"""Migrate things.""" import json import pathlib from pprint import pprint import re from .const import CORE_PROJECT_ID, FRONTEND_PROJECT_ID, INTEGRATIONS_DIR from .lokalise import get_api from .util import load_json_from_path FRONTEND_REPO = pathlib.Path("../frontend/") def create_lookup(results): """Create a lookup table by key name.""" return {key["key_name"]["web"]: key for key in results} def rename_keys(project_id, to_migrate): """Rename keys. to_migrate is Dict[from_key] = to_key. """ updates = [] lokalise = get_api(project_id) from_key_data = lokalise.keys_list({"filter_keys": ",".join(to_migrate)}) if len(from_key_data) != len(to_migrate): print( f"Looking up keys in Lokalise returns {len(from_key_data)} results, expected {len(to_migrate)}" ) return from_key_lookup = create_lookup(from_key_data) print("Gathering IDs") for from_key, to_key in to_migrate.items(): updates.append( {"key_id": from_key_lookup[from_key]["key_id"], "key_name": to_key} ) pprint(updates) print() while input("Type YES to confirm: ") != "YES": pass print() print("Updating keys") pprint(lokalise.keys_bulk_update(updates)) def list_keys_helper(lokalise, keys, params={}, *, validate=True): """List keys in chunks so it doesn't exceed max URL length.""" results = [] for i in range(0, len(keys), 100): filter_keys = keys[i : i + 100] from_key_data = lokalise.keys_list( { **params, "filter_keys": ",".join(filter_keys), "limit": len(filter_keys) + 1, } ) if len(from_key_data) == len(filter_keys) or not validate: results.extend(from_key_data) continue print( f"Looking up keys in Lokalise returns {len(from_key_data)} results, expected {len(keys)}" ) searched = set(filter_keys) returned = set(create_lookup(from_key_data)) print("Not found:", ", ".join(searched - returned)) raise ValueError return results def migrate_project_keys_translations(from_project_id, to_project_id, to_migrate): """Migrate keys and translations from one project to another. to_migrate is Dict[from_key] = to_key. """ from_lokalise = get_api(from_project_id) to_lokalise = get_api(to_project_id) # Fetch keys in target # We are going to skip migrating existing keys print("Checking which target keys exist..") try: to_key_data = list_keys_helper( to_lokalise, list(to_migrate.values()), validate=False ) except ValueError: return existing = set(create_lookup(to_key_data)) missing = [key for key in to_migrate.values() if key not in existing] if not missing: print("All keys to migrate exist already, nothing to do") return # Fetch keys whose translations we're importing print("Fetch translations that we're importing..") try: from_key_data = list_keys_helper( from_lokalise, [key for key, value in to_migrate.items() if value not in existing], {"include_translations": 1}, ) except ValueError: return from_key_lookup = create_lookup(from_key_data) print("Creating", ", ".join(missing)) to_key_lookup = create_lookup( to_lokalise.keys_create( [{"key_name": key, "platforms": ["web"]} for key in missing] ) ) updates = [] for from_key, to_key in to_migrate.items(): # If it is not in lookup, it already existed, skipping it. if to_key not in to_key_lookup: continue updates.append( { "key_id": to_key_lookup[to_key]["key_id"], "translations": [ { "language_iso": from_translation["language_iso"], "translation": from_translation["translation"], "is_reviewed": from_translation["is_reviewed"], "is_fuzzy": from_translation["is_fuzzy"], } for from_translation in from_key_lookup[from_key]["translations"] ], } ) print("Updating") pprint(updates) print() print() pprint(to_lokalise.keys_bulk_update(updates)) def find_and_rename_keys(): """Find and rename keys in core.""" to_migrate = {} for integration in INTEGRATIONS_DIR.iterdir(): strings_file = integration / "strings.json" if not strings_file.is_file(): continue strings = load_json_from_path(strings_file) if "title" in strings.get("config", {}): from_key = f"component::{integration.name}::config::title" to_key = f"component::{integration.name}::title" to_migrate[from_key] = to_key rename_keys(CORE_PROJECT_ID, to_migrate) def find_different_languages(): """Find different supported languages.""" core_api = get_api(CORE_PROJECT_ID) frontend_api = get_api(FRONTEND_PROJECT_ID) core_languages = {lang["lang_iso"] for lang in core_api.languages_list()} frontend_languages = {lang["lang_iso"] for lang in frontend_api.languages_list()} print("Core minus frontend", core_languages - frontend_languages) print("Frontend minus core", frontend_languages - core_languages) def interactive_update(): """Interactive update integration strings.""" for integration in INTEGRATIONS_DIR.iterdir(): strings_file = integration / "strings.json" if not strings_file.is_file(): continue strings = load_json_from_path(strings_file) if "title" not in strings: continue manifest = load_json_from_path(integration / "manifest.json") print("Processing", manifest["name"]) print("Translation title", strings["title"]) if input("Drop title? (1=yes, 