Publish a MQTT message.""" async with self._paho_lock: msg_info = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( self._mqttc.publish, topic, payload, qos, retain ) _LOGGER.debug( "Transmitting%s message on %s: '%s', mid: %s, qos: %s", " retained" if retain else "", topic, payload, msg_info.mid, qos, ) _raise_on_error(msg_info.rc) await self._wait_for_mid(msg_info.mid) async def async_connect(self) -> None: """Connect to the host. Does not process messages yet.""" # pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt result: int | None = None try: result = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( self._mqttc.connect, self.conf[CONF_BROKER], self.conf.get(CONF_PORT, DEFAULT_PORT), self.conf.get(CONF_KEEPALIVE, DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE), ) except OSError as err: _LOGGER.error("Failed to connect to MQTT server due to exception: %s", err) if result is not None and result != 0: _LOGGER.error( "Failed to connect to MQTT server: %s", mqtt.error_string(result) ) self._mqttc.loop_start() async def async_disconnect(self) -> None: """Stop the MQTT client.""" def stop() -> None: """Stop the MQTT client.""" # Do not disconnect, we want the broker to always publish will self._mqttc.loop_stop() def no_more_acks() -> bool: """Return False if there are unprocessed ACKs.""" return not any(not op.is_set() for op in self._pending_operations.values()) # stop waiting for any pending subscriptions await self._subscribe_debouncer.async_cleanup() # reset timeout to initial subscribe cooldown self._subscribe_debouncer.set_timeout(INITIAL_SUBSCRIBE_COOLDOWN) # stop the unsubscribe debouncer await self._unsubscribe_debouncer.async_cleanup() # make sure the unsubscribes are processed await self._async_perform_unsubscribes() # wait for ACKs to be processed async with self._pending_operations_condition: await self._pending_operations_condition.wait_for(no_more_acks) # stop the MQTT loop async with self._paho_lock: await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(stop) @callback def async_restore_tracked_subscriptions( self, subscriptions: list[Subscription] ) -> None: """Restore tracked subscriptions after reload.""" for subscription in subscriptions: self._async_track_subscription(subscription) self._matching_subscriptions.cache_clear() @callback def _async_track_subscription(self, subscription: Subscription) -> None: """Track a subscription. This method does not send a SUBSCRIBE message to the broker. The caller is responsible clearing the cache of _matching_subscriptions. """ if _is_simple_match(subscription.topic): self._simple_subscriptions.setdefault(subscription.topic, []).append( subscription ) else: self._wildcard_subscriptions.append(subscription) @callback def _async_untrack_subscription(self, subscription: Subscription) -> None: """Untrack a subscription. This method does not send an UNSUBSCRIBE message to the broker. The caller is responsible clearing the cache of _matching_subscriptions. """ topic = subscription.topic try: if _is_simple_match(topic): simple_subscriptions = self._simple_subscriptions simple_subscriptions[topic].remove(subscription) if not simple_subscriptions[topic]: del simple_subscriptions[topic] else: self._wildcard_subscriptions.remove(subscription) except (KeyError, ValueError) as exc: raise HomeAssistantError("Can't remove subscription twice") from exc @callback def _async_queue_subscriptions( self, subscriptions: Iterable[tuple[str, int]], queue_only: bool = False ) -> None: """Queue requested subscriptions.""" for subscription in subscriptions: topic, qos = subscription max_qos = max(qos, self._max_qos.setdefault(topic, qos)) self._max_qos[topic] = max_qos self._pending_subscriptions[topic] = max_qos # Cancel any pending unsubscribe since we are subscribing now if topic in self._pending_unsubscribes: self._pending_unsubscribes.remove(topic) if queue_only: return self._subscribe_debouncer.async_schedule() async def async_subscribe( self, topic: str, msg_callback: AsyncMessageCallbackType | MessageCallbackType, qos: int, encoding: str | None = None, ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Set up a subscription to a topic with the provided qos. This method is a coroutine. """ if not isinstance(topic, str): raise HomeAssistantError("Topic needs to be a string!") subscription = Subscription( topic, _matcher_for_topic(topic), HassJob(msg_callback), qos, encoding ) self._async_track_subscription(subscription) self._matching_subscriptions.cache_clear() # Only subscribe if currently connected. if self.connected: self._async_queue_subscriptions(((topic, qos),)) @callback def async_remove() -> None: """Remove subscription.""" self._async_untrack_subscription(subscription) self._matching_subscriptions.cache_clear() if subscription in self._retained_topics: del self._retained_topics[subscription] # Only unsubscribe if currently connected if self.connected: self._async_unsubscribe(topic) return