"""Validate integrations which can be setup from YAML have config schemas.""" from __future__ import annotations import ast from homeassistant.core import DOMAIN as HOMEASSISTANT_DOMAIN from . import ast_parse_module from .model import Config, Integration CONFIG_SCHEMA_IGNORE = { # Configuration under the homeassistant key is a special case, it's handled by # core_config.async_process_ha_core_config already during bootstrapping, not by # a schema in the homeassistant integration. HOMEASSISTANT_DOMAIN, } def _has_assignment(module: ast.Module, name: str) -> bool: """Test if the module assigns to a name.""" for item in module.body: if type(item) not in (ast.Assign, ast.AnnAssign, ast.AugAssign): continue if type(item) is ast.Assign: for target in item.targets: if getattr(target, "id", None) == name: return True continue if item.target.id == name: return True return False def _has_function( module: ast.Module, _type: ast.AsyncFunctionDef | ast.FunctionDef, name: str ) -> bool: """Test if the module defines a function.""" return any(type(item) is _type and item.name == name for item in module.body) def _has_import(module: ast.Module, name: str) -> bool: """Test if the module imports to a name.""" for item in module.body: if type(item) not in (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom): continue for alias in item.names: if alias.asname == name or (alias.asname is None and alias.name == name): return True return False def _validate_integration(config: Config, integration: Integration) -> None: """Validate integration has has a configuration schema.""" if integration.domain in CONFIG_SCHEMA_IGNORE: return init_file = integration.path / "__init__.py" if not init_file.is_file(): # Virtual integrations don't have any implementation return init = ast_parse_module(init_file) # No YAML Support if not _has_function( init, ast.AsyncFunctionDef, "async_setup" ) and not _has_function(init, ast.FunctionDef, "setup"): return # No schema if ( _has_assignment(init, "CONFIG_SCHEMA") or _has_assignment(init, "PLATFORM_SCHEMA") or _has_assignment(init, "PLATFORM_SCHEMA_BASE") or _has_import(init, "CONFIG_SCHEMA") or _has_import(init, "PLATFORM_SCHEMA") or _has_import(init, "PLATFORM_SCHEMA_BASE") ): return config_file = integration.path / "config.py" if config_file.is_file(): config_module = ast_parse_module(config_file) if _has_function(config_module, ast.AsyncFunctionDef, "async_validate_config"): return if config.specific_integrations: notice_method = integration.add_warning else: notice_method = integration.add_error notice_method( "config_schema", "Integrations which implement 'async_setup' or 'setup' must define either " "'CONFIG_SCHEMA', 'PLATFORM_SCHEMA' or 'PLATFORM_SCHEMA_BASE'. If the " "integration has no configuration parameters, can only be set up from platforms" " or can only be set up from config entries, one of the helpers " "cv.empty_config_schema, cv.platform_only_config_schema or " "cv.config_entry_only_config_schema can be used.", ) def validate(integrations: dict[str, Integration], config: Config) -> None: """Validate integrations have configuration schemas.""" for domain in sorted(integrations): integration = integrations[domain] _validate_integration(config, integration)