"""Coordinators for the Shelly integration.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Callable, Coroutine from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import timedelta from functools import cached_property from typing import Any, cast from aioshelly.ble import async_ensure_ble_enabled, async_stop_scanner from aioshelly.block_device import BlockDevice, BlockUpdateType from aioshelly.const import MODEL_NAMES, MODEL_VALVE from aioshelly.exceptions import DeviceConnectionError, InvalidAuthError, RpcCallError from aioshelly.rpc_device import RpcDevice, RpcUpdateType from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry, ConfigEntryState from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_DEVICE_ID, CONF_HOST, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, Platform, ) from homeassistant.core import CALLBACK_TYPE, Event, HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr, issue_registry as ir from homeassistant.helpers.debounce import Debouncer from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC from homeassistant.helpers.update_coordinator import DataUpdateCoordinator, UpdateFailed from .bluetooth import async_connect_scanner from .const import ( ATTR_CHANNEL, ATTR_CLICK_TYPE, ATTR_DEVICE, ATTR_GENERATION, BATTERY_DEVICES_WITH_PERMANENT_CONNECTION, CONF_BLE_SCANNER_MODE, CONF_SLEEP_PERIOD, DOMAIN, DUAL_MODE_LIGHT_MODELS, ENTRY_RELOAD_COOLDOWN, EVENT_SHELLY_CLICK, INPUTS_EVENTS_DICT, LOGGER, MAX_PUSH_UPDATE_FAILURES, MODELS_SUPPORTING_LIGHT_EFFECTS, OTA_BEGIN, OTA_ERROR, OTA_PROGRESS, OTA_SUCCESS, PUSH_UPDATE_ISSUE_ID, REST_SENSORS_UPDATE_INTERVAL, RPC_INPUTS_EVENTS_TYPES, RPC_RECONNECT_INTERVAL, RPC_SENSORS_POLLING_INTERVAL, SHBTN_MODELS, UPDATE_PERIOD_MULTIPLIER, BLEScannerMode, ) from .utils import ( async_create_issue_unsupported_firmware, get_block_device_sleep_period, get_device_entry_gen, get_host, get_http_port, get_rpc_device_wakeup_period, get_rpc_ws_url, update_device_fw_info, ) @dataclass class ShellyEntryData: """Class for sharing data within a given config entry.""" platforms: list[Platform] block: ShellyBlockCoordinator | None = None rest: ShellyRestCoordinator | None = None rpc: ShellyRpcCoordinator | None = None rpc_poll: ShellyRpcPollingCoordinator | None = None type ShellyConfigEntry = ConfigEntry[ShellyEntryData] class ShellyCoordinatorBase[_DeviceT: BlockDevice | RpcDevice]( DataUpdateCoordinator[None] ): """Coordinator for a Shelly device.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ShellyConfigEntry, device: _DeviceT, update_interval: float, ) -> None: """Initialize the Shelly device coordinator.""" self.entry = entry self.device = device self.device_id: str | None = None self._pending_platforms: list[Platform] | None = None device_name = device.name if device.initialized else entry.title interval_td = timedelta(seconds=update_interval) # The device has come online at least once. In the case of a sleeping RPC # device, this means that the device has connected to the WS server at least once. self._came_online_once = False super().__init__(hass, LOGGER, name=device_name, update_interval=interval_td) self._debounced_reload: Debouncer[Coroutine[Any, Any, None]] = Debouncer( hass, LOGGER, cooldown=ENTRY_RELOAD_COOLDOWN, immediate=False, function=self._async_reload_entry, ) entry.async_on_unload(self._debounced_reload.async_shutdown) entry.async_on_unload( hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, self._handle_ha_stop) ) @cached_property def model(self) -> str: """Model of the device.""" return cast(str, self.entry.data["model"]) @cached_property def mac(self) -> str: """Mac address of the device.""" return cast(str, self.entry.unique_id) @property def sw_version(self) -> str: """Firmware version of the device.""" return self.device.firmware_version if self.device.initialized else "" @property def sleep_period(self) -> int: """Sleep period of the device.""" return self.entry.data.get(CONF_SLEEP_PERIOD, 0) def async_setup(self, pending_platforms: list[Platform] | None = None) -> None: """Set up the coordinator.""" self._pending_platforms = pending_platforms dev_reg = dr.async_get(self.hass) device_entry = dev_reg.