"""Helper functions for Z-Wave JS integration.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Callable from dataclasses import astuple, dataclass import logging from typing import Any, cast import voluptuous as vol from zwave_js_server.client import Client as ZwaveClient from zwave_js_server.const import ( LOG_LEVEL_MAP, CommandClass, ConfigurationValueType, LogLevel, ) from zwave_js_server.model.controller import Controller from zwave_js_server.model.driver import Driver from zwave_js_server.model.log_config import LogConfig from zwave_js_server.model.node import Node as ZwaveNode from zwave_js_server.model.value import ( ConfigurationValue, Value as ZwaveValue, ValueDataType, get_value_id_str, ) from homeassistant.components.sensor import DOMAIN as SENSOR_DOMAIN from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry, ConfigEntryState from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_AREA_ID, ATTR_DEVICE_ID, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, CONF_TYPE, __version__ as HA_VERSION, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr, entity_registry as er from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import DeviceInfo from homeassistant.helpers.group import expand_entity_ids from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from .const import ( ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS, ATTR_ENDPOINT, ATTR_PROPERTY, ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY, DATA_CLIENT, DATA_OLD_SERVER_LOG_LEVEL, DOMAIN, LIB_LOGGER, LOGGER, ) @dataclass class ZwaveValueID: """Class to represent a value ID.""" property_: str | int command_class: int endpoint: int | None = None property_key: str | int | None = None @dataclass class ZwaveValueMatcher: """Class to allow matching a Z-Wave Value.""" property_: str | int | None = None command_class: int | None = None endpoint: int | None = None property_key: str | int | None = None def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Post initialization check.""" if all(val is None for val in astuple(self)): raise ValueError("At least one of the fields must be set.") def value_matches_matcher( matcher: ZwaveValueMatcher, value_data: ValueDataType ) -> bool: """Return whether value matches matcher.""" command_class = None if "commandClass" in value_data: command_class = CommandClass(value_data["commandClass"]) zwave_value_id = ZwaveValueMatcher( property_=value_data.get("property"), command_class=command_class, endpoint=value_data.get("endpoint"), property_key=value_data.get("propertyKey"), ) return all( redacted_field_val is None or redacted_field_val == zwave_value_field_val for redacted_field_val, zwave_value_field_val in zip( astuple(matcher), astuple(zwave_value_id), strict=False ) ) def get_value_id_from_unique_id(unique_id: str) -> str | None: """Get the value ID and optional state key from a unique ID. Raises ValueError """ split_unique_id = unique_id.split(".") # If the unique ID contains a `-` in its second part, the unique ID contains # a value ID and we can return it. if "-" in (value_id := split_unique_id[1]): return value_id return None def get_state_key_from_unique_id(unique_id: str) -> int | None: """Get the state key from a unique ID.""" # If the unique ID has more than two parts, it's a special unique ID. If the last # part of the unique ID is an int, then it's a state key and we return it. if len(split_unique_id := unique_id.split(".")) > 2: try: return int(split_unique_id[-1]) except ValueError: pass return None def get_value_of_zwave_value(value: ZwaveValue | None) -> Any | None: """Return the value of a ZwaveValue.""" return value.value if value else None async def async_enable_statistics(driver: Driver) -> None: """Enable statistics on the driver.""" await driver.async_enable_statistics("Home Assistant", HA_VERSION) async def async_enable_server_logging_if_needed( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, driver: Driver ) -> None: """Enable logging of zwave-js-server in the lib.""" # If lib log level is set to debug, we want to enable server logging. First we # check if server log level is less verbose than library logging, and if so, set it # to debug to match library logging. We will store the old server log level in # hass.data so we can reset it later if ( not driver or not driver.client.connected or driver.client.server_logging_enabled ): return LOGGER.info("Enabling zwave-js-server logging") if (curr_server_log_level := driver.log_config.level) and ( LOG_LEVEL_MAP[curr_server_log_level] ) > (lib_log_level := LIB_LOGGER.getEffectiveLevel()): entry_data = entry.runtime_data LOGGER.warning( ( "Server logging is set to %s and is currently less verbose " "than library logging, setting server log level to %s to match" ), curr_server_log_level, logging.getLevelName(lib_log_level), ) entry_data[DATA_OLD_SERVER_LOG_LEVEL] = curr_server_log_level await driver.async_update_log_config(LogConfig(level=LogLevel.DEBUG)) await driver.client.enable_server_logging() LOGGER.info("Zwave-js-server logging is enabled") async def async_disable_server_logging_if_needed( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, driver: Driver ) -> None: """Disable logging of zwave-js-server in the lib if still connected to server.""" if ( not driver or not