""" Support for the Xiaomi IR Remote (Chuangmi IR). For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation https://home-assistant.io/components/remote.xiaomi_miio/ """ import asyncio import logging import time from datetime import timedelta import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.remote import ( PLATFORM_SCHEMA, DOMAIN, ATTR_NUM_REPEATS, ATTR_DELAY_SECS, DEFAULT_DELAY_SECS, RemoteDevice) from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_NAME, CONF_HOST, CONF_TOKEN, CONF_TIMEOUT, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_HIDDEN, CONF_COMMAND) from homeassistant.exceptions import PlatformNotReady import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.util.dt import utcnow REQUIREMENTS = ['python-miio==0.4.0', 'construct==2.9.41'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SERVICE_LEARN = 'xiaomi_miio_learn_command' DATA_KEY = 'remote.xiaomi_miio' CONF_SLOT = 'slot' CONF_COMMANDS = 'commands' DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10 DEFAULT_SLOT = 1 LEARN_COMMAND_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): vol.All(str), vol.Optional(CONF_TIMEOUT, default=10): vol.All(int, vol.Range(min=0)), vol.Optional(CONF_SLOT, default=1): vol.All(int, vol.Range(min=1, max=1000000)), }) COMMAND_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required(CONF_COMMAND): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]) }) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend({ vol.Optional(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_TIMEOUT, default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): vol.All(int, vol.Range(min=0)), vol.Optional(CONF_SLOT, default=DEFAULT_SLOT): vol.All(int, vol.Range(min=1, max=1000000)), vol.Optional(ATTR_HIDDEN, default=True): cv.boolean, vol.Required(CONF_TOKEN): vol.All(str, vol.Length(min=32, max=32)), vol.Optional(CONF_COMMANDS, default={}): vol.Schema({cv.slug: COMMAND_SCHEMA}), }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) @asyncio.coroutine def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_devices, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Xiaomi IR Remote (Chuangmi IR) platform.""" from miio import ChuangmiIr, DeviceException host = config.get(CONF_HOST) token = config.get(CONF_TOKEN) # Create handler _LOGGER.info("Initializing with host %s (token %s...)", host, token[:5]) # The Chuang Mi IR Remote Controller wants to be re-discovered every # 5 minutes. As long as polling is disabled the device should be # re-discovered (lazy_discover=False) in front of every command. device = ChuangmiIr(host, token, lazy_discover=False) # Check that we can communicate with device. try: device_info = device.info() model = device_info.model unique_id = "{}-{}".format(model, device_info.mac_address) _LOGGER.info("%s %s %s detected", model, device_info.firmware_version, device_info.hardware_version) except DeviceException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Device unavailable or token incorrect: %s", ex) raise PlatformNotReady if DATA_KEY not in hass.data: hass.data[DATA_KEY] = {} friendly_name = config.get(CONF_NAME, "xiaomi_miio_" + host.replace('.', '_')) slot = config.get(CONF_SLOT) timeout = config.get(CONF_TIMEOUT) hidden = config.get(ATTR_HIDDEN) xiaomi_miio_remote = XiaomiMiioRemote(friendly_name, device, unique_id, slot, timeout, hidden, config.get(CONF_COMMANDS)) hass.data[DATA_KEY][host] = xiaomi_miio_remote async_add_devices([xiaomi_miio_remote]) @asyncio.coroutine def async_service_handler(service): """Handle a learn command.""" if service.service != SERVICE_LEARN: _LOGGER.error("We should not handle service: %s", service.service) return entity_id = service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) entity = None for remote in hass.data[DATA_KEY].values(): if remote.entity_id == entity_id: entity = remote if not entity: _LOGGER.error("entity_id: '%s' not found", entity_id) return device = entity.device slot = service.data.get(CONF_SLOT, entity.slot) yield from hass.async_add_job(device.learn, slot) timeout = service.data.get(CONF_TIMEOUT, entity.timeout) _LOGGER.info("Press the key you want Home Assistant to learn") start_time = utcnow() while (utcnow() - start_time) < timedelta(seconds=timeout): message = yield from hass.async_add_job( device.read, slot) _LOGGER.debug("Message received from device: '%s'", message) if 'code' in message and message['code']: log_msg = "Received command is: {}".format(message['code']) _LOGGER.info(log_msg) hass.components.persistent_notification.async_create( log_msg, title='Xiaomi Miio Remote') return if ('error' in message and message['error']['message'] == "learn timeout"): yield from hass.async_add_job(device.learn, slot) yield from asyncio.sleep(1, loop=hass.loop) _LOGGER.error("Timeout. No infrared command captured") hass.components.persistent_notification.async_create( "Timeout. No infrared command captured", title='Xiaomi Miio Remote') hass.services.async_register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_LEARN, async_service_handler, schema=LEARN_COMMAND_SCHEMA) class XiaomiMiioRemote(RemoteDevice): """Representation of a Xiaomi Miio Remote device.""" def __init__(self, friendly_name, device, unique_id, slot, timeout, hidden, commands): """Initialize the remote.""" self._name = friendly_name self._device = device self._unique_id = unique_id self._is_hidden = hidden self._slot = slot self._timeout = timeout self._state = False self._commands = commands @property def unique_id(self): """Return an unique ID.""" return self._unique_id @property def name(self): """Return the name of the remote.""" return self._name @property def device(self): """Return the remote object.""" return self._device @property def hidden(self): """Return if we should hide entity.""" return self._is_hidden @property def slot(self): """Return the slot to save learned command.""" return self._slot @property def timeout(self): """Return the timeout for learning command.""" return self._timeout @property def is_on(self): """Return False if device is unreachable, else True.""" from miio import DeviceException try: self.device.info() return True except DeviceException: return False @property def should_poll(self): """We should not be polled for device up state.""" return False @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Hide remote by default.""" if self._is_hidden: return {'hidden': 'true'} return # pylint: disable=R0201 @asyncio.coroutine def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the device on.""" _LOGGER.error("Device does not support turn_on, " + "please use 'remote.send_command' to send commands.") @asyncio.coroutine def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn the device off.""" _LOGGER.error("Device does not support turn_off, " + "please use 'remote.send_command' to send commands.") def _send_command(self, payload): """Send a command.""" from miio import DeviceException _LOGGER.debug("Sending payload: '%s'", payload) try: self.device.play(payload) except DeviceException as ex: _LOGGER.error( "Transmit of IR command failed, %s, exception: %s", payload, ex) def send_command(self, command, **kwargs): """Wrapper for _send_command.""" num_repeats = kwargs.get(ATTR_NUM_REPEATS) delay = kwargs.get(ATTR_DELAY_SECS, DEFAULT_DELAY_SECS) for _ in range(num_repeats): for payload in command: if payload in self._commands: for local_payload in self._commands[payload][CONF_COMMAND]: self._send_command(local_payload) else: self._send_command(payload) time.sleep(delay)