"""Support for the (unofficial) Tado API.""" from datetime import datetime, timedelta import logging from PyTado.interface import Tado from requests import RequestException import requests.exceptions from homeassistant.components.climate import PRESET_AWAY, PRESET_HOME from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_USERNAME, Platform from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import ConfigEntryNotReady, HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import dispatcher_send from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_track_time_interval from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from homeassistant.util import Throttle from .const import ( CONF_FALLBACK, CONST_OVERLAY_MANUAL, CONST_OVERLAY_TADO_DEFAULT, CONST_OVERLAY_TADO_MODE, CONST_OVERLAY_TADO_OPTIONS, DATA, DOMAIN, INSIDE_TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT, PRESET_AUTO, SIGNAL_TADO_MOBILE_DEVICE_UPDATE_RECEIVED, SIGNAL_TADO_UPDATE_RECEIVED, TEMP_OFFSET, UPDATE_LISTENER, UPDATE_MOBILE_DEVICE_TRACK, UPDATE_TRACK, ) from .services import setup_services _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PLATFORMS = [ Platform.BINARY_SENSOR, Platform.CLIMATE, Platform.DEVICE_TRACKER, Platform.SENSOR, Platform.WATER_HEATER, ] MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(minutes=4) SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(minutes=5) SCAN_MOBILE_DEVICE_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=30) CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.removed(DOMAIN, raise_if_present=False) async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Set up Tado.""" setup_services(hass) return True async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Set up Tado from a config entry.""" _async_import_options_from_data_if_missing(hass, entry) username = entry.data[CONF_USERNAME] password = entry.data[CONF_PASSWORD] fallback = entry.options.get(CONF_FALLBACK, CONST_OVERLAY_TADO_DEFAULT) tadoconnector = TadoConnector(hass, username, password, fallback) try: await hass.async_add_executor_job(tadoconnector.setup) except KeyError: _LOGGER.error("Failed to login to tado") return False except RuntimeError as exc: _LOGGER.error("Failed to setup tado: %s", exc) return False except requests.exceptions.Timeout as ex: raise ConfigEntryNotReady from ex except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as ex: if ex.response.status_code > 400 and ex.response.status_code < 500: _LOGGER.error("Failed to login to tado: %s", ex) return False raise ConfigEntryNotReady from ex # Do first update await hass.async_add_executor_job(tadoconnector.update) # Poll for updates in the background update_track = async_track_time_interval( hass, lambda now: tadoconnector.update(), SCAN_INTERVAL, ) update_mobile_devices = async_track_time_interval( hass, lambda now: tadoconnector.update_mobile_devices(), SCAN_MOBILE_DEVICE_INTERVAL, ) update_listener = entry.add_update_listener(_async_update_listener) hass.data.setdefault(DOMAIN, {}) hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] = { DATA: tadoconnector, UPDATE_TRACK: update_track, UPDATE_MOBILE_DEVICE_TRACK: update_mobile_devices, UPDATE_LISTENER: update_listener, } await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setups(entry, PLATFORMS) return True @callback def _async_import_options_from_data_if_missing(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry): options = dict(entry.options) if CONF_FALLBACK not in options: options[CONF_FALLBACK] = entry.data.get( CONF_FALLBACK, CONST_OVERLAY_TADO_DEFAULT ) hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(entry, options=options) if options[CONF_FALLBACK] not in CONST_OVERLAY_TADO_OPTIONS: if options[CONF_FALLBACK]: options[CONF_FALLBACK] = CONST_OVERLAY_TADO_MODE else: options[CONF_FALLBACK] = CONST_OVERLAY_MANUAL hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(entry, options=options) async def _async_update_listener(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> None: """Handle options update.""" await hass.config_entries.async_reload(entry.entry_id) async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Unload a config entry.""" unload_ok = await hass.config_entries.async_unload_platforms(entry, PLATFORMS) hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id][UPDATE_TRACK]() hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id][UPDATE_LISTENER]() hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id][UPDATE_MOBILE_DEVICE_TRACK]() if unload_ok: hass.data[DOMAIN].pop(entry.entry_id) return unload_ok class TadoConnector: """An object to store the Tado data.""" def __init__(self, hass, username, password, fallback): """Initialize Tado Connector.""" self.hass = hass self._username = username self._password = password self._fallback = fallback self.home_id = None self.home_name = None self.tado = None self.zones = None self.devices = None self.data = { "device": {}, "mobile_device": {}, "weather": {}, "geofence": {}, "zone": {}, } @property def fallback(self): """Return fallback flag to Smart Schedule.""" return self._fallback def setup(self): """Connect to Tado and fetch the zones.""" self.tado = Tado(self._username, self._password) # Load zones and devices self.zones = self.tado.get_zones() self.devices = self.tado.get_devices() tado_home = self.tado.get_me()["homes"][0] self.home_id = tado_home["id"] self.home_name = tado_home["name"] def get_mobile_devices(self): """Return the Tado mobile devices.""" return self.tado.get_mobile_devices() @Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES) def update(self): """Update the registered zones.""" self.update_devices() self.update_mobile_devices() self.update_zones() self.update_home() def