async_remove @callback def _async_unsubscribe(self, topic: str) -> None: """Unsubscribe from a topic.""" if self._is_active_subscription(topic): if self._max_qos[topic] == 0: return subs = self._matching_subscriptions(topic) self._max_qos[topic] = max(sub.qos for sub in subs) # Other subscriptions on topic remaining - don't unsubscribe. return if topic in self._max_qos: del self._max_qos[topic] if topic in self._pending_subscriptions: # Avoid any pending subscription to be executed del self._pending_subscriptions[topic] self._pending_unsubscribes.add(topic) self._unsubscribe_debouncer.async_schedule() async def _async_perform_subscriptions(self) -> None: """Perform MQTT client subscriptions.""" # Section in the specification: # http://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v3.1.1/os/mqtt-v3.1.1-os.html # When sending a PUBLISH Packet to a Client the Server MUST # set the RETAIN flag to 1 if a message is sent as a result of a # new subscription being made by a Client [MQTT-3.3.1-8]. # It MUST set the RETAIN flag to 0 when a PUBLISH Packet is sent to # a Client because it matches an established subscription regardless # of how the flag was set in the message it received [MQTT-3.3.1-9]. # # Since we do not know if a published value is retained we need to # (re)subscribe, to ensure retained messages are replayed if not self._pending_subscriptions: return subscriptions: dict[str, int] = self._pending_subscriptions self._pending_subscriptions = {} async with self._paho_lock: subscription_list = list(subscriptions.items()) result, mid = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( self._mqttc.subscribe, subscription_list ) for topic, qos in subscriptions.items(): _LOGGER.debug("Subscribing to %s, mid: %s, qos: %s", topic, mid, qos) self._last_subscribe = time.time() if result == 0: await self._wait_for_mid(mid) else: _raise_on_error(result) async def _async_perform_unsubscribes(self) -> None: """Perform pending MQTT client unsubscribes.""" if not self._pending_unsubscribes: return topics = list(self._pending_unsubscribes) self._pending_unsubscribes = set() async with self._paho_lock: result, mid = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( self._mqttc.unsubscribe, topics ) _raise_on_error(result) for topic in topics: _LOGGER.debug("Unsubscribing from %s, mid: %s", topic, mid) await self._wait_for_mid(mid) def _mqtt_on_connect( self, _mqttc: mqtt.Client, _userdata: None, _flags: dict[str, int], result_code: int, properties: mqtt.Properties | None = None, ) -> None: """On connect callback. Resubscribe to all topics we were subscribed to and publish birth message. """ # pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt if result_code != mqtt.CONNACK_ACCEPTED: _LOGGER.error( "Unable to connect to the MQTT broker: %s", mqtt.connack_string(result_code), ) return self.connected = True dispatcher_send(self.hass, MQTT_CONNECTED) _LOGGER.info( "Connected to MQTT server %s:%s (%s)", self.conf[CONF_BROKER], self.conf.get(CONF_PORT, DEFAULT_PORT), result_code, ) self.hass.create_task(self._async_resubscribe()) if birth := self.conf.get(CONF_BIRTH_MESSAGE, DEFAULT_BIRTH): async def publish_birth_message(birth_message: PublishMessage) -> None: await self._ha_started.wait() # Wait for Home Assistant to start await self._discovery_cooldown() # Wait for MQTT discovery to cool down # Update subscribe cooldown period to a shorter time self._subscribe_debouncer.set_timeout(SUBSCRIBE_COOLDOWN) await self.async_publish( topic=birth_message.topic, payload=birth_message.payload, qos=birth_message.qos, retain=birth_message.retain, ) birth_message = PublishMessage(**birth) asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe( publish_birth_message(birth_message), self.hass.loop ) else: # Update subscribe cooldown period to a shorter time self._subscribe_debouncer.set_timeout(SUBSCRIBE_COOLDOWN) async def _async_resubscribe(self) -> None: """Resubscribe on reconnect.""" self._max_qos.clear() self._retained_topics.clear() # Group subscriptions to only re-subscribe once for each topic. keyfunc = attrgetter("topic") self._async_queue_subscriptions( [ # Re-subscribe with the highest requested qos (topic, max(subscription.qos for subscription in subs)) for topic, subs in groupby( sorted(self.subscriptions, key=keyfunc), keyfunc ) ], queue_only=True, ) await self._async_perform_subscriptions() def _mqtt_on_message( self, _mqttc: mqtt.Client, _userdata: None, msg: mqtt.MQTTMessage ) -> None: """Message received callback.""" # MQTT messages tend to be high volume, # and since they come in via a thread and need to be processed in the event loop, # we want to avoid hass.add_job since most of the time is spent calling # inspect to figure out how to run the callback. self.