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=self.entry.entry_id, name=self.name, connections={(CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, self.mac)}, manufacturer="Shelly", model=MODEL_NAMES.get(self.model), model_id=self.model, sw_version=self.sw_version, hw_version=f"gen{get_device_entry_gen(self.entry)}", configuration_url=f"http://{get_host(self.entry.data[CONF_HOST])}:{get_http_port(self.entry.data)}", ) self.device_id = device_entry.id async def shutdown(self) -> None: """Shutdown the coordinator.""" await self.device.shutdown() async def _handle_ha_stop(self, _event: Event) -> None: """Handle Home Assistant stopping.""" LOGGER.debug("Stopping RPC device coordinator for %s", self.name) await self.shutdown() async def _async_device_connect_task(self) -> bool: """Connect to a Shelly device task.""" LOGGER.debug("Connecting to Shelly Device - %s", self.name) try: await self.device.initialize() update_device_fw_info(self.hass, self.device, self.entry) except DeviceConnectionError as err: LOGGER.debug( "Error connecting to Shelly device %s, error: %r", self.name, err ) return False except InvalidAuthError: self.entry.async_start_reauth(self.hass) return False if not self.device.firmware_supported: async_create_issue_unsupported_firmware(self.hass, self.entry) return False if not self._pending_platforms: return True LOGGER.debug("Device %s is online, resuming setup", self.name) platforms = self._pending_platforms self._pending_platforms = None data = {**self.entry.data} # Update sleep_period old_sleep_period = data[CONF_SLEEP_PERIOD] if isinstance(self.device, RpcDevice): new_sleep_period = get_rpc_device_wakeup_period(self.device.status) elif isinstance(self.device, BlockDevice): new_sleep_period = get_block_device_sleep_period(self.device.settings) if new_sleep_period != old_sleep_period: data[CONF_SLEEP_PERIOD] = new_sleep_period self.hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(self.entry, data=data) # Resume platform setup await self.hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setups(self.entry, platforms) return True async def _async_reload_entry(self) -> None: """Reload entry.""" self._debounced_reload.async_cancel() LOGGER.debug("Reloading entry %s", self.name) await self.hass.config_entries.async_reload(self.entry.entry_id) async def async_shutdown_device_and_start_reauth(self) -> None: """Shutdown Shelly device and start reauth flow.""" # not running disconnect events since we have auth error # and won't be able to send commands to the device self.last_update_success = False await self.shutdown() self.entry.async_start_reauth(self.hass) class ShellyBlockCoordinator(ShellyCoordinatorBase[BlockDevice]): """Coordinator for a Shelly block based device.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ShellyConfigEntry, device: BlockDevice ) -> None: """Initialize the Shelly block device coordinator.""" self.entry = entry if self.sleep_period: update_interval = UPDATE_PERIOD_MULTIPLIER * self.sleep_period else: update_interval = ( UPDATE_PERIOD_MULTIPLIER * device.settings["coiot"]["update_period"] ) super().__init__(hass, entry, device, update_interval) self._last_cfg_changed: int | None = None self._last_mode: str | None = None self._last_effect: str | None = None self._last_input_events_count: dict = {} self._last_target_temp: float | None = None self._push_update_failures: int = 0 self._input_event_listeners: list[Callable[[dict[str, Any]], None]] = [] entry.async_on_unload( self.async_add_listener(self._async_device_updates_handler) ) @callback def async_subscribe_input_events( self, input_event_callback: Callable[[dict[str, Any]], None] ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Subscribe to input events.""" def _unsubscribe() -> None: self._input_event_listeners.remove(input_event_callback) self._input_event_listeners.append(input_event_callback) return _unsubscribe @callback def _async_device_updates_handler(self) -> None: """Handle device updates.""" if not self.device.initialized: return # For buttons which are battery powered - set initial value for last_event_count if self.model in SHBTN_MODELS and self._last_input_events_count.get(1) is None: for block in self.device.blocks: if block.type != "device": continue wakeup_event = cast(list, block.wakeupEvent) if len(wakeup_event) == 1 and wakeup_event[0] == "button": self._last_input_events_count[1] = -1 break # Check for input events and config change cfg_changed = 0 for block in self.device.blocks: if block.type == "device" and block.cfgChanged is not None: cfg_changed = cast(int, block.cfgChanged) # Shelly TRV sends information about changing the configuration for no # reason, reloading the config entry is not needed for it. if self.model == MODEL_VALVE: self._last_cfg_changed = None # For dual mode bulbs ignore change if it is due to mode/effect change if self.model in DUAL_MODE_LIGHT_MODELS: if "mode" in block.sensor_ids: if self._last_mode != block.mode: self._last_cfg_changed = None self._last_mode = block.mode if self.model in MODELS_SUPPORTING_LIGHT_EFFECTS: if "effect" in block.sensor_ids: if self._last_effect != block.effect: self._last_cfg_changed = None self._last_effect = block.effect if ( "inputEvent" not in block.sensor_ids or "inputEventCnt" not in block.sensor_ids ): LOGGER.debug("Skipping non-input event block %s", block.description) continue channel = int(block.channel or 0) + 1 event_type = block.inputEvent last_event_count = self._last_input_events_count.get(channel) self._last_input_events_count[channel] = block.inputEventCnt if ( last_event_count is None or last_event_count == block.inputEventCnt or event_type == "" ): LOGGER.debug("Skipping block event %s", event_type) continue if event_type in INPUTS_EVENTS_DICT: for event_callback in self._input_event_listeners: event_callback( {"channel": channel, "event": INPUTS_EVENTS_DICT[event_type]} ) self.hass.bus.async_fire( EVENT_SHELLY_CLICK, { ATTR_DEVICE_ID: self.device_id, ATTR_DEVICE: self.device.settings["device"]["hostname"], ATTR_CHANNEL: channel, ATTR_CLICK_TYPE: INPUTS_EVENTS_DICT[event_type], ATTR_GENERATION: 1, }, ) if self._last_cfg_changed is not None and cfg_changed > self._last_cfg_changed: LOGGER.info( "Config for %s changed, reloading entry in %s seconds", self.name, ENTRY_RELOAD_COOLDOWN, ) self._debounced_reload.async_schedule_call() self._last_cfg_changed = cfg_changed async def _async_update_data(self) -> None: """Fetch data.""" if self.sleep_period: # Sleeping device, no point polling it, just mark it unavailable raise UpdateFailed( f"Sleeping device did not update within {self.sleep_period} seconds interval" ) LOGGER.debug("Polling Shelly Block Device - %s", self.name) try: await self.device.update() except DeviceConnectionError as err: raise UpdateFailed(f"Error fetching data: {err!r}") from err except InvalidAuthError: await self.async_shutdown_device_and_start_reauth() @callback def _async_handle_update( self, device_: BlockDevice, update_type: BlockUpdateType ) -> None: """Handle device update.""" LOGGER.debug("Shelly %s handle update, type: %s", self.name, update_type) if update_type is BlockUpdateType.ONLINE: self._came_online_once = True self.entry.async_create_background_task( self.hass, self._async_device_connect_task(), "block device online", eager_start=True, ) elif update_type is BlockUpdateType.COAP_PERIODIC: if self._push_update_failures >= MAX_PUSH_UPDATE_FAILURES: ir.async_delete_issue( self.hass, DOMAIN, PUSH_UPDATE_ISSUE_ID.format(unique=self.mac), ) self._push_update_failures = 0 elif update_type is BlockUpdateType.COAP_REPLY: self._push_update_failures += 1 if self._push_update_failures == MAX_PUSH_UPDATE_FAILURES: LOGGER.debug( "Creating issue %s", PUSH_UPDATE_ISSUE_ID.format(unique=self.mac) ) ir.async_create_issue( self.hass, DOMAIN, PUSH_UPDATE_ISSUE_ID.format(unique=self.mac), is_fixable=False, is_persistent=False, severity=ir.IssueSeverity.ERROR, learn_more_url="https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/shelly/#shelly-device-configuration-generation-1", translation_key="push_update_failure", translation_placeholders={ "device_name": self.entry.title, "ip_address": self.device.ip_address, }, ) if self._push_update_failures: LOGGER.debug( "Push update failures for %s: %s", self.name, self._push_update_failures ) self.async_set_updated_data(None) def async_setup(self, pending_platforms: list[Platform] | None = None) -> None: """Set up the coordinator.""" super().async_setup(pending_platforms) self.device.subscribe_updates(self._async_handle_update) class ShellyRestCoordinator(ShellyCoordinatorBase[BlockDevice]): """Coordinator for a Shelly REST device.