light_fade_start: description: Start fading a light either up or down from current brightness. fields: entity_id: description: Name(s) of lights to start fading example: "" brightness: description: Number between 0 and 255 indicating brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 255 is the maximum brightness. example: 142 brightness_pct: description: Number between 0 and 100 indicating percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 100 is the maximum brightness. example: 42 rate: description: Rate for light to transition to new brightness example: 3 light_fade_stop: description: Stop a light fade. fields: entity_id: description: Name(s) of lights to stop fadding example: ", light.family_room" light_blink: description: Blink a light fields: entity_id: description: Name(s) of lights to start fading example: "" rate: description: Number of seconds between 0 and 4.25 that the link flashes on. example: 4.2 link_deactivate: description: Deactivate a UPB scene. fields: entity_id: description: Name(s) of scenes to deactivate example: "scene.hygge" link_goto: description: Set scene to brightness. fields: entity_id: description: Name(s) of scenes to deactivate example: "scene.hygge" brightness: description: Number between 0 and 255 indicating brightness, where 0 turns the scene off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 255 is the maximum brightness. example: 120 brightness_pct: description: Number between 0 and 100 indicating percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the scene off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 100 is the maximum brightness. example: 42 rate: description: Rate in seconds for scene to transition to new brightness example: 3.42 link_fade_start: description: Start fading a link either up or down from current brightness. fields: entity_id: description: Name(s) of links to start fading example: "" brightness: description: Number between 0 and 255 indicating brightness, where 0 turns the scene off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 255 is the maximum brightness. example: 142 brightness_pct: description: Number between 0 and 100 indicating percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the scene off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 100 is the maximum brightness. example: 42 rate: description: Rate in seconds for scene to transition to new brightness example: 3.42 link_fade_stop: description: Stop a link fade. fields: entity_id: description: Name(s) of links to stop fadding example: "scene.dining, scene.no_tv" link_blink: description: Blink a link. fields: entity_id: description: Name(s) of links to start fading example: "scene.hygge" blink_rate: description: Number of seconds between 0 and 4.25 that the link flashes on. example: 1.5