driver.client.connected or not driver.client.server_logging_enabled ): return LOGGER.info("Disabling zwave_js server logging") if ( DATA_OLD_SERVER_LOG_LEVEL in entry.runtime_data and (old_server_log_level := entry.runtime_data.pop(DATA_OLD_SERVER_LOG_LEVEL)) != driver.log_config.level ): LOGGER.info( ( "Server logging is currently set to %s as a result of server logging " "being enabled. It is now being reset to %s" ), driver.log_config.level, old_server_log_level, ) await driver.async_update_log_config(LogConfig(level=old_server_log_level)) await driver.client.disable_server_logging() LOGGER.info("Zwave-js-server logging is enabled") def get_valueless_base_unique_id(driver: Driver, node: ZwaveNode) -> str: """Return the base unique ID for an entity that is not based on a value.""" return f"{driver.controller.home_id}.{node.node_id}" def get_unique_id(driver: Driver, value_id: str) -> str: """Get unique ID from client and value ID.""" return f"{driver.controller.home_id}.{value_id}" def get_device_id(driver: Driver, node: ZwaveNode) -> tuple[str, str]: """Get device registry identifier for Z-Wave node.""" return (DOMAIN, f"{driver.controller.home_id}-{node.node_id}") def get_device_id_ext(driver: Driver, node: ZwaveNode) -> tuple[str, str] | None: """Get extended device registry identifier for Z-Wave node.""" if None in (node.manufacturer_id, node.product_type, node.product_id): return None domain, dev_id = get_device_id(driver, node) return ( domain, f"{dev_id}-{node.manufacturer_id}:{node.product_type}:{node.product_id}", ) def get_home_and_node_id_from_device_entry( device_entry: dr.DeviceEntry, ) -> tuple[str, int] | None: """Get home ID and node ID for Z-Wave device registry entry. Returns (home_id, node_id) or None if not found. """ device_id = next( ( identifier[1] for identifier in device_entry.identifiers if identifier[0] == DOMAIN ), None, ) if device_id is None: return None id_ = device_id.split("-") return (id_[0], int(id_[1])) @callback def async_get_node_from_device_id( hass: HomeAssistant, device_id: str, dev_reg: dr.DeviceRegistry | None = None ) -> ZwaveNode: """Get node from a device ID. Raises ValueError if device is invalid or node can't be found. """ if not dev_reg: dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) if not (device_entry := dev_reg.async_get(device_id)): raise ValueError(f"Device ID {device_id} is not valid") # Use device config entry ID's to validate that this is a valid zwave_js device # and to get the client config_entry_ids = device_entry.config_entries entry = next( ( entry for entry in hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN) if entry.entry_id in config_entry_ids ), None, ) if entry and entry.state != ConfigEntryState.LOADED: raise ValueError(f"Device {device_id} config entry is not loaded") if entry is None: raise ValueError( f"Device {device_id} is not from an existing zwave_js config entry" ) client: ZwaveClient = entry.runtime_data[DATA_CLIENT] driver = client.driver if driver is None: raise ValueError("Driver is not ready.") # Get node ID from device identifier, perform some validation, and then get the # node identifiers = get_home_and_node_id_from_device_entry(device_entry) node_id = identifiers[1] if identifiers else None if node_id is None or node_id not in driver.controller.nodes: raise ValueError(f"Node for device {device_id} can't be found") return driver.controller.nodes[node_id] @callback def async_get_node_from_entity_id( hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str, ent_reg: er.EntityRegistry | None = None, dev_reg: dr.DeviceRegistry | None = None, ) -> ZwaveNode: """Get node from an entity ID. Raises ValueError if entity is invalid. """ if not ent_reg: ent_reg = er.async_get(hass) entity_entry = ent_reg.async_get(entity_id) if entity_entry is None or entity_entry.platform != DOMAIN: raise ValueError(f"Entity {entity_id} is not a valid {DOMAIN} entity") # Assert for mypy, safe because we know that zwave_js entities are always # tied to a device assert entity_entry.device_id return async_get_node_from_device_id(hass, entity_entry.device_id, dev_reg) @callback def async_get_nodes_from_area_id( hass: HomeAssistant, area_id: str, ent_reg: er.EntityRegistry | None = None, dev_reg: dr.DeviceRegistry | None = None, ) -> set[ZwaveNode]: """Get nodes for all Z-Wave JS devices and entities that are in an area.""" nodes: set[ZwaveNode] = set() if ent_reg is None: ent_reg = er.async_get(hass) if dev_reg is None: dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) # Add devices for all entities in an area that are Z-Wave JS entities nodes.update( { async_get_node_from_device_id(hass, entity.device_id, dev_reg) for entity in er.async_entries_for_area(ent_reg, area_id) if entity.platform == DOMAIN and entity.device_id is not None } ) # Add devices in an area that are Z-Wave JS devices for device in dr.async_entries_for_area(dev_reg, area_id): if next( ( config_entry_id for config_entry_id in device.config_entries if cast( ConfigEntry, hass.config_entries.async_get_entry(config_entry_id), ).domain == DOMAIN ), None, ): nodes.add(async_get_node_from_device_id(hass, device.id, dev_reg)) return nodes @callback def async_get_nodes_from_targets( hass: HomeAssistant, val: dict[str, Any], ent_reg: er.EntityRegistry | None = None, dev_reg: dr.DeviceRegistry | None = None, logger: logging.Logger = LOGGER, ) -> set[ZwaveNode]: """Get nodes for all targets. Supports entity_id with group expansion, area_id, and device_id. """ nodes: set[ZwaveNode] = set() # Convert all entity IDs to nodes for entity_id in expand_entity_ids(hass, val.