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, device: BlockDevice, entry: ShellyConfigEntry ) -> None: """Initialize the Shelly REST device coordinator.""" update_interval = REST_SENSORS_UPDATE_INTERVAL if ( device.settings["device"]["type"] in BATTERY_DEVICES_WITH_PERMANENT_CONNECTION ): update_interval = ( UPDATE_PERIOD_MULTIPLIER * device.settings["coiot"]["update_period"] ) super().__init__(hass, entry, device, update_interval) async def _async_update_data(self) -> None: """Fetch data.""" LOGGER.debug("REST update for %s", self.name) try: await self.device.update_status() if self.device.status["uptime"] > 2 * REST_SENSORS_UPDATE_INTERVAL: return await self.device.update_shelly() except DeviceConnectionError as err: raise UpdateFailed(f"Error fetching data: {err!r}") from err except InvalidAuthError: await self.async_shutdown_device_and_start_reauth() else: update_device_fw_info(self.hass, self.device, self.entry) class ShellyRpcCoordinator(ShellyCoordinatorBase[RpcDevice]): """Coordinator for a Shelly RPC based device.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ShellyConfigEntry, device: RpcDevice ) -> None: """Initialize the Shelly RPC device coordinator.""" self.entry = entry if self.sleep_period: update_interval = UPDATE_PERIOD_MULTIPLIER * self.sleep_period else: update_interval = RPC_RECONNECT_INTERVAL super().__init__(hass, entry, device, update_interval) self.connected = False self._disconnected_callbacks: list[CALLBACK_TYPE] = [] self._connection_lock = asyncio.Lock() self._event_listeners: list[Callable[[dict[str, Any]], None]] = [] self._ota_event_listeners: list[Callable[[dict[str, Any]], None]] = [] self._input_event_listeners: list[Callable[[dict[str, Any]], None]] = [] self._connect_task: asyncio.Task | None = None entry.async_on_unload(entry.add_update_listener(self._async_update_listener)) async def async_device_online(self, source: str) -> None: """Handle device going online.""" if not self.sleep_period: await self.async_request_refresh() elif not self._came_online_once or not self.device.initialized: LOGGER.debug( "Sleepy device %s is online (source: %s), trying to poll and configure", self.name, source, ) # Source told us the device is online, try to poll # the device and if possible, set up the outbound # websocket so the device will send us updates # instead of relying on polling it fast enough before # it goes to sleep again self._async_handle_rpc_device_online() def update_sleep_period(self) -> bool: """Check device sleep period & update if changed.""" if ( not self.device.initialized or not (wakeup_period := get_rpc_device_wakeup_period(self.device.status)) or wakeup_period == self.sleep_period ): return False data = {**self.entry.data} data[CONF_SLEEP_PERIOD] = wakeup_period self.hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(self.entry, data=data) update_interval = UPDATE_PERIOD_MULTIPLIER * wakeup_period self.update_interval = timedelta(seconds=update_interval) return True @callback def async_subscribe_ota_events( self, ota_event_callback: Callable[[dict[str, Any]], None] ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Subscribe to OTA events.""" def _unsubscribe() -> None: self._ota_event_listeners.remove(ota_event_callback) self._ota_event_listeners.append(ota_event_callback) return _unsubscribe @callback def async_subscribe_input_events( self, input_event_callback: Callable[[dict[str, Any]], None] ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Subscribe to input events.""" def _unsubscribe() -> None: self._input_event_listeners.remove(input_event_callback) self._input_event_listeners.append(input_event_callback) return _unsubscribe @callback def async_subscribe_events( self, event_callback: Callable[[dict[str, Any]], None] ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Subscribe to events.""" def _unsubscribe() -> None: self._event_listeners.remove(event_callback) self._event_listeners.append(event_callback) return _unsubscribe async def _async_update_listener( self, hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ShellyConfigEntry ) -> None: """Reconfigure on update.""" async with self._connection_lock: if self.connected: self._async_run_disconnected_events() await self._async_run_connected_events() @callback def _async_device_event_handler(self, event_data: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Handle device events.""" events: list[dict[str, Any]] = event_data["events"] for event in events: event_type = event.get("event") if event_type is None: continue for event_callback in self._event_listeners: event_callback(event) if event_type in ("component_added", "component_removed", "config_changed"): self.update_sleep_period() LOGGER.info( "Config for %s changed, reloading entry in %s seconds", self.name, ENTRY_RELOAD_COOLDOWN, ) self._debounced_reload.async_schedule_call() elif event_type in RPC_INPUTS_EVENTS_TYPES: for event_callback in self._input_event_listeners: event_callback(event) self.hass.bus.async_fire( EVENT_SHELLY_CLICK, { ATTR_DEVICE_ID: self.device_id, ATTR_DEVICE: self.device.hostname, ATTR_CHANNEL: event["id"] + 1, ATTR_CLICK_TYPE: event["event"], ATTR_GENERATION: 2, }, ) elif event_type in (OTA_BEGIN, OTA_ERROR, OTA_PROGRESS, OTA_SUCCESS): for event_callback in self._ota_event_listeners: event_callback(event) async def _async_update_data(self) -> None: """Fetch data.""" if self.update_sleep_period(): return if self.sleep_period: # Sleeping device, no point polling it, just mark it unavailable raise UpdateFailed( f"Sleeping device did not update within {self.sleep_period} seconds interval" ) async with self._connection_lock: if self.device.connected: # Already connected return if not await self._async_device_connect_task(): raise UpdateFailed("Device reconnect error") async def _async_disconnected(self, reconnect: bool) -> None: """Handle device disconnected.""" async with self._connection_lock: if not self.connected: # Already disconnected return self.connected = False # Sleeping devices send data and disconnect # There are no disconnect events for sleeping devices # but we do need to make sure self.connected is False if self.sleep_period: return self._async_run_disconnected_events() # Try to reconnect right away if triggered by disconnect event if reconnect: await self.async_request_refresh() @callback def _async_run_disconnected_events(self) -> None: """Run disconnected events. This will be executed on disconnect or when the config entry is updated. """ for disconnected_callback in self._disconnected_callbacks: disconnected_callback() self._disconnected_callbacks.clear() async def _async_connected(self) -> None: """Handle device connected.""" async with self._connection_lock: if self.connected: # Already connected return self.connected = True try: await self._async_run_connected_events() except DeviceConnectionError as err: LOGGER.error( "Error running connected events for device %s: %s", self.name, err ) self.last_update_success = False async def _async_run_connected_events(self) -> None: """Run connected events. This will be executed on connect or when the config entry is updated. """ if not self.sleep_period: await self._async_connect_ble_scanner() else: await self._async_setup_outbound_websocket() async def _async_setup_outbound_websocket(self) -> None: """Set up outbound websocket if it is not enabled.""" config = self.device.config if ( (ws_config := config.get("ws")) and (not ws_config["server"] or not ws_config["enable"]) and (ws_url := get_rpc_ws_url(self.hass)) ): LOGGER.debug( "Setting up outbound websocket for device %s - %s", self.name, ws_url ) await self.device.update_outbound_websocket(ws_url) async def _async_connect_ble_scanner(self) -> None: """Connect BLE scanner.""" ble_scanner_mode = self.entry.options.get( CONF_BLE_SCANNER_MODE, BLEScannerMode.DISABLED ) if ble_scanner_mode == BLEScannerMode.DISABLED and self.connected: await async_stop_scanner(self.device) return if await async_ensure_ble_enabled(self.device): # BLE enable required a reboot, don't bother connecting # the scanner since it will be disconnected anyway return self._disconnected_callbacks.append( await async_connect_scanner(self.hass, self, ble_scanner_mode) ) @callback def _async_handle_rpc_device_online(self) -> None: """Handle device going online.""" if self.device.connected or ( self._connect_task and not self._connect_task.done() ): LOGGER.debug("Device %s already connected/connecting", self.name) return self._connect_task = self.entry.async_create_background_task( self.hass, self._async_device_connect_task(), "rpc device online", eager_start=True, ) @callback def _async_handle_update( self, device_: RpcDevice, update_type: RpcUpdateType ) -> None: """Handle device