update_mobile_devices(self) -> None: """Update the mobile devices.""" try: mobile_devices = self.get_mobile_devices() except RuntimeError: _LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to Tado while updating mobile devices") return if not mobile_devices: _LOGGER.debug("No linked mobile devices found for home ID %s", self.home_id) return # Errors are planned to be converted to exceptions # in PyTado library, so this can be removed if "errors" in mobile_devices and mobile_devices["errors"]: _LOGGER.error( "Error for home ID %s while updating mobile devices: %s", self.home_id, mobile_devices["errors"], ) return for mobile_device in mobile_devices: self.data["mobile_device"][mobile_device["id"]] = mobile_device _LOGGER.debug( "Dispatching update to %s mobile device: %s", self.home_id, mobile_device, ) dispatcher_send( self.hass, SIGNAL_TADO_MOBILE_DEVICE_UPDATE_RECEIVED.format(self.home_id), ) def update_devices(self): """Update the device data from Tado.""" try: devices = self.tado.get_devices() except RuntimeError: _LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to Tado while updating devices") return if not devices: _LOGGER.debug("No linked devices found for home ID %s", self.home_id) return # Errors are planned to be converted to exceptions # in PyTado library, so this can be removed if "errors" in devices and devices["errors"]: _LOGGER.error( "Error for home ID %s while updating devices: %s", self.home_id, devices["errors"], ) return for device in devices: device_short_serial_no = device["shortSerialNo"] _LOGGER.debug("Updating device %s", device_short_serial_no) try: if ( INSIDE_TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT in device["characteristics"]["capabilities"] ): device[TEMP_OFFSET] = self.tado.get_device_info( device_short_serial_no, TEMP_OFFSET ) except RuntimeError: _LOGGER.error( "Unable to connect to Tado while updating device %s", device_short_serial_no, ) return self.data["device"][device_short_serial_no] = device _LOGGER.debug( "Dispatching update to %s device %s: %s", self.home_id, device_short_serial_no, device, ) dispatcher_send( self.hass, SIGNAL_TADO_UPDATE_RECEIVED.format( self.home_id, "device", device_short_serial_no ), ) def update_zones(self): """Update the zone data from Tado.""" try: zone_states = self.tado.get_zone_states()["zoneStates"] except RuntimeError: _LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to Tado while updating zones") return for zone in zone_states: self.update_zone(int(zone)) def update_zone(self, zone_id): """Update the internal data from Tado.""" _LOGGER.debug("Updating zone %s", zone_id) try: data = self.tado.get_zone_state(zone_id) except RuntimeError: _LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to Tado while updating zone %s", zone_id) return self.data["zone"][zone_id] = data _LOGGER.debug( "Dispatching update to %s zone %s: %s", self.home_id, zone_id, data, ) dispatcher_send( self.hass, SIGNAL_TADO_UPDATE_RECEIVED.format(self.home_id, "zone", zone_id), ) def update_home(self): """Update the home data from Tado.""" try: self.data["weather"] = self.tado.get_weather() self.data["geofence"] = self.tado.get_home_state() dispatcher_send( self.hass, SIGNAL_TADO_UPDATE_RECEIVED.format(self.home_id, "home", "data"), ) except RuntimeError: _LOGGER.error( "Unable to connect to Tado while updating weather and geofence data" ) return def get_capabilities(self, zone_id): """Return the capabilities of the devices.""" return self.tado.get_capabilities(zone_id) def get_auto_geofencing_supported(self): """Return whether the Tado Home supports auto geofencing.""" return self.tado.get_auto_geofencing_supported() def reset_zone_overlay(self, zone_id): """Reset the zone back to the default operation.""" self.tado.reset_zone_overlay(zone_id) self.update_zone(zone_id) def set_presence( self, presence=PRESET_HOME, ): """Set the presence to home, away or auto.""" if presence == PRESET_AWAY: self.tado.set_away() elif presence == PRESET_HOME: self.tado.set_home() elif presence == PRESET_AUTO: self.tado.set_auto() # Update everything when changing modes self.update_zones() self.update_home() def set_zone_overlay( self, zone_id=None, overlay_mode=None, temperature=None, duration=None, device_type="HEATING", mode=None, fan_speed=None, swing=None, ): """Set a zone overlay.""" _LOGGER.debug( ( "Set overlay for zone %s: overlay_mode=%s, temp=%s, duration=%s," " type=%s, mode=%s fan_speed=%s swing=%s" ), zone_id, overlay_mode, temperature, duration, device_type, mode, fan_speed, swing, ) try: self.tado.set_zone_overlay( zone_id, overlay_mode, temperature, duration, device_type, "ON", mode, fan_speed=fan_speed, swing=swing, ) except RequestException as exc: _LOGGER.error("Could not set zone overlay: %s", exc) self.update_zone(zone_id) def set_zone_off(self, zone_id, overlay_mode, device_type="HEATING"): """Set a zone to off.""" try: self.tado.set_zone_overlay( zone_id, overlay_mode, None, None, device_type, "OFF" ) except RequestException as exc: _LOGGER.error("Could not set zone overlay: %s", exc) self.update_zone(zone_id) def set_temperature_offset(self, device_id, offset): """Set temperature offset of device.""" try: self.tado.set_temp_offset(device_id, offset) except RequestException as exc: _LOGGER.error("Could not set temperature offset: %s", exc) def set_meter_reading(self, reading: int) -> dict[str, str]: """Send meter reading to Tado.""" dt: str = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") try: return self.tado.set_eiq_meter_readings(date=dt, reading=reading) except RequestException as exc: raise HomeAssistantError("Could not set meter reading") from exc