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID, [])): try: nodes.add(async_get_node_from_entity_id(hass, entity_id, ent_reg, dev_reg)) except ValueError as err: logger.warning(err.args[0]) # Convert all area IDs to nodes for area_id in val.get(ATTR_AREA_ID, []): nodes.update(async_get_nodes_from_area_id(hass, area_id, ent_reg, dev_reg)) # Convert all device IDs to nodes for device_id in val.get(ATTR_DEVICE_ID, []): try: nodes.add(async_get_node_from_device_id(hass, device_id, dev_reg)) except ValueError as err: logger.warning(err.args[0]) return nodes def get_zwave_value_from_config(node: ZwaveNode, config: ConfigType) -> ZwaveValue: """Get a Z-Wave JS Value from a config.""" endpoint = None if config.get(ATTR_ENDPOINT): endpoint = config[ATTR_ENDPOINT] property_key = None if config.get(ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY): property_key = config[ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY] value_id = get_value_id_str( node, config[ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS], config[ATTR_PROPERTY], endpoint, property_key, ) if value_id not in node.values: raise vol.Invalid(f"Value {value_id} can't be found on node {node}") return node.values[value_id] def _zwave_js_config_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, device: dr.DeviceEntry) -> str | None: """Find zwave_js config entry from a device.""" for entry_id in device.config_entries: entry = hass.config_entries.async_get_entry(entry_id) if entry and entry.domain == DOMAIN: return entry_id return None @callback def async_get_node_status_sensor_entity_id( hass: HomeAssistant, device_id: str, ent_reg: er.EntityRegistry | None = None, dev_reg: dr.DeviceRegistry | None = None, ) -> str | None: """Get the node status sensor entity ID for a given Z-Wave JS device.""" if not ent_reg: ent_reg = er.async_get(hass) if not dev_reg: dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) if not (device := dev_reg.async_get(device_id)): raise HomeAssistantError("Invalid Device ID provided") if not (entry_id := _zwave_js_config_entry(hass, device)): return None entry = hass.config_entries.async_get_entry(entry_id) assert entry client = entry.runtime_data[DATA_CLIENT] node = async_get_node_from_device_id(hass, device_id, dev_reg) return ent_reg.async_get_entity_id( SENSOR_DOMAIN, DOMAIN, f"{client.driver.controller.home_id}.{node.node_id}.node_status", ) def remove_keys_with_empty_values(config: ConfigType) -> ConfigType: """Remove keys from config where the value is an empty string or None.""" return {key: value for key, value in config.items() if value not in ("", None)} def check_type_schema_map( schema_map: dict[str, vol.Schema], ) -> Callable[[ConfigType], ConfigType]: """Check type specific schema against config.""" def _check_type_schema(config: ConfigType) -> ConfigType: """Check type specific schema against config.""" return cast(ConfigType, schema_map[str(config[CONF_TYPE])](config)) return _check_type_schema def copy_available_params( input_dict: dict[str, Any], output_dict: dict[str, Any], params: list[str] ) -> None: """Copy available params from input into output.""" output_dict.update( {param: input_dict[param] for param in params if param in input_dict} ) def get_value_state_schema(value: ZwaveValue) -> vol.Schema | None: """Return device automation schema for a config entry.""" if isinstance(value, ConfigurationValue): min_ = value.metadata.min max_ = value.metadata.max if value.configuration_value_type in ( ConfigurationValueType.RANGE, ConfigurationValueType.MANUAL_ENTRY, ): return vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=min_, max=max_)) if value.configuration_value_type == ConfigurationValueType.BOOLEAN: return vol.Coerce(bool) if value.configuration_value_type == ConfigurationValueType.ENUMERATED: return vol.In({int(k): v for k, v in value.metadata.states.items()}) return None if value.metadata.states: return vol.In({int(k): v for k, v in value.metadata.states.items()}) return vol.All( vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=value.metadata.min, max=value.metadata.max), ) def get_device_info(driver: Driver, node: ZwaveNode) -> DeviceInfo: """Get DeviceInfo for node.""" return DeviceInfo( identifiers={get_device_id(driver, node)}, sw_version=node.firmware_version, name=node.name or node.device_config.description or f"Node {node.node_id}", model=node.device_config.label, manufacturer=node.device_config.manufacturer, suggested_area=node.location if node.location else None, ) def get_network_identifier_for_notification( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, controller: Controller ) -> str: """Return the network identifier string for persistent notifications.""" home_id = str(controller.home_id) if len(hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)) > 1: if str(home_id) != config_entry.title: return f"`{config_entry.title}`, with the home ID `{home_id}`," return f"with the home ID `{home_id}`" return ""