2=no) ") == "1": strings.pop("title") strings_file.write_text(json.dumps(strings)) print() STATE_REWRITE = { "Off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "On": "[%key:common::state::on%]", "Unknown": "[%key:common::state::unknown%]", "Unavailable": "[%key:common::state::unavailable%]", "Open": "[%key:common::state::open%]", "Closed": "[%key:common::state::closed%]", "Connected": "[%key:common::state::connected%]", "Disconnected": "[%key:common::state::disconnected%]", "Locked": "[%key:common::state::locked%]", "Unlocked": "[%key:common::state::unlocked%]", "Active": "[%key:common::state::active%]", "active": "[%key:common::state::active%]", "Standby": "[%key:common::state::standby%]", "Idle": "[%key:common::state::idle%]", "idle": "[%key:common::state::idle%]", "Paused": "[%key:common::state::paused%]", "paused": "[%key:common::state::paused%]", "Home": "[%key:common::state::home%]", "Away": "[%key:common::state::not_home%]", "[%key:state::default::off%]": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "[%key:state::default::on%]": "[%key:common::state::on%]", "[%key:state::cover::open%]": "[%key:common::state::open%]", "[%key:state::cover::closed%]": "[%key:common::state::closed%]", "[%key:state::lock::locked%]": "[%key:common::state::locked%]", "[%key:state::lock::unlocked%]": "[%key:common::state::unlocked%]", } SKIP_DOMAIN = {"default", "scene"} STATES_WITH_DEV_CLASS = {"binary_sensor"} GROUP_DELETE = {"opening", "closing", "stopped"} # They don't exist def find_frontend_states(): """Find frontend states. Source key -> target key Add key to integrations strings.json """ path = FRONTEND_REPO / "src/translations/en.json" frontend_states = load_json_from_path(path)["state"] # domain => state object to_write = {} to_migrate = {} for domain, states in frontend_states.items(): if domain in SKIP_DOMAIN: continue to_key_base = f"component::{domain}::state" from_key_base = f"state::{domain}" if domain in STATES_WITH_DEV_CLASS: domain_to_write = dict(states) for device_class, dev_class_states in domain_to_write.items(): to_device_class = "_" if device_class == "default" else device_class for key in dev_class_states: to_migrate[f"{from_key_base}::{device_class}::{key}"] = ( f"{to_key_base}::{to_device_class}::{key}" ) # Rewrite "default" device class to _ if "default" in domain_to_write: domain_to_write["_"] = domain_to_write.pop("default") else: if domain == "group": for key in GROUP_DELETE: states.pop(key) domain_to_write = {"_": states} for key in states: to_migrate[f"{from_key_base}::{key}"] = f"{to_key_base}::_::{key}" # Map out common values with for dev_class_states in domain_to_write.values(): for key, value in dev_class_states.copy().items(): if value in STATE_REWRITE: dev_class_states[key] = STATE_REWRITE[value] continue match = re.match(r"\[\%key:state::(\w+)::(.+)\%\]", value) if not match: continue dev_class_states[key] = "[%key:component::{}::state::{}%]".format( *match.groups() ) to_write[domain] = domain_to_write for domain, state in to_write.items(): strings = INTEGRATIONS_DIR / domain / "strings.json" if strings.is_file(): content = load_json_from_path(strings) else: content = {} content["state"] = state strings.write_text(json.dumps(content, indent=2) + "\n") pprint(to_migrate) print() while input("Type YES to confirm: ") != "YES": pass migrate_project_keys_translations(FRONTEND_PROJECT_ID, CORE_PROJECT_ID, to_migrate) def apply_data_references(to_migrate): """Apply references.""" for strings_file in INTEGRATIONS_DIR.glob("*/strings.json"): strings = load_json_from_path(strings_file) steps = strings.get("config", {}).get("step") if not steps: continue changed = False for step_data in steps.values(): step_data = step_data.get("data", {}) for key, value in step_data.items(): if key in to_migrate and value != to_migrate[key]: if key.split("_")[0].lower() in value.lower(): step_data[key] = to_migrate[key] changed = True elif value.startswith("[%key"): pass else: print( f"{strings_file}: Skipped swapping '{key}': '{value}' does not contain '{key}'" ) if not changed: continue strings_file.write_text(json.dumps(strings, indent=2)) def run(): """Migrate translations.""" apply_data_references( { "host": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::host%]", "username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]", "password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]", "port": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::port%]", "usb_path": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::usb_path%]", "access_token": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::access_token%]", "api_key": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::api_key%]", } ) # Rename existing keys to common keys, # Old keys have been updated with reference to the common key # rename_keys( # CORE_PROJECT_ID, # { # "component::blebox::config::step::user::data::host": "common::config_flow::data::ip", # }, # ) # find_frontend_states() # find_different_languages() return 0