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._mqtt_handle_message, msg) @lru_cache(None) # pylint: disable=method-cache-max-size-none def _matching_subscriptions(self, topic: str) -> list[Subscription]: subscriptions: list[Subscription] = [] if topic in self._simple_subscriptions: subscriptions.extend(self._simple_subscriptions[topic]) subscriptions.extend( subscription for subscription in self._wildcard_subscriptions if subscription.matcher(topic) ) return subscriptions @callback def _mqtt_handle_message(self, msg: mqtt.MQTTMessage) -> None: topic = msg.topic # msg.topic is a property that decodes the topic to a string # every time it is accessed. Save the result to avoid # decoding the same topic multiple times. _LOGGER.debug( "Received%s message on %s (qos=%s): %s", " retained" if msg.retain else "", topic, msg.qos, msg.payload[0:8192], ) timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() subscriptions = self._matching_subscriptions(topic) for subscription in subscriptions: if msg.retain: retained_topics = self._retained_topics.setdefault(subscription, set()) # Skip if the subscription already received a retained message if topic in retained_topics: continue # Remember the subscription had an initial retained message self._retained_topics[subscription].add(topic) payload: SubscribePayloadType = msg.payload if subscription.encoding is not None: try: payload = msg.payload.decode(subscription.encoding) except (AttributeError, UnicodeDecodeError): _LOGGER.warning( "Can't decode payload %s on %s with encoding %s (for %s)", msg.payload[0:8192], topic, subscription.encoding, subscription.job, ) continue self.hass.async_run_hass_job( subscription.job, ReceiveMessage( topic, payload, msg.qos, msg.retain, subscription.topic, timestamp, ), ) self._mqtt_data.state_write_requests.process_write_state_requests(msg) def _mqtt_on_callback( self, _mqttc: mqtt.Client, _userdata: None, mid: int, _granted_qos_reason: tuple[int, ...] | mqtt.ReasonCodes | None = None, _properties_reason: mqtt.ReasonCodes | None = None, ) -> None: """Publish / Subscribe / Unsubscribe callback.""" # The callback signature for on_unsubscribe is different from on_subscribe # see https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.python/issues/687 # properties and reasoncodes are not used in Home Assistant self.hass.create_task(self._mqtt_handle_mid(mid)) async def _mqtt_handle_mid(self, mid: int) -> None: # Create the mid event if not created, either _mqtt_handle_mid or _wait_for_mid # may be executed first. async with self._pending_operations_condition: if mid not in self._pending_operations: self._pending_operations[mid] = asyncio.Event() self._pending_operations[mid].set() async def _register_mid(self, mid: int) -> None: """Create Event for an expected ACK.""" async with self._pending_operations_condition: if mid not in self._pending_operations: self._pending_operations[mid] = asyncio.Event() def _mqtt_on_disconnect( self, _mqttc: mqtt.Client, _userdata: None, result_code: int, properties: mqtt.Properties | None = None, ) -> None: """Disconnected callback.""" self.connected = False dispatcher_send(self.hass, MQTT_DISCONNECTED) _LOGGER.warning( "Disconnected from MQTT server %s:%s (%s)", self.conf[CONF_BROKER], self.conf.get(CONF_PORT, DEFAULT_PORT), result_code, ) async def _wait_for_mid(self, mid: int) -> None: """Wait for ACK from broker.""" # Create the mid event if not created, either _mqtt_handle_mid or _wait_for_mid # may be executed first. await self._register_mid(mid) try: async with asyncio.timeout(TIMEOUT_ACK): await self._pending_operations[mid].wait() except TimeoutError: _LOGGER.warning( "No ACK from MQTT server in %s seconds (mid: %s)", TIMEOUT_ACK, mid ) finally: async with self._pending_operations_condition: # Cleanup ACK sync buffer del self._pending_operations[mid] self._pending_operations_condition.notify_all() async def _discovery_cooldown(self) -> None: """Wait until all discovery and subscriptions are processed.""" now = time.time() # Reset discovery and subscribe cooldowns self._mqtt_data.last_discovery = now self._last_subscribe = now last_discovery = self._mqtt_data.last_discovery last_subscribe = now if self._pending_subscriptions else self._last_subscribe wait_until = max( last_discovery + DISCOVERY_COOLDOWN, last_subscribe + DISCOVERY_COOLDOWN ) while now < wait_until: await asyncio.sleep(wait_until - now) now = time.time() last_discovery = self._mqtt_data.last_discovery last_subscribe = ( now if self._pending_subscriptions else self._last_subscribe ) wait_until = max( last_discovery + DISCOVERY_COOLDOWN, last_subscribe + DISCOVERY_COOLDOWN ) def _raise_on_error(result_code: int) -> None: """Raise error if error result.""" # pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt if result_code and (message := mqtt.error_string(result_code)): raise HomeAssistantError(f"Error talking to MQTT: {message}") def _matcher_for_topic(subscription: str) -> Any: # pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel from paho.mqtt.matcher import MQTTMatcher matcher = MQTTMatcher() matcher[subscription] = True return lambda topic: next(matcher.iter_match(topic), False)