update.""" LOGGER.debug("Shelly %s handle update, type: %s", self.name, update_type) if update_type is RpcUpdateType.ONLINE: self._came_online_once = True self._async_handle_rpc_device_online() elif update_type is RpcUpdateType.INITIALIZED: self.entry.async_create_background_task( self.hass, self._async_connected(), "rpc device init", eager_start=True ) # Make sure entities are marked available self.async_set_updated_data(None) elif update_type is RpcUpdateType.DISCONNECTED: self.entry.async_create_background_task( self.hass, self._async_disconnected(True), "rpc device disconnected", eager_start=True, ) # Make sure entities are marked as unavailable self.async_set_updated_data(None) elif update_type is RpcUpdateType.STATUS: self.async_set_updated_data(None) if self.sleep_period: update_device_fw_info(self.hass, self.device, self.entry) elif update_type is RpcUpdateType.EVENT and (event := self.device.event): self._async_device_event_handler(event) def async_setup(self, pending_platforms: list[Platform] | None = None) -> None: """Set up the coordinator.""" super().async_setup(pending_platforms) self.device.subscribe_updates(self._async_handle_update) if self.device.initialized: # If we are already initialized, we are connected self.entry.async_create_task( self.hass, self._async_connected(), eager_start=True ) async def shutdown(self) -> None: """Shutdown the coordinator.""" if self.device.connected: try: if not self.sleep_period: await async_stop_scanner(self.device) await super().shutdown() except InvalidAuthError: self.entry.async_start_reauth(self.hass) return except DeviceConnectionError as err: # If the device is restarting or has gone offline before # the ping/pong timeout happens, the shutdown command # will fail, but we don't care since we are unloading # and if we setup again, we will fix anything that is # in an inconsistent state at that time. LOGGER.debug("Error during shutdown for device %s: %s", self.name, err) return await self._async_disconnected(False) class ShellyRpcPollingCoordinator(ShellyCoordinatorBase[RpcDevice]): """Polling coordinator for a Shelly RPC based device.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ShellyConfigEntry, device: RpcDevice ) -> None: """Initialize the RPC polling coordinator.""" super().__init__(hass, entry, device, RPC_SENSORS_POLLING_INTERVAL) async def _async_update_data(self) -> None: """Fetch data.""" if not self.device.connected: raise UpdateFailed("Device disconnected") LOGGER.debug("Polling Shelly RPC Device - %s", self.name) try: await self.device.poll() except (DeviceConnectionError, RpcCallError) as err: raise UpdateFailed(f"Device disconnected: {err!r}") from err except InvalidAuthError: await self.async_shutdown_device_and_start_reauth() def get_block_coordinator_by_device_id( hass: HomeAssistant, device_id: str ) -> ShellyBlockCoordinator | None: """Get a Shelly block device coordinator for the given device id.""" dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) if device := dev_reg.async_get(device_id): for config_entry in device.config_entries: entry = hass.config_entries.async_get_entry(config_entry) if ( entry and entry.state is ConfigEntryState.LOADED and hasattr(entry, "runtime_data") and isinstance(entry.runtime_data, ShellyEntryData) and (coordinator := entry.runtime_data.block) ): return coordinator return None def get_rpc_coordinator_by_device_id( hass: HomeAssistant, device_id: str ) -> ShellyRpcCoordinator | None: """Get a Shelly RPC device coordinator for the given device id.""" dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) if device := dev_reg.async_get(device_id): for config_entry in device.config_entries: entry = hass.config_entries.async_get_entry(config_entry) if ( entry and entry.state is ConfigEntryState.LOADED and hasattr(entry, "runtime_data") and isinstance(entry.runtime_data, ShellyEntryData) and (coordinator := entry.runtime_data.rpc) ): return coordinator return None async def async_reconnect_soon(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ShellyConfigEntry) -> None: """Try to reconnect soon.""" if ( not hass.is_stopping and entry.state is ConfigEntryState.LOADED and (coordinator := entry.runtime_data.rpc) ): entry.async_create_background_task( hass, coordinator.async_device_online("zeroconf"), "reconnect soon", eager_start=True, )