"""Validate integration translation files.""" from functools import partial from itertools import chain import json import logging import re from typing import Dict from script.translations import upload import voluptuous as vol from voluptuous.humanize import humanize_error import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.util import slugify from .model import Config, Integration _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) UNDEFINED = 0 REQUIRED = 1 REMOVED = 2 RE_REFERENCE = r"\[\%key:(.+)\%\]" REMOVED_TITLE_MSG = ( "config.title key has been moved out of config and into the root of strings.json. " "Starting Home Assistant 0.109 you only need to define this key in the root " "if the title needs to be different than the name of your integration in the " "manifest." ) MOVED_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY_MSG = ( "The '.translations' directory has been moved, the new name is 'translations', " "starting with Home Assistant 0.112 your translations will no longer " "load if you do not move/rename this " ) def check_translations_directory_name(integration: Integration) -> None: """Check that the correct name is used for the translations directory.""" legacy_translations = integration.path / ".translations" translations = integration.path / "translations" if translations.is_dir(): # No action required return if legacy_translations.is_dir(): integration.add_error("translations", MOVED_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY_MSG) def find_references(strings, prefix, found): """Find references.""" for key, value in strings.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): find_references(value, f"{prefix}::{key}", found) continue match = re.match(RE_REFERENCE, value) if match: found.append({"source": f"{prefix}::{key}", "ref": match.groups()[0]}) def removed_title_validator(config, integration, value): """Mark removed title.""" if not config.specific_integrations: raise vol.Invalid(REMOVED_TITLE_MSG) # Don't mark it as an error yet for custom components to allow backwards compat. integration.add_warning("translations", REMOVED_TITLE_MSG) return value def lowercase_validator(value): """Validate value is lowercase.""" if value.lower() != value: raise vol.Invalid("Needs to be lowercase") return value def gen_data_entry_schema( *, config: Config, integration: Integration, flow_title: int, require_step_title: bool, ): """Generate a data entry schema.""" step_title_class = vol.Required if require_step_title else vol.Optional schema = { vol.Optional("flow_title"): cv.string_with_no_html, vol.Required("step"): { str: { step_title_class("title"): cv.string_with_no_html, vol.Optional("description"): cv.string_with_no_html, vol.Optional("data"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, } }, vol.Optional("error"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, vol.Optional("abort"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, vol.Optional("create_entry"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, } if flow_title == REQUIRED: schema[vol.Required("title")] = cv.string_with_no_html elif flow_title == REMOVED: schema[vol.Optional("title", msg=REMOVED_TITLE_MSG)] = partial( removed_title_validator, config, integration ) return schema def gen_strings_schema(config: Config, integration: Integration): """Generate a strings schema.""" return vol.Schema( { vol.Optional("title"): cv.string_with_no_html, vol.Optional("config"): gen_data_entry_schema( config=config, integration=integration, flow_title=REMOVED, require_step_title=False, ), vol.Optional("options"): gen_data_entry_schema( config=config, integration=integration, flow_title=UNDEFINED, require_step_title=False, ), vol.Optional("device_automation"): { vol.Optional("action_type"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, vol.Optional("condition_type"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, vol.Optional("trigger_type"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, vol.Optional("trigger_subtype"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, }, vol.Optional("state"): cv.schema_with_slug_keys( cv.schema_with_slug_keys(str, slug_validator=lowercase_validator), slug_validator=vol.Any("_", cv.slug), ), } ) def gen_auth_schema(config: Config, integration: Integration): """Generate auth schema.""" return vol.Schema( { vol.Optional("mfa_setup"): { str: gen_data_entry_schema( config=config, integration=integration, flow_title=REQUIRED, require_step_title=True, ) } } ) def gen_platform_strings_schema(config: Config, integration: Integration): """Generate platform strings schema like strings.sensor.json. Example of valid data: { "state": { "moon__phase": { "full": "Full" } } } """ def device_class_validator(value): """Key validator for platorm states. Platform states are only allowed to provide states for device classes they prefix. """ if not value.startswith(f"{integration.domain}__"): raise vol.Invalid( f"Device class need to start with '{integration.domain}__'. Key {value} is invalid. See https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/internationalization/core#stringssensorjson" ) slug_friendly = value.replace("__", "_", 1) slugged = slugify(slug_friendly) if slug_friendly != slugged: raise vol.Invalid( f"invalid device class {value}. After domain__, needs to be all lowercase, no spaces." ) return value return vol.Schema( { vol.Optional("state"): cv.schema_with_slug_keys( cv.schema_with_slug_keys(str, slug_validator=lowercase_validator), slug_validator=device_class_validator, ) } ) ONBOARDING_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({vol.Required("area"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}}) def validate_translation_file(config: Config, integration: Integration, all_strings): """Validate translation files for integration.""" if config.specific_integrations: check_translations_directory_name(integration) strings_files = [integration.path / "strings.json"] # Also validate translations for custom integrations if config.specific_integrations: # Only English needs to be always complete strings_files.append(integration.path / "translations/en.json") references = [] if integration.domain == "auth": strings_schema = gen_auth_schema(config, integration) elif integration.domain == "onboarding": strings_schema = ONBOARDING_SCHEMA else: strings_schema = gen_strings_schema(config, integration) for strings_file in strings_files: if not strings_file.is_file(): continue name = str(strings_file.relative_to(integration.path)) try: strings = json.loads(strings_file.read_text()) except ValueError as err: integration.add_error("translations", f"Invalid JSON in {name}: {err}") continue try: strings_schema(strings) except vol.Invalid as err: integration.add_error( "translations", f"Invalid {name}: {humanize_error(strings, err)}" ) else: if strings_file.name == "strings.json": find_references(strings, name, references) platform_string_schema = gen_platform_strings_schema(config, integration) platform_strings = [integration.path.glob("strings.*.json")] if config.specific_integrations: platform_strings.append(integration.path.glob("translations/*.en.json")) for path in chain(*platform_strings): name = str(path.relative_to(integration.path)) try: strings = json.loads(path.read_text()) except ValueError as err: integration.add_error("translations", f"Invalid JSON in {name}: {err}") continue try: platform_string_schema(strings) except vol.Invalid as err: msg = f"Invalid {path.name}: {humanize_error(strings, err)}" if config.specific_integrations: integration.add_warning("translations", msg) else: integration.add_error("translations", msg) else: find_references(strings, path.name, references) if config.specific_integrations: return # Validate references for reference in references: parts = reference["ref"].split("::") search = all_strings key = parts.pop(0) while parts and key in search: search = search[key] key = parts.pop(0) if parts or key not in search: integration.add_error( "translations", f"{reference['source']} contains invalid reference {reference['ref']}: Could not find {key}", ) def validate(integrations: Dict[str, Integration], config: Config): """Handle JSON files inside integrations.""" if config.specific_integrations: all_strings = None else: all_strings = upload.generate_upload_data() for integration in integrations.values(): validate_translation_file(config, integration, all_strings)