"""APNS Notification platform.""" import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.config import load_yaml_config_file from homeassistant.const import ATTR_NAME, CONF_NAME, CONF_PLATFORM from homeassistant.helpers import template as template_helper import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.event import track_state_change from homeassistant.components.notify import ( ATTR_DATA, ATTR_TARGET, DOMAIN, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, BaseNotificationService, ) APNS_DEVICES = "apns.yaml" CONF_CERTFILE = "cert_file" CONF_TOPIC = "topic" CONF_SANDBOX = "sandbox" DEVICE_TRACKER_DOMAIN = "device_tracker" SERVICE_REGISTER = "apns_register" ATTR_PUSH_ID = "push_id" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_PLATFORM): "apns", vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_CERTFILE): cv.isfile, vol.Required(CONF_TOPIC): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_SANDBOX, default=False): cv.boolean, } ) REGISTER_SERVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {vol.Required(ATTR_PUSH_ID): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_NAME): cv.string} ) def get_service(hass, config, discovery_info=None): """Return push service.""" name = config.get(CONF_NAME) cert_file = config.get(CONF_CERTFILE) topic = config.get(CONF_TOPIC) sandbox = config.get(CONF_SANDBOX) service = ApnsNotificationService(hass, name, topic, sandbox, cert_file) hass.services.register( DOMAIN, f"apns_{name}", service.register, schema=REGISTER_SERVICE_SCHEMA ) return service class ApnsDevice: """ The APNS Device class. Stores information about a device that is registered for push notifications. """ def __init__(self, push_id, name, tracking_device_id=None, disabled=False): """Initialize APNS Device.""" self.device_push_id = push_id self.device_name = name self.tracking_id = tracking_device_id self.device_disabled = disabled @property def push_id(self): """Return the APNS id for the device.""" return self.device_push_id @property def name(self): """Return the friendly name for the device.""" return self.device_name @property def tracking_device_id(self): """ Return the device Id. The id of a device that is tracked by the device tracking component. """ return self.tracking_id @property def full_tracking_device_id(self): """ Return the fully qualified device id. The full id of a device that is tracked by the device tracking component. """ return f"{DEVICE_TRACKER_DOMAIN}.{self.tracking_id}" @property def disabled(self): """Return the state of the service.""" return self.device_disabled def disable(self): """Disable the device from receiving notifications.""" self.device_disabled = True def __eq__(self, other): """Return the comparison.""" if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.push_id == other.push_id and self.name == other.name return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): """Return the comparison.""" return not self.__eq__(other) def _write_device(out, device): """Write a single device to file.""" attributes = [] if device.name is not None: attributes.append(f"name: {device.name}") if device.tracking_device_id is not None: attributes.append(f"tracking_device_id: {device.tracking_device_id}") if device.disabled: attributes.append("disabled: True") out.write(device.push_id) out.write(": {") if attributes: separator = ", " out.write(separator.join(attributes)) out.write("}\n") class ApnsNotificationService(BaseNotificationService): """Implement the notification service for the APNS service.""" def __init__(self, hass, app_name, topic, sandbox, cert_file): """Initialize APNS application.""" self.hass = hass self.app_name = app_name self.sandbox = sandbox self.certificate = cert_file self.yaml_path = hass.config.path(app_name + "_" + APNS_DEVICES) self.devices = {} self.device_states = {} self.topic = topic try: self.devices = { str(key): ApnsDevice( str(key), value.get("name"), value.get("tracking_device_id"), value.get("disabled", False), ) for (key, value) in load_yaml_config_file(self.yaml_path).items() } except FileNotFoundError: pass tracking_ids = [ device.full_tracking_device_id for (key, device) in self.devices.items() if device.tracking_device_id is not None ] track_state_change(hass, tracking_ids, self.device_state_changed_listener) def device_state_changed_listener(self, entity_id, from_s, to_s): """ Listen for sate change. Track device state change if a device has a tracking id specified. """ self.device_states[entity_id] = str(to_s.state) def write_devices(self): """Write all known devices to file.""" with open(self.yaml_path, "w+") as out: for _, device in self.devices.items(): _write_device(out, device) def register(self, call): """Register a device to receive push messages.""" push_id = call.data.get(ATTR_PUSH_ID) device_name = call.data.get(ATTR_NAME) current_device = self.devices.get(push_id) current_tracking_id = ( None if current_device is None else current_device.tracking_device_id ) device = ApnsDevice(push_id, device_name, current_tracking_id) if current_device is None: self.devices[push_id] = device with open(self.yaml_path, "a") as out: _write_device(out, device) return True if device != current_device: self.devices[push_id] = device self.write_devices() return True def send_message(self, message=None, **kwargs): """Send push message to registered devices.""" from apns2.client import APNsClient from apns2.payload import Payload from apns2.errors import Unregistered apns = APNsClient( self.certificate, use_sandbox=self.sandbox, use_alternative_port=False ) device_state = kwargs.get(ATTR_TARGET) message_data = kwargs.get(ATTR_DATA) if message_data is None: message_data = {} if isinstance(message, str): rendered_message = message elif isinstance(message, template_helper.Template): rendered_message = message.render() else: rendered_message = "" payload = Payload( alert=rendered_message, badge=message_data.get("badge"), sound=message_data.get("sound"), category=message_data.get("category"), custom=message_data.get("custom", {}), content_available=message_data.get("content_available", False), ) device_update = False for push_id, device in self.devices.items(): if not device.disabled: state = None if device.tracking_device_id is not None: state = self.device_states.get(device.full_tracking_device_id) if device_state is None or state == str(device_state): try: apns.send_notification(push_id, payload, topic=self.topic) except Unregistered: logging.error("Device %s has unregistered", push_id) device_update = True device.disable() if device_update: